Corrected entry: When Crewman Heron is in his escape pod informing Captain Janeway of his intentions a mouse pointer can be seen moving around on the LCARS display in front of him.

Corrected entry: When Lizzy reads the letter from Jane, Jane refers to the children as her nieces and nephews - they are her cousins.
Correction: This was a common term for young cousins who were much younger than their older ones, it's in the original text.

Corrected entry: After Ted hits the fisherman with the stone and the fisherman gives chase, we see Ted running down the beach towards the camera. There is somebody else to the back left of the shot also running along the beach. It can't be the fisherman because this person is dressed differently and eventually runs out of shot entirely.
Correction: Priests are entitled to a whole beach to themselves? It's someone out jogging.

Night of the Living Dummy III (1) - S2-E24
Corrected entry: Slappy's head got completely smashed and destroyed in 'Night Of The Living Dummy II'. But in this episode, he only has a crack round his eye.
Correction: Slappy has healing powers, so its safe to assume that his head slowly pieced itself back together.

Corrected entry: Col. Mackenzie found the confidential report in her car, AFTER she turned off the alarm. And used her key to open the door. How did the report get in there?
Correction: It is strongly implied that Lt. Singer put the report in Mac's car to sabotage her case. If she were dishonest enough to do that, it's more than reasonable to believe she could have stolen Mac's keys and then replaced them after planting the report.

Corrected entry: After Arturo's campaign video, there's "Paid for by the committee to elect Maximillian Arturo for Mayor", but the narrator says something like "Paid for by the Arturo committee". (00:27:10)
Correction: You get the same message, it's not necessary to have all of the exact same words. This happens plenty of times in real life, as well.

Corrected entry: When Fowler first meets the Chief Constable he tells him that he cannot remove his hat because he is a Sikh (the hat is really full of vomit), but towards the end of the episode he is not wearing his hat when talking to the Chief Constable, who doesn't seem surprised at this shift in attitude.
Correction: This is just the chief constable's ignorance of other religions. He has not questioned it on the basis he doesn't understand the Sikh religion.

Corrected entry: Xena puts 'the pinch' on Brutus. She has to take it off in 30 seconds or he dies. It lasts 58 seconds. (00:13:45 - 00:14:45)
Correction: The many times we have seen Xena apply the pinch, we always hear her say "I've just cut off the blood to your brain - you have 60 seconds". So 58 seconds is quite safe.
Correction: Submitted and corrected already. Tom is fascinated by 20th century technology, and incorporates many features of this era into the workings of the ship. One of these features could have been a mouse cursor.