
Collision (a.k.a.Old Habits) - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: In the jungle while Sayid is tied up, when they are told to leave, Jin's handcuff is higher on his wrist. As he walks past Sayid the handcuff is so low around his hand that it would slip off easily. (00:26:45)

Tabula Rasa - S1-E3

Locke: Do you play checkers with your Pop?
Walt: No. I live in Australia with My Mom. She got sick, she died a couple of weeks ago.
Locke: You're having a bad month.

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The End (1) - S6-E17

Trivia: The Oceanic employee delivering Jack's father's body has a name visible on his navy blue overall - it is Bocklin - Arnold Bocklin is an artist famous for painting "Isle of the Dead" in 1880. (00:04:00)


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Question: In the pilot episode, the pregnant girl looks over at the bald man and he opens his mouth to reveal something bright orange. What was that?

Answer: He was eating a peice of an orange with the skin still on.


Answer: No, it is maracuya. You will see Locke eating maracuya in the following episodes as well.

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