Best horror TV questions of all time

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The Twilight Zone picture

Deaths-Head Revisited - S3-E9

Question: When Becker is reading the list of indictments to Lutze, what were indictments four and five? Lutze was screaming so loudly I couldn't hear them.

Answer: #4: That he did personally murder at least 14 (Jews). The last word I couldn't quite hear because of the screams, but I hear an "-oz" sound at the end, so it's an educated guess. #5: That he did sign and put into effect specific orders calling for the gassing and cremating of one million human beings.


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The X-Files picture

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Question: In a vast majority of the episodes, whenever Mulder and Scully investigate some mysterious or paranormal phenomenon, Mulder believes that some unknown force is responsible but Scully always has a rational explanation for what is happening. In other episodes, when Scully herself is caught up in something mysterious, she is the believer but Mulder is the skeptic. In those episodes, why would Mulder be skeptical about an unexplained phenomenon considering that he a was witness to his own sisters abduction and he saw many strange things that defied explanation while working for the F.B.I.?

Answer: As he stated many times throughout the series, Mulder needed Scully to be sober and skeptical. Whenever Scully's skepticism wavered and she started questioning her own rationality, Mulder would try to restore her sense of skepticism, because he needed her to be clear-thinking.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: A variety of reasons. Just because Scully saw something unusual does not mean that it was. Mulder always needs concrete proof before he'll believe there's some otherworldly explanation for unexplained phenomena. He's too experienced to take a novice's explanation as fact. It is also a plot by device by the writers to switch the tables on the characters to make it more interesting and to let viewers see another side of their relationship.

More The X-Files questions
Goosebumps picture

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Question: At the start of every episode, it shows a man dressed in black carrying a black briefcase with the name R.L. Stine on it. Is the man in black really R.L. Stine or a crew member, and we are meant to only think it's Stine?

Answer: According to all online sources I found, yes, this really was R.L. Stine.


More Goosebumps questions
The Outer Limits picture

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Question: Does anyone know who appeared in later seasons as the Outer Limits "Intro Girl"? This question has circulated on the Internet for the last 20 years with no definitive answer. There is unsubstantiated speculation that the Intro Girl was either Diane Venora, Sofia Shinas, or even Paz de la Huerto; however, none of these actresses look anything remotely like the Intro Girl.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: The blonde girl with bangs in the intro does not appear to be a Jerry Uelsmann model, whose still photographs were used to set the theme of the intro. Although the "Intro Girl" clips are in the Uelsmann style, they are video motion clips. The end credits identify a video production company responsible for creating the introduction, but they seem to be out of business. My best guess is that she is a local model hired by that company to shoot the intro.

More The Outer Limits questions

Answer: Over the next few episodes, it is revealed that something is not quite right with Sam - that his soul is missing since he returned from Hell, and he does not feel any emotion or attachment to his brother.


More Supernatural questions
The Vampire Diaries picture

Season 4 generally

Question: If Katherine/Silas are the ones who killed the hunter, that is Jeremy, why aren't they are cursed with the hunter's curse?

Answer: Silas did mention to Bonnie later that he was so powerful he was able to overcome Jeremy's hunter's curse in minutes.

More The Vampire Diaries questions
The Walking Dead picture

Tell It to the Frogs - S1-E3

Question: Why does Lori tell Daryl that Rick will show him where his brother is but then 10 minutes later tried to talk Rick out of going?

Answer: No, she actually tries to talk Rick out of it, but he's already made up his mind, minutes later when Daryl asks him about the location of his brother Lori says "he'll show you."

Answer: It's not shown, but I think Lori is suffering from some sort of PTSD due to thinking her husband had died, having an affair with Shane and of course the zombie apocalypse as well! This isn't the only time she contradicts herself so it kinda backs this theory up.

More The Walking Dead questions
Fringe picture

The No-Brainer - S1-E12

Question: Why would Luke Dempsey be arrested along with his father? He had no idea what his father was doing, never aided him in any way and only found out the truth after catching him in the act.

Answer: He helped his father evade capture, impeding the investigation.

More Fringe questions
Dark Shadows picture

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Question: Which 1967 episode or what specific story line has Louis Edmonds in close-up because he didn't have time to put his pants back on?


Answer: It's probably episode 193 (even though the slate at the beginning says 58). It's the episode with Sam demanding that Roger return his paintings. Three clues from the Dark Shadows Companion and from the comments of Kathryn Leigh Scott and Louis Edmonds all agree that 1) Scott is in the episode and is done for the day prior to Edmonds without his pants; 2) Edmonds is wearing a smoking jacket, and 3) Edmonds is leaning on the mantle (which is actually the cabinet where the liquor is, because the fireplace mantle is too high to lean on and the bench in front of it prevents getting too close to). There are several "breaks" in the lengthy scene where commercial were probably inserted, and all of the shots are above the waist. The previously mentioned episode 54 has Edmonds in a suit and Scott isn't in the episode; episode 54 doesn't have Edmonds or Scott; and episode 86 only has Edmonds in a suit.

Lou Edmonds was a consummate actor and would not forget that he had a lengthy scene to perform. Rather, in Episode 86, Edmonds more understandably forgot that he had to perform one last 15-second scene (a simple toast). He had removed his shoes and pants before he was reminded of the final, brief shot, and he hurried back to complete it.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: There seems to be some confusion among Dark Shadows fans as to the episode: Some claim it was Episode 54, while others claim it was Episode 85. However, the scene actually appeared in Episode 86. Louis Edmonds (as Roger Collins) thought he had completed all his shots for the day and was removing his costume when he was reminded that he had one more shot. With only seconds to spare, Edmonds hurried back to the set without his pants or shoes (some whispering and shuffling is heard in the background just before the camera goes live). Whereupon, with an amused expression, Edmonds pours himself a brandy and strolls across the study before delivering his last line, a toast: "Miss Victoria Winters, no matter where you are." The shot was slightly adjusted to only cover Edmonds from the elbows-up.

Charles Austin Miller

Thank you so much! I had it narrowed down to 3 episodes and the actual one was among them. Thank you again.

Answer: Yes...episode 193 is the only episode to include all three clues (character Maggie appears earlier, character Roger is in a smoking jacket, and lastly, he has brandy in hand and elbows are atop the liquor cabinet. It the last scene in the black and whit episode where Sam Evans is demanding that his paintings back from Roger. And if you keep your eyes on Sam, you will see him glance downward twice at Roger. This eoisode is in Collection 6, disk 2 and even though it's listed in the Dark Shadows Companion as episode 193, the slate at the very beginning says episode 58.

More Dark Shadows questions

Answer: Eustace is a rather two-dimensional antagonist character. He is just a mean-spirited man who takes out his hostilities on a vulnerable dog and resents his wife having adopted him.


I thought the reason had to do with the attention Courage receives from Muriel.

More Courage the Cowardly Dog questions
American Horror Story picture

Halloween: Part 1 - S1-E4

Question: One thing I do not understand is this... "if" the souls of the deceased (that die within the walls of "Murder House") are trapped there for eternity then how does the maid get to go see her mother (obviously off premises) and Tate get to meet up with Dr. Harmon for coffee for his appointment?


Chosen answer: Because on Halloween, the souls of The Dead are said to roam the Earth. That includes those souls that are trapped within the walls of the "Murder House".


More American Horror Story questions

Answer: It was cancelled. Originally, the show was supposed to have five seasons, with the fifth season having Jack discovering a spell that would remove the curses on all of the items that were collected during the show's run.

More Friday the 13th: The Series questions

Answer: They're both muscle cars, but that's about the extent of the similarities. But the 70's were filled with a lot of muscle cars, so some car models may look a bit like another's. Billy's car is a late 70's Chevy Camaro (probably a ‘79). Mad Max's car is a 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT. Incidentally, the Ford Falcon was produced by Ford Australia and wasn't an American car, or even sold in America (as in not sold at dealerships).


According to the experts its a Camaro '78 with added vented side fenders.

More Stranger Things questions

Answer: Poisoned food, heart attack from eating too much food, or he slipped in the shower. The list is endless.

More The Twilight Zone questions
Ash vs Evil Dead picture

Show generally

Question: Question about the franchise in general: would crowd funding be a viable method to finance new installments?

Answer: Series creator Sam Raimi has said that there are three new ideas to continue the franchise, but there's no other information available at this time. Crowd funding could possibly fund another film, sure. But it's such a well-known franchise that it likely wouldn't be necessary. All we really know for sure is that the series "Ash VS Evil Dead" can't return, as it is under partial ownership by Starz, and producer Robert Tapert stated in a Q&A that they weren't interested in selling off the rights to the series. So if more "Evil Dead" is made, it likely wouldn't be a direct continuation of the series.


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Tales from the Crypt picture

The Switch - S2-E2

Question: In this episode, Carlton is told by Linda that he's too old for her so he decides to undergo surgery to become younger. Eventually, he looks just like Hans. At the end of the episode, when Carlton visits Linda, he sees that she's now with Hans, who looks exactly like him. If Carlton was too old for Linda, then why was she still with Hans, since he now has Carlton's body and therefore his old age? Since Carlton was too old for her, that would mean that now Hans is too old for her too.

Answer: It's just the show's typical ironic ending. It turns out Linda was more interested in money than looks, and the surgery and loss of his fortune were unnecessary.

Brian Katcher

More Tales from the Crypt questions
Forever Knight picture

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Question: Two questions. 1. Was there some kind of contributing factor that made Nick want to be human again and if so what was it? 2. In one episode Janette is discovered to be human again. How did she accomplish this?

Answer: Nick was sick and tired of being an immortal bloodsucker. He wanted to be human, fall in love, get married, have children, grow old and die. As for Janette, according to her, she fell in love and the passion she felt "cured" her of her blood lust.

More Forever Knight questions

Answer: Pam doesn't have to be with Eric 24/7.

More True Blood questions
Moonlight picture

Show generally

Question: When Mick is narrating at one point, he says that having to feed off Beth would make his life unbearable. But later he was able to drink her blood without killing her or turning her into a vampire. If he was able to do that, what was so unbearable about having to feed off her?

Answer: I don't think he actually meant his life would be unbearable. I just think he meant that he wouldn't be able to live with himself, figuratively speaking, if he was to feed off the woman he loved. Expecially after spending 22 years protecting her from danger, he would be the one to cause her pain.


More Moonlight questions

Answer: She left with her new boyfriend to go to a English college.

More Big Wolf on Campus questions

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