Lost mistake picture

Raised by Another - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Claire puts up the drapes, one is caught on a plant. When Thomas walks over to the drapes, it's not caught anymore. Neither Thomas nor Claire have been near the drapes during this time. (00:16:50)


The Candidate - S6-E14

Continuity mistake: When Jack and Claire open the music box, from the back angles their heads are almost touching each other, but from the front angles it's noticeable that both guys are sitting wider apart.


The Candidate - S6-E14

Continuity mistake: After the submarine sinks, Jack is in the beach hugging Kate and a strand of wet hair is on his forehead. When the angle changes the hairstyle has changed and his forehead appears clear.


The Candidate - S6-E14

Continuity mistake: When the Smoke smashes the armed guard against the cage he lies unconscious with his left arm stretched out. A frame later, from another angle, the arm rests by his side.


316 - S5-E7

Continuity mistake: When Jack wakes Kate up on the island the first time, Kate asks if they are back. When that scene is replayed at the end of the episode, Kate's question is missing.

Cubs Fan

Dave - S2-E18

Continuity mistake: When Libby kisses Hurley at the cliff, there is a strand of Libby's hair which you can see hanging freely over her left cheek when the camera is on Hurley. When the camera is on Libby you see the same strand pinched between their heads. Then as the camera switches back on Hurley the strand hangs freely again. It's not possible that this happened only through the force of wind as their heads are stuck together quite tightly throughout the whole kiss.

Solitary - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: In the first minute of the episode when Sayid finds the wire on the beach, his left pant leg is not torn. When he follows the wire into the jungle, just before he trips Danielle's trap, the left leg of his pants is already torn, in exactly the place where the branch will stab him. (00:02:50)

Show generally

Factual error: This is across the whole show, but made perfectly clear in the episode "The Whole Truth" (Season 2). Korean women do not change their last names upon marriage. A woman in Korea cannot be identified by name as someone's wife. And they would never be addressed that way. But Sun's fertility doctor addresses her as "Mrs. Kwon". Korean women can adopt their husband's family name if they move to a country where that is commonplace, but Sun was still in Korea at this point, and even after they crashed on the island, she had only just left the country.

Lost mistake picture

The Cost of Living - S3-E5

Continuity mistake: When Yemi is reaching out to the cross that Ecko is holding in the clearing, his hand/grip on the cross differs between camera angles. In one, for example, his pinky is curled up but out straight in the following shot. (00:36:30)


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Suggested correction: That's Brett Cullen's voice.

Tabula Rasa - S1-E3

Locke: Do you play checkers with your Pop?
Walt: No. I live in Australia with My Mom. She got sick, she died a couple of weeks ago.
Locke: You're having a bad month.

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The End (1) - S6-E17

Trivia: The Oceanic employee delivering Jack's father's body has a name visible on his navy blue overall - it is Bocklin - Arnold Bocklin is an artist famous for painting "Isle of the Dead" in 1880. (00:04:00)


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Season 1 generally

Question: When Claire is pregnant with her baby, her belly looks very realistic. Does anyone know how they make it look so real?

Answer: Using a mold, a realistic pregnancy belly is made of latex (rubber), including the distinct belly button, to suit the proportions of Emilie de Ravin who plays Claire. It is then painted with a special paint/adhesive compound that adheres to the surface and for shots of the actual belly, additional veining and stretch marks are airbrushed on.

Super Grover

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