Corrected entry: When Marge asks Homer to open the door for her sisters, he says "Patty. THELMA." (The English captioning has that mistake as well, but is correct in the Spanish captioning) (00:03:30)
Corrected entry: When Mr Burns' hounds chase Ned Flanders, they jump across the screen and simultaneously growl. However their mouths don't move when growling.
Correction: Having owned various dogs for 30 years, I can tell you that a dog's mouth does not have to move for it to be able to growl. The growl comes from deep in their throat.
Corrected entry: 40 seconds pass during the time period when the announcer says there is 1 minute left and 30 seconds left. Also between the announcer saying there is a half-minute left and 15 seconds left, 25 seconds pass. (00:08:10 - 00:09:20)
Correction: It's normal movie practice to show sequentially events which are intended to be in parallel (the alternative is a very ugly split screen). Between the announcements for one minute and 30 seconds left, Homer has a flashback and during the countdown from 30 to 15, we see the TV announcer explaining who will survive and who will not. The time in Homer's reality is correct.
Corrected entry: In the shot after Smithers asks Mr. Burns where his radiation suit is, Marge's knitting supplies have disappeared. (00:05:30 - 00:06:35)
Corrected entry: When Homer is sleeping in Sector 7G, the illumination of the room has changed. (00:03:50)
Corrected entry: When Smithers shows Mr. Burns the picture of his dog, he is standing to the right of him. Immediately after, he is standing in front of the TV monitors. (00:03:10)
Corrected entry: During the car chase scene, Snake drives into the parking lot and there is a large "Parking" sign yet when the police come through the sign is gone. (00:07:30)
Correction: The shot with Snake coming through is a wide shot where we can see the sign. When the police come through the shot is much tighter and the sign is above what we can see.
Corrected entry: When Lisa is in Skinner's office after sassing Miss Hoover, her hands change position between shots. (00:14:40)
Correction: Again true but she has time to change the position of her hands when we see her from behind. We can't see her hands during this time.
Corrected entry: In Bart's imagination, when he is in the courtroom with his face censored, when the guy with the knife grabs Bart, the judge has disappeared. (00:13:05)
Correction: Not possible to tell, the shot is looking up from a very low position. The judge could easily still be there without us being able to see him.
Corrected entry: When the mean girls try to get Lisa out of the bad girl's washroom, the magazine that one of the girls was carrying disappears. The cigarette that the other girl was holding also vanishes. (00:11:40)
Correction: This is all true but the girl whose magazine disappears is out of shot for long enough to have dropped it or even put it down. The other girl's hand is out of sight long enough for her to have dropped it just as we saw the first girl do earlier.
Corrected entry: When Lisa enters the bad girl's washroom for the first time, the books she is carrying switches arms. (00:11:40)
Corrected entry: Bart is seen repeatedly switching where he sits in the back of the car before and during the car chase. (00:05:50 - 00:08:10)
Corrected entry: When the cops pick up Bart at the Simpson house, it is daytime. Immediately after it is nighttime. (00:05:30)
Correction: It's a completely different shot which does not have to directly follow in time.
Radio Bart - S3-E13
Corrected entry: When Bart makes Mrs. Krabappel 'fart,' the bulletin board on the wall keeps changing between shots. (00:08:40)
Correction: Sorry but no it doesn't, we see it from various different positions in the classroom so it appears to be different but the separate shots are consistent with the whole.
Corrected entry: At the very end when Homer runs out of Moes there is no street and only a grey wall. (00:21:20)
Correction: We can't see any detail to know what's outside. It simply looks as if it's dark so we can't see anything.
Corrected entry: While Lisa gives her speech at school, Miss Hoover seems to have only one leg. (00:13:20)
Correction: Her other leg is obviously raised and the flat of her foot is leaning against the desk. We can't see it because of her long skirt.
Radio Bart - S3-E13
Corrected entry: When Bart opens Marge's sisters' present, Martin has disappeared for one shot. (00:05:20)
Corrected entry: Bart leaves home and walks to school. Later, though, he leaves school with his skateboard. (00:02:00 - 00:05:35)
Correction: He left his skateboard at school the previous day which is why he walked to school. Probably the skateboard had been confiscated.
Corrected entry: When Bart arrives late at the social club, he is mumbling. His mouth doesn't move. (00:13:25)
Correction: It's quite easy to mumble without moving one's mouth, I get accused of it all the time.
Corrected entry: Before the time trials start, we can see how far the track is, but while Bart, Nelson and Martin are racing, considering the speed they're traveling, the track seems much longer. (00:12:25 - 00:14:35)
Correction: I've watched this scene again and there's nothing unusual about the length of the track or the time they take to complete it. When we see the track at the start we can't see the finish line so we have no way of telling if they take unusually long.
Correction: He actually says Selma, and the DVD English subtitles (in Region 2 at least) also say this. Listen closely.