
Abandoned - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: Sayid says he will never leave Shannon and has his hand on her chin. When the camera changes angle, his hand is now higher up on her face by her ear. (00:38:20)


Abandoned - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: Just after the flashback of Shannon and Boone at a funeral, we see Ana-Lucia walking over some rocks and she puts her right leg forward as the camera changes angle. However, in the second angle, her left leg is first. (00:18:00)


...And Found - S2-E5

Character mistake: When Sun rips up her garden, she sits down with her arms crossed and head against her arms. In these shots, the position of her hands, the dirt on her hands, the dirt on her watch, all change between shots. (00:22:30)


Solitary - S1-E9

Other mistake: When Sayid is following the cable there is a shot of him walking towards the camera. In this shot on the screen left a white towel-like item flaps into shot briefly. (00:02:50)


The 23rd Psalm - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Eko is walking up to the church and the woman tells him if he buys a statue the money will pay for a polio vaccine for the village, he is wearing an earring in his right ear. Once inside the church talking to his brother, his is wearing the earring in his left ear.


Par Avion - S3-E12

Factual error: The neurosurgeon introduces himself as "Doctor" Woodruff and also has this written on his coat. In Australia, where this scene is set, surgeons are always addressed and referred to as "Mister" after the British fashion.


The End (1) - S6-E17

Audio problem: When Desmond, Locke and Jack are standing outside the cave with light, Desmond says "maybe I can find a way out for you too," or something like that. Jack replies, "there are no do-overs." The camera then goes to over Jack's right shoulder as he says, "I tried that once." However, the words don't match what his mouth is saying.

Some Like It Hoth - S5-E14

Continuity mistake: When Miles is sent to deliver "The Package" (i.e. the dead body) to Dr. Chang, after the body is taken out of the van, Miles is seen closing the door to the back of the van. After a return from a flash forward and back to 1977, the door to the back of the van is open again.

Steven Bradley

Recon - S6-E8

Continuity mistake: Season 6, episode 8 "The Package": When Charles Widmore hands Jin the camera and tells him to turn it on, the lens is already out, therefore the camera is already on. When the shot cuts away you can hear him turning the camera on and the motor extending the lens.


Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2 - S2-E24

Continuity mistake: Penny's letter to Desmond changes as he reads it. The text stays the same, but the handwriting and position of the words on the page change between the two shots where you can see the letter from the front. Also, for the audience the letter is read aloud with Penny's voice. Interesting is the fact that there is one sentence omitted: "Sorry to be so dramatic, but these are dramatic times, are they not?" (You can read this sentence in both "versions" of the letter though).

Ab Aeterno - S6-E9

Continuity mistake: Season 6, episode 9 "Ab Aeterno": When Jacob pulls Richard upright after dunking him, his hair flies back over his head, leaving his face fully visible. The shot changes to a front view and Richard's hair is now covering most of his face.


House of the Rising Sun - S1-E6

[While fleeing from an angry swarm, Kate takes her shirt off as insects are trapped in it. Charlie later finds her and hands her the shirt she dropped with a questioning look.]
Kate: It was full of bees.
Charlie: [Looking at her chest.] I'd say more like C's.

More quotes from Lost

The End (1) - S6-E17

Trivia: The Oceanic employee delivering Jack's father's body has a name visible on his navy blue overall - it is Bocklin - Arnold Bocklin is an artist famous for painting "Isle of the Dead" in 1880. (00:04:00)


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Show generally

Question: In the pilot episode, the pregnant girl looks over at the bald man and he opens his mouth to reveal something bright orange. What was that?

Answer: He was eating a peice of an orange with the skin still on.


Answer: No, it is maracuya. You will see Locke eating maracuya in the following episodes as well.

More questions & answers from Lost

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