Star Trek: Voyager

Projections - S2-E3

Corrected entry: In the beginning, when the doctor is activated, he immediately asks who activated him. The computer tells him he was activated when a red alert was initiated. But then he finds out no one is on board, so there was no one to initiate the red alert at that moment. He should have been activated much earlier, when the crew was still on board and under red alert, even in a simulation.


Correction: But red alerts don't always have to be activated by a crew member, they can be automated warnings.


Cold Fire - S2-E10

Corrected entry: At the beginning of this episode, we are told it has been 10 months since Voyager was transported to the delta quadrant. However Ensign Wildman is still pregnant at this point in the series and doesn't actually go into labour until series 2 episode 21 (deadlock). She must have been pregnant before boarding Voyager, as her husband is still in the Alpha quadrant. That is one long pregnancy.

Nikki Yates

Correction: Ensign Wildman's husband isn't human, he's Ktarian. Human/Ktarian hybrids gestate approximately 18 months.

Greg Dwyer

Correction: If they are traveling at impulse (which is slower than light), you would not see the stars move. It would take years to notice any difference in the position of the stars.

Deadlock - S2-E21

Corrected entry: When the two Voyagers initially try to merge, the damaged voyager has to evacuate all the crew to the engineering deck (deck 11) and then shut down life support elsewhere to save power, leaving the rest of the ship uninhabitable. However, after the attempt fails and with no prior notice, Kes and Janeway are able to travel from the good ship to the damaged one via the rift on deck 15. They have no problems with this, despite the fact that they should not have been able to breathe on arrival with life support turned off.


Correction: Life Support turned off does not mean that there is immediately an uninhabitable enviroment. It only means that no fresh air will be provided to these decks. The present air on these deck can support life for several minutes, maybe even hours.


The 37's - S2-E1

Corrected entry: When the 37s are removed from stasis, the Japanese WWII pilot says that they are all speaking Japanese. Janeway explains that her communicator is a language translator and that is why he is hearing them speak Japanese. That is not how the universal translator operates. It has to be set to the language/dialect you require. Voyager's UTs are set to translate into English. The Japanese soldier would not have heard them speaking Japanese unless they specifically set a UT to do so just for him. This is a common error in many episodes as the aliens Voyager's crew encounters down on their home planets don't utilize UT's. So, in reality, the Voyager crew would understand them but they would not understand the Voyager crew.

Correction: The OLD Universal Translators used to have to be set to a specific language. By the Voyager era (24th century), UTs translate differently for different species. This is explained by the translators monitoring the linguistic portion of the brain and translates the words accordingly. Because of this, anyone within monitoring range of the translator will hear words spoken by the wearer in their native language. If the UT had to be set to a specific language prior to speaking, it would be worthless when encountering new species.

Threshold - S2-E15

Corrected entry: When Paris is gasping for air in sickbay several of his dental fillings are visible. It's highly unlikely that dentistry of the 24:th century still uses metal amalgam to fix teeth.

Correction: You're assuming they are metal, they could be made of any material, colouring proves nothing. And personal opinions are not valid entries either.


Parturition - S2-E7

Corrected entry: In the beginning of this episode, Paris and Kes are running a shuttle simulation. During the simulation the shuttle gets attacked by several Jem Hadar (Dominion) ships. The problem is, the dominion was unknown before Voyager left the Alpha quadrant, and does not find out about the dominion until Season 4 (Message in a Bottle). (00:00:55)

Correction: Jem'Hadar ships were first encountered in the final episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's second season, set some months prior to the departure of Voyager from the Alpha Quadrant (which occured at approximately the same time as DS9's third season opened). As a new and formidable threat, it seems entirely reasonable that all simulation packages would have been swiftly upgraded to include the Jem'Hadar vessels.


Threshold - S2-E15

Corrected entry: The science behind what happens to Paris in this episode is fundamentally flawed. The Doctor states that Tom is "evolving," however the smallest unit of evolution is a population. An individual cannot evolve, only mutate. Also, evolution is not a predestined process as it is apparently portrayed in this episode. It is a random occurrence, and so there is no way to know what humanity will evolve into.

Correction: This is not a scientific error, but a grammatical one, and since the doctor is a humanized facsimile of its original creator, it is simply a semantic choice of the original programmer. In common usage, mutation and evolution are often interchanged by the user, even if the absolute literal definition is not 100% accurate.


Basics (1) - S2-E26

Corrected entry: The Kazon attacks are concentrated on the Second Command processor and yet nobody checks what would happen if it fails. When the time comes to order the self destruct, everybody acts shocked that the Second Command Processor has a direct influence on the self destruct. This ignorance would not have been a major problem for any other Federation ship but in Voyager, the self destruct is activated as often as the phasers (especially in this season).

Correction: Voyagers crew believe that the Kazon are concentrating their fire at that spot is in order to drive the shields down without giving them time to recover (it's just a convenient spot like the deflector dish), they don't think they have the knowledge of the ship to knock out one of their last ditch defensive measures. Also it wasn't just the ships the Kazon man who blew himself up would have helped greatly to affect ships systems (including the self destruct).

The Voyager crew should have know that Kazon "loyal to no one" all having the same agenda was suspicious and more time should have been put into finding out why as they knew the processors were being targeted each time. Of course they knew enough about Voyager; they'd had Seska feeding them information for months (to say nothing of Michael Jonas before he was killed). Tieran's suicide only took out the weapons and defenses. However it should still have been possible to destroy Voyager by firing a phaser at the warp core as the Doctor was about to do in "Projections."

Basics (1) - S2-E26

Corrected entry: When Paris suggests to take a shuttle craft and contact the Talaxians, the Voyager momentarily slows down below a Kazon ship so that the shuttle can depart. This is probably the worst place you can imagine to launch a shuttle. During the whole space battle the Voyager was flying in loops around the Kazon carriers, literally. Which means she is a lot faster than her enemies. If you want to send a shuttle, wouldn't you go to a safe distance and then release the shuttle? Captain Janeway's choice would made sense if their engines were damaged but at that time, the impulse engines were functioning perfectly.

Correction: Janeway's hoping that the shuttle can sneak away without being seen. If she leaves the battle and comes back, the Kazon will know something's wrong and would search for it.

Alliances - S2-E14

Corrected entry: The Kazon man says he is putting together a dodecahedron on the table; however, dodecahedrons are a 3-D shape, and cannot lay flat on the table.

Correction: This is probably why he can't figure out how to make it.

Threshold - S2-E15

Corrected entry: In this episode it is stated that Warp 10 is actually infinite Warp - a craft travelling at such a velocity will simultaneously occupy every point in the universe. However in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode All Good Things part 2 (shot several years earlier), the Captain Riker of the future at one point orders the modified Enterprise to be taken to Warp 13. Even if the problems of using Warp 10 were ever ironed out, how would it be possible to go faster?

Correction: The warp scale was adjusted once between Classic Trek and TNG. We see 1701 going Warp 12-13 a few times while 1701-D struggled to do 9.6. Obviously it was adjusted again while never quite reaching infinite speed. (This sounds odd, but warp is measured exponentially, so every decimal point closer to infinite speed is hugely faster.)

Grumpy Scot

Alliances - S2-E14

Corrected entry: Voyager has been traveling home for months on a long trip home presumably at high warp most of the time. However in this episode every kazon first maje is able to catch up to them in a short time frame.

Correction: Voyager is not able to maintain high warp speeds indefinitely, as this would cause damage to the engines. Plus the ship will need to resupply fuel and food etc periodically which obviously can't be done at warp. And, as Chakotay's hologram once commented, Janeway has a tendency to "investigate every insignificant anomaly [they] come across", further delaying the journey home and reducing their average travelling speeds.

Drone - S5-E2

Deliberate mistake: When the Doctor begins to "fade" in the transporter room his mobile emitter fades with him. Since it's made of solid matter and is not a hologram, this shouldn't be possible.

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Investigations - S2-E20

Trivia: King Abdullah of Jordan appears in this episode (he was Crown Prince at the time), as a Voyager crewmember in a corridor scene. He is uncredited.

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Thirty Days - S5-E9

Question: Was Tom successful in his mission or did the torpedo that was launched by Tuvok from Voyager stop him from succeeding?

Answer: The torpedo stopped him from succeeding.


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