Character mistake: Seven minutes into the show, Sarah Sidle is about to do an internal sexual assault exam/kit on an unconscious victim in the hospital, Sarah picks up a metal speculum and says aloud to the victim (in a presumed moment of empathy), that she "never really liked this part of my yearly exam. These things are always freezing" referring to the speculum in her hands. She then brings a speculum to her mouth and begins to blow open-mouthed on it two times, forcing her hot breath on it to warm it. She then begins to insert it into the victim as the scene cuts away. This is pure stupidity, as no trained CSI would ever contaminate the tool like this. Sarah just added her own DNA to the speculum via her breath so any saliva or body fluids are now on the speculum what she is about to use on this patient, who is now also exposed to any STDs from Sarah.
You Kill Me - S8-E8
Character mistake: While looking at the evidence that was knocked onto the floor, Greg picks up a woman's shoe in his bare hand causing his finger prints to get on it. When investigating a crime, even one in a "whodunit" game, he should have been wearing gloves.
Character mistake: When Russell is reading the bio for the suspect who had dressed as a reindeer at the party and was looking for her contact lens, the bottom of the page lists "Identification Databases Checked:" and lists several states and 5 cities under each one. Alabama and Colorado have the same 5 (Alabama) cities listed. Also, the form lists several pieces of information - Class, DOB, Height, Weight, Eyes, Eyes, Hair, Restrictions, Contact Lens Serial No and Criminal History and Occupation. (Yes, "Eyes" is there twice.) The first "Eyes" field lists a name (emergency contact?), which illustrates how badly the prop department prepared this form. Lastly, despite the suspect's DOB being 04.12.1987 (either April 12 or December 4), and this episode taking place in December 2013, Russell states that she is 23 (but should be 26). (00:15:20)
Character mistake: When Catherine is being questioned about the victim, it is mentioned that her parents were killed in an industrial accident in Odessa. To which Catherine replies, "Russia?", and is answered in the affirmative. Odessa is a major city in the Ukraine, not Russia.
Character mistake: Catherine Dent's character, Kay Marquette, plays the Holmes character Irene Adler with an English accent. Adler was an American, as mentioned by Watson in "A Scandal in Bohemia".
Character mistake: Brass tells Dream (pleasure services girl) that whacking 'Happy Morales' with a tire iron - which contributed to his death - is open grounds for assault and murder-1 on her. When it was purely a self-defense act, that any of the girls would have taken against a psychotic, oversexualized maniac, in such sexual assault. Whether it be a tire iron, or other heavy-duty object to dispel a perp.
Character mistake: When Catherine goes to view Kristy Hopkins' body, she calls Doc Robbins "David", even though his first name's "Albert".
Character mistake: When Catherine slams the trash can lid shut outside and heads to the car to answer her phone, she tells her Mum 'Catherine threw something out', referring to Lindsay.
Character mistake: At the end of the episode when Grissom puts the news clipping up, the word "sacrificed" is spelled as "sacraficed" in the article.
Character mistake: When Nick and Morgan are commanding the dog to find the victim's scent (and the crime scene), they both use commands in French, e.g. venez (come), trouvez (find), allez (go), and restez (stay) - these are all formal versions of each verb. Why would they command in a formal manner?
Suggested correction: Because that's the manner in which the French train their dogs - they are ordering them to do something, not asking them.
Shock Waves - S11-E1
Character mistake: When Sarah enters the lab with the bagged microchip, she tells Greg and the other CSI that she got it from Doc Robbins, when it was Super Dave who'd found it during autopsy.
Suggested correction: Sarah is standing beside Dr. Robbins when he finds the SIM card within what's left of Officer Clark's chest cavity, during autopsy (timecode 00:19:35). Dave wasn't even near Clark, he was with the corpses of Officers Morales and Hooper.