LeBeau and the Little Old Lady - S3-E25
Continuity mistake: When Newkirk and Carter are playing Gin, Newkirk puts a card on his forehead so Carter can't get it. When he puts it on his head, it's about a quarter inch below his hairline. In the close up, the card is now at the hairline. In the wide shot, the card is again about a quarter inch lower.
Factual error: Towards the end of the episode, Burkhalter gets a call from a General Seidenbaum. Anybody with such a "Jewish" name would have been weeded out of the officer corps by the Nazis. In fact, anyone of that name would have had great trouble even getting his Ariernachweis (proof or aryan ancestry), and without carrying a copy with him he could not have opened a charge account at the local bakery. Most people with such names (those who managed to pass the Nazi board of racial review) had them changed to more "German" ones like Müller or Schmidt to escape the constant bullying. A little bit of background on "jewish" names: At some time during the medieval period, Jews in the German Reich who traditionally didn't use last names were forced to have them. Many selected names like Gruenbaum, Cornfield, etc. Which over time were perceived as "typical Jewish" names, even though many bearers weren't even of Jewish faith any more.
Factual error: In this episode, the Royal Navy submarine that acts as a radio relay for Hogan's men is hunted by a destroyer. Like in most such Hollywood scenes, depth charges are seen exploding right next to the submarine, which just shrugs the blasts off. In reality, any depth charge that went off closer than 100 meters was instantly deadly to a submerged sub.
Factual error: In several episodes, Hogan's men communicate by radio with a British submarine, and the dialog hints that the sub is submerged at the time. During the WWII era, submarines could not communicate by radio without surfacing first. In most episodes one might argue that the sub could be running shallow with a mast up, which would perhaps be within the technical possibilities of the era, but in this episode, the sub is talking to Hogan's men while under attack by a destroyer. This pretty much rules out running at periscope depth, because ramming was regularly-used tactic for killing subs that were in the process of diving or surfacing. To avoid confusion: Nowadays, subs can communicate while running several hundred feet deep by using VLF and ELF. However, these are definitely not capable of transmitting voice, but are text-only.
Continuity mistake: The apple that Freddie is eating at the end goes from green to red.
Drums Along the Dusseldorf - S3-E30
Other mistake: The fire spread from the back of the canopy to the front too quickly to be real. Therefore, it had to be soaked with an accelerator.
Drums Along the Dusseldorf - S3-E30
Factual error: All through this episode, characters keep referring to the river the bridge *du jour* spans as "The Düsseldorf" or "Düsseldorf river." The city of Düsseldorf is situated on the river Rhine - there is no "Düsseldorf river." It's a well known fact that the producers were hardly geography whizzes, but not knowing the Rhine is bad even by their standards. Curiously enough, there kinda is a "Düsseldorf river" called the Düssel, and it meets the Rhine there. The Düssel however is a small streamlet that a well-trained man could probably jump over - so the mistake is still a valid one.
Drums Along the Dusseldorf - S3-E30
Continuity mistake: At the end, when Hogan and Schultz are admiring the Indian headband sent by Carter, Klink comes walking out behind them. As he stands in the door, you see Klink fold his hands in front of his waist as Hogan is talking. After Klink starts to talk, the camera cuts to a close up of him and he suddenly has his riding crop under his arm.
Clearance Sale at the Black Market - S4-E1
Character mistake: When Hogan addresses him, Major Kiegel sends the girls away from his table by saying "Raus!" The word "raus" used as an imperative literally means "out" in the sense of "leave the room" - he would be ordering the girls to leave the tavern, or at least the tap room in this case. It's not correct German to use it to send somebody away from a table.
Clearance Sale at the Black Market - S4-E1
Revealing mistake: After Kiegel shoots out the bulb the light takes a couple of extra seconds to fade out.
Clearance Sale at the Black Market - S4-E1
Revealing mistake: The Major goes to shoot out the light that the boys have turned on so Kinch can get the pictures. The first shot is angled too low to hit the bulb, but there is no impact on the front of the door's crosspiece; the smoke and dust comes from behind it. The second shot gets the bulb, but there is no muzzle flash, just sound. Also, there is no impact mark on the brick wall behind the bulb.
Clearance Sale at the Black Market - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: When Hogan is talking to Kiegel, Hogan's eyes are level as he looks across the table at Kiegel. After Kiegel says "Not good enough!", the camera cuts to a close up of Hogan, and he's now looking up as if the Major is standing. A moment later, the Major stands and leaves.
Klink vs. the Gonculator - S4-E2
Continuity mistake: In the barracks, as Lutz stands by the gonculator, Hogan's hand toys with the power cord. A second later, both his hands are at his sides.
Klink vs. the Gonculator - S4-E2
Factual error: They would never use their real names and whereabouts when talking on the radio.
How to Catch a Papa Bear - S4-E3
Factual error: In the tunnel Hogan loads a magazine into a US issue .45 pistol and points it at Myra, but he never chambered a round and didn't cock the hammer on the pistol. The .45 pistol in WW2 was single action. For a single action pistol to fire, a round needs to be chambered and the hammer has to be cocked manually before the trigger is pulled and the pistol to fire. (00:22:00)
How to Catch a Papa Bear - S4-E3
Continuity mistake: When LeBeau comes out of Hogan's quarters after feeding Newkirk chicken soup, he is holding a bowl with a spoon in his right hand. As he talks back and forth with Hogan and Schultz, the spoon jumps from in front of his thumb to behind it.
Hogan's Trucking Service... We Deliver the Factory to You - S4-E4
Audio problem: When Crittenden is figuring out military time he asks Hogan how much four and six are. The answer doesn't match Hogan's lips.
Hogan's Trucking Service... We Deliver the Factory to You - S4-E4
Deliberate mistake: When Schultz drives off with the motorcycle leaving the sidecar behind, you can see that the sidecar has been propped up. It has to be, or it would fall over. Sidecars, bringing only one wheel to the party themselves, can't stand up on their own.
Man's Best Friend Is Not His Dog - S4-E6
Revealing mistake: As Schultz holds Newkirk's hat during the search, you can see "Dawson" written on the inside band. This was to insure that Richard Dawson (Newkirk) always had the right wardrobe pieces.
Man's Best Friend Is Not His Dog - S4-E6
Factual error: When Hogan heads into Klink's flower bed to get the dog, you can see a modern steel water tank in the distance.
Answer: It's a solitary cell. Steve McQueen, star of 'The Great Escape' is known as the 'Cooler King'.