The Simpsons
The Simpsons mistake picture

Saturdays of Thunder - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Homer sulks on the couch, he has a pillow under his head, which is pink. In a closer shot, the pillow turns light blue, but in another shot, the cushion has turned pink again. (00:17:10)

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Suggested correction: When Homer is laughing at Patty and Selma he never has the beer can in his hand. He has a drink then the camera cuts to Marge talking about Patty and Selma, Marge then walks out of the shot, and we get a close up of Patty and Selma. The shot then changes to Homer who starts laughing. Enough time to put the can down.


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Suggested correction: There is a shot panning all the sports videos, enough time for Homer to swap hands.


Homer's brain: It's simple, just use reverse psychology.
Homer: Reverse psychology? That sounds too complicated.
Homer's brain: Alright, don't use reverse psychology.
Homer: Alright, I will!

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The Simpsons trivia picture

Trivia: Maggie scans as $847.63 in the supermarket at the beginning (not NRA4EVER, as Troy Maclure asserts in 3F31 "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular), the price it costs to feed and care for the average American baby every month.

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Answer: Willy referred to an encounter he believed he had with actual aliens, while Wiggum thought he was referring to the arcade game.

Answer: The joke is that Willie was so addicted to Space Invaders that he believed it was reality: every time he played, he was actually defending the Earth from dangerous aliens. It's a surprise to him that it was actually a game.


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