CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

High and Low - S3-E10

Corrected entry: When the detective is talking to Warrick about 'la lluvia de los peces,' he calls him 'Rick' ("Point is, Rick, they gotta come from somewhere").

Correction: He's shortening Warrick's name, like how Grissom goes by Gil instead of Gilbert.


Correction: This one is going to have to be more specific about which dead body and when as most of the time a dead body was used for the series (especially in autopsies and when they found the bodies initially); it was a prop based on a real person and thus could not be breathing as it never had life to begin with. Exceptions were when it showed a person actively dying on screen where them breathing may have been a last breath. This is going to need to be more specific to verify as a definitive mistake.

Correction: This is not a mistake, you're just saying that he does not take good care of his glasses.

Lady Heather's Box - S3-E15

Corrected entry: In the scene where Lindsay is being questioned she says that the car driver got out of the car, then Eddie (Lindsay's father and Catherine's Ex) fell out of the car and into the water. This is not possible. The passenger side door was closed and as the car was on an angle and wedged against the ground and unable to open. It is not possible that he fell upwards and out of the driver side door.


Correction: Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable - a case can rarely be tried on that alone. In this case, the testimony is even more unreliable, as it comes from a child who was in grave danger at the time and was easily confused. The CSIs would not take what she said as the exact truth, but rather a starting point in the absence of anything else.

Snakes - S5-E12

Corrected entry: The singer performing at the bar (the man we later see working in the tire shop) is lip-syncing. At one point, when the camera cuts to him on stage, for a moment the vocals don't match his lips.

Correction: So a singer is lip syncing. This isn't a mistake. Just ask Ashley Simpson.


Correction: The model the deliveryman leaves on Gils desk is the scene of the Doctor who was killed by Carbon Monoxide Poisoning with the device in the fire, The model that Natalie ledt was the scene of the car on top of Sara so not an error.

Steven Gee

Correction: He says Benny, not Vinny.


Face Lift - S1-E17

Corrected entry: Sara states that she couldn't eat meat because of Gil's last experiment with a rotting pig. But two episodes before (S01-15 "Table Stakes") she was so exhausted that all she wants was a steak and a shot. (00:28:10)

Correction: I am teetotal, but have been known to say "I need a drink". It's called a metaphorical statement.

Correction: While I know this simply comes down to a matter of opinion, I disagree. As a nanny and a mother, I think this is very "life like" (considering it depicts a dead child) infant doll, especially considering the harsh light the face is under. They are not trying to hide anything.


Gentle, Gentle - S1-E19

Corrected entry: Forensics notices 3 small dots on a piece of paper on the ransom letter, and states its from the drum of the printer - and if the ransom note was from the printer of the family of the kidnapped child, the paper would have that same mark. Sara grabs a piece of paper out of the in tray on the printer, and says that mark doesn't appear. Of course - the mark is left when the printer prints and the paper gets fed through the printer. She took a piece of paper from the in tray - paper that has yet to go through the printer.

Correction: She has sent it through and set it in the out tray to wait for Grissom to get to the lab.

Who Shot Sherlock? - S5-E11

Corrected entry: Grissom expresses admiration for the (dead) Sherlock Holmes' attention to detail, since he has a cape, a deerstalker hat and a Meerschaum pipe. Grissom - and the dead Sherlock - should know better. None of these items appear anywhere in Conan Doyle's books; they were invented by Hollywood as part of Basil Rathbone's portrayal of the character, and are considered to be abominations by Holmes' afficionados.

Correction: The Deerstalker was not "invented" for the Basil Rathbone series. The artist for the original stories printed in The Strand Magazine, Sidney Paget, illustrated Sherlock with a Deerstalker in such adventures as "The Dancing Men", "Hound of the Baskervilles", and "The Boscombe Valley Mystery". As these were published during the author's original run of the stories, it was there since the beginning. Conan Doyle also mentions Holmes wearing a "ear-flapped travelling cap" in at least one story - "The Adventure of Silver Blaze". He also mentioned a handful of times of Holmes smoking a pipe. Meerschaum is a mineral that a pipe can be carved out of, So while they may not have been a hat (or pipe) that Holmes always used - a deerstalker is mainly used in the countryside, not the city, it certainly was used if only a handful of times.

Ellie - S2-E10

Corrected entry: In the parking garage, Nick Stokes is taking pictures and says he has one picture left then takes a picture of Sara Sidle, but when Warrick comes onto the scene Nick takes a picture of Warrick.

Correction: He means he has one more photograph to take of the crime scene, then he is free to take personal photographs. Since he is using a digital camera, he isn't going to run out of film.

Snuff - S3-E8

Corrected entry: Catherine tells the snuff film producer that they know he was infected with HIV by accidental blood transfer from the actress he killed because they 'tested the DNA of the HIV'. No, they didn't. HIV is a retrovirus - it has no DNA. It has RNA, a far simpler nucleic acid which is completely distinct from DNA. Catherine is a scientist, trained and experienced in genetic 'fingerprinting' - she would never make a mistake like that.

Correction: On the other hand, the producer in question isn't a scientist, trained or otherwise. She has to use terminology that he'll understand, rather than being 100% accurate. It's not the actual truth, but, you know, people do that sort of thing when they need to convince people. Most laypersons know about DNA, but few are familiar with RNA. And police are entirely allowed to lie to you, so that's not an issue either.


Go to Hell - S8-E3

Corrected entry: When Warrick and Nick are in the reverend's apartment and slice open the ironing board, Rick pulls back the cover and tape VI is lying beside the ditch furrowed out for the tapes to sit in. When the shot changes, it is in the ditch.


Correction: Not so, just watched the scene and all four tapes are side by side in the hollowed out portion of the ironing board. Tape I and IV's labels are on the left sides of the cases, while II and III are marked on the right. There is a fifth tape (with the red label) visible outside the "ditch" but neither it, nor any other tape, changes position during the scene.


A La Cart - S8-E2

Corrected entry: When one of the kitties was telling of what happened with Hux, the scene shows him leaning his head on her shoulder her moving and him falling on the floor and the waiter rushing over and pressing the panic button. When the waiter is interviewed, he claims he found Hux slumped over the table and then checked for a pulse. He was already on the floor by the time the waiter arrived.


Correction: The waiter obviously lies, as he's the one who killed him. He wanted to make it sound like a heart attack.


You've Got Male - S2-E12

Corrected entry: In the pre title sequence the rider calls the spooked horse "Gunner" yet when Gil asks Jim who discovered the body in the pipe Jim says "Flicka" as it cuts to the horse. (00:00:25 - 00:01:25)

Steven Gee

Correction: Jim is making a joke. There is a famous kids film called "My Friend Flicka" and Jim is calling the horse Flicka as a joking reference to that film.


Correction: By definition, lace gloves do not offer full coverage of the hand and fingers. Heather would have left easily-identifiable partial prints all over.


Ending Happy - S7-E21

Corrected entry: The wounds on Happy's throat don't substantiate the premise that he was shot through the throat with an arrow. The arrow has feathers on the end, which would have passed through the skin. It would have left a ragged edge, not perfectly round holes.


Correction: We can't say that the feathers on this arrow would have broken the skin, they could just as easily folded back and passed through without altering the shape of the hole.


Sex, Lies and Larvae - S1-E10

Corrected entry: In the flashback scene, where we see the abusive husband shooting his wife in the head against a wall in their home, Sarah and Grissom do not discover any plastering or other repair to the wall (although they do discover the victim's blood). However, during the victim's autopsy scene, we learn that the shot to the victim's head was through-and-through. (This is an important plot point, since it means that the bullet's distinctive composition is not immediately discovered.) Wouldn't the bullet have gone into the wall? Is there any realistic way the murderer could have repaired the damage without Sarah or Grissom discovering it?

Correction: The blood spatter went on the wall from the exit wound BUT the woman's husband shot her in the temple, right to left, (as Doc Robbins said) so it's possible that the bullet went somewhere else other than the wall.

Assume Nothing (1) - S4-E1

Corrected entry: While the CSI Scooby gang are recovering ice from a cooler in which a body was found, Nick Stokes is busy taping up buckets of ice. Grissom asks him "Come with me". Nick finishes taping the bucket, places the tape on top and follows Grissom. When the camera cuts to the wide shot, the bucket is miraculously untaped. (00:26:00)

Correction: There were 15 buckets, the wide shot could have shown any of the other 14 without tape on them.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake picture

Too Tough to Die - S1-E16

Character mistake: Seven minutes into the show, Sarah Sidle is about to do an internal sexual assault exam/kit on an unconscious victim in the hospital, Sarah picks up a metal speculum and says aloud to the victim (in a presumed moment of empathy), that she "never really liked this part of my yearly exam. These things are always freezing" referring to the speculum in her hands. She then brings a speculum to her mouth and begins to blow open-mouthed on it two times, forcing her hot breath on it to warm it. She then begins to insert it into the victim as the scene cuts away. This is pure stupidity, as no trained CSI would ever contaminate the tool like this. Sarah just added her own DNA to the speculum via her breath so any saliva or body fluids are now on the speculum what she is about to use on this patient, who is now also exposed to any STDs from Sarah.

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Play with Fire - S3-E22

Question: Why would Catherine take the blame for the lab explosion? If anyone was to blame it was Hodges. Since he accidentally turned on the hot plate and even admits that sometimes it gets switched on by others accidentally, if he had bothered to make sure he didn't switch it on before leaving the room, the explosion never would have happened.

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