Je Souhaite - S7-E21
Question: When Mulder is writing down his last wish after using the first two, what was he writing and why did he stop?
Je Souhaite - S7-E21
Question: What would the yellow powder in Scully's morgue normally be used for (when she doesn't have invisible dead bodies)?
Answer: Judging by the color, it could be lycopodium powder. When sprinkled liberally on latex gloves it helps keep liquids from adhering.
Question: Is the "Sixteen Months Later" in with the current timeline (2000) and the "Sixteen Months Earlier" sometime in 1999? Because if "Sixteen Months Earlier" was sometime in 2000, then "Sixteen Months Later" would be in 2001. If you're a true X-Files fan, you'll know that in 2001, Mulder was missing and Scully was pregnant. So that would be a MAJOR plot hole.
Answer: As it says in the season seven mistakes, it would be a plot hole either way.
Je Souhaite - S7-E21
Question: The genie complains about people being selfish and shallow, but what about Leslie wishing to have his brother back? Why was she displeased with that wish?
Answer: It was because of the brothers' attitudes. If the genie had brought Anson completely back to life, the brothers would have continued being lazy, inconsiderate, obnoxious people. They were not learning anything from the opportunity to have wishes granted. The genie tried to hint at them using a wish to heal Leslie's legs, and neither brother could imagine using a wish for that.
Answer: Because he wasn't specific about his wish. He came back as a living corpse, not healthy and alive before his accident.
The point of Leslie's wish was to be with his brother. The genie complained about so many people making shallow and materialistic wishes, such as money, impressive bodies, etc. Therefore, it's strange that she would be displeased with Leslie for trying to reunite with a family member. Why "punish" him by bringing the living corpse version of Anson?
Jenn wasn't punishing Leslie. Leslie wished for his brother to live so she made it happen. As Jenn explained to Leslie, when someone makes a wish, they need to be very specific in their wishes. If Leslie gave more specifics i.e, the damage done to Anson's body removed, his vital organs functionally properly, to have his senses restored, Jenn would do it but, as Leslie only wished to have Anson live again and with no other details, Jenn could only reanimate Anson's corpse.
Answer: He was intending to once again wish for world peace. This time he is writing down his wish in a specific and deliberate manner in order to avoid any technicalities, loopholes or misinterpretations the genie might cause, since his first attempt at wishing for world peace resulted in her removing everyone else besides Mulder from the face of the Earth. He stops because Scully convinces him that world peace is something that should be attained through effort and not magic, so he instead uses his final wish to set the genie free.
Phaneron ★