The X-Files

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Question: In a vast majority of the episodes, whenever Mulder and Scully investigate some mysterious or paranormal phenomenon, Mulder believes that some unknown force is responsible but Scully always has a rational explanation for what is happening. In other episodes, when Scully herself is caught up in something mysterious, she is the believer but Mulder is the skeptic. In those episodes, why would Mulder be skeptical about an unexplained phenomenon considering that he a was witness to his own sisters abduction and he saw many strange things that defied explanation while working for the F.B.I.?

Answer: As he stated many times throughout the series, Mulder needed Scully to be sober and skeptical. Whenever Scully's skepticism wavered and she started questioning her own rationality, Mulder would try to restore her sense of skepticism, because he needed her to be clear-thinking.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: A variety of reasons. Just because Scully saw something unusual does not mean that it was. Mulder always needs concrete proof before he'll believe there's some otherworldly explanation for unexplained phenomena. He's too experienced to take a novice's explanation as fact. It is also a plot by device by the writers to switch the tables on the characters to make it more interesting and to let viewers see another side of their relationship.

Chosen answer: Yes.


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Question: I've just started watching X-Files re-runs on TV. Years ago (when the show was still running), I saw a trailer/teaser for an episode that seemed to be about a woman who was jealous of a male character spending so much time with Scully. I thought perhaps she was Mulder's wife, but I've looked online and can't find anything about him having a wife. I think there was a scene of a woman answering the front door of a house and looking annoyed when she saw Scully there. Can anyone tell me what episode this preview might have been for?

Answer: There was a double episode called Dreamland parts 1 and 2, where Mulder switched bodies with a man named Morris Fletcher, after a time and space anomaly. Mulder has to live in Morris' home while Morris takes on Mulder's life. Nobody believes Mulder that while he looks like Morris, he isn't really. He mentions Scully and Morris' wife, believing Mulder to be her husband, becomes very jealous, more so when Scully comes to the house. This was in season 6, I believe.

Answer: She was taken when the Syndicate was formed and the aliens decided to take a member from each family in each different Syndicate as collateral. Samantha was chosen to be the one that the aliens took because her mother just couldn't choose between her two children.

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Question: I was younger when the show ended, so I have mostly watched re-runs and I am wondering: were Monica Reyes and John Doggett generally well-received by the show's fans, seeing how they were sudden new characters in a series that already had established favorite/popular characters (Mulder, Scully, Skinner, etc.) for the past seven seasons?

Answer: From what I remember, yes they were generally well recieved...I think it's because they didnt try to replace Mulder or Scully, and the evolution of Scully being the believer and Doggett being the non-believer just as Scully used to be, with reyes being the in between.


Chosen answer: Because the aliens have to undertake many preparations in order for their invasion/colonization to happen successfully. They have to develop the alien/human hybrid to use as a workforce, and the alien bounty hunters have to put down the alien rebels. Also, the syndicate, and new syndicate, have to battle Mulder and suppress public information of all this.

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Question: It's been stated through out the show that Earth was originally inhabited by an extraterrestrial species known as 'The Colonists', that they fled the Earth during the last ice age and that they intend to re-colonize the Earth in 2012. Now, they're obviously more technologically advanced than us, so why do they want to re-colonize the Earth? There's a whole universe of planets out there to choose from. Also, why wait until 2012? Why not just invade?


Chosen answer: They want to return because its their home planet. Secondly The Colonists didn't expect Humans to get quite so advanced whilst they were away, so invading doesn't make sense, and is likely to ruin the planet further.


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Question: I remember watching two particular episodes when younger, and are curious to know what the titles of the episodes were called. One was about a doll that came alive and the other about the trees coming alive, and the tree roots etc. killing people. What are the episode titles of those two?


Chosen answer: The tree root episode is season five, episode nine and is called Schizogeny. And the doll one sounds like it could be the very next episode (season five, episode 10) called Chinga.


Answer: SPOILER ALERT: Hook up, yes. Married, no. Children, maybe. The rumors that Mulder and Scully were married started when David Duchovny (Mulder) called Scully "Mulder's wife" when discussing the return of "The X-Files" show. However, series creator Chris Carter said "they were together but never married." In the 2nd X-Files film, "I Want to Believe", they are in a romantic relationship. But by Season 10, they are broken up as Scully has left Mulder. It is revealed that Scully's son, William, is the son of The Smoking Man, who is Mulder's father as well. In Season 11, Mulder and Scully hook up again and in the last episode of Season 11, Scully tells Mulder she's pregnant with his child. As of now, there are no plans for a Season 12 and Gillian Anderson (Scully) has no intention of returning to her role in "The X-Files."


I want to add, it's possible that they live together as partners and are legally common-law spouses. Or they consider each other to be "husband and wife" in a spiritual/sentimental way. I've known or heard of a few couples who did that. For whatever reasons, they did not want a legal marriage with documentation. But, for now, this is just fan speculation. Gillian Anderson and other cast members might change their minds someday.

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Trivia: Scully's father, Scully's older brother, and the man Mulder thought was his biological father were both named William. (The father who raised Mulder went by "Bill, " as did Scully's brother.) Mulder's actual biological father, Cancer Man, was played by William B Davis (who also goes by "Bill"). Scully and Mulder's son was also named William (before being adopted and having his name changed to Jackson).

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