Star Trek: Voyager

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Corrected entry: If Voyager is travelling in a fairly straight line at a fairly consistent speed (often Warps 6 through 9) why do they keep running into other recurring characters, such as Seska? Is everyone else just following Voyager around the Delta quadrant? In the same way, why does Nelix keep bumping into friends? Had his small ship (which was slower than Voyager) already travelled for several years in the exact same direction before?

Correction: If Seska is the only person you are going to point out then the the answer is yes, Seska is definitely following Voyager around. Ever since she was kicked off she has been trying to capture it with the Kazon. Neelix keeps running into people he knows because he has travelled quite a bit around the Delta Quadrant. For the first two seasons he's pretty much been where Voyager is going, but eventually there was a point where Voyager went farther than Neelix had ever gone and he never met people he knew after that.

Message in a Bottle - S4-E14

Corrected entry: When both Doctors are on the bridge and they get fired on by the Romulans they deactivate the life support system. Later, Federation officers transported onto the bridge and for some unknown reason, the life support system is back online. Wouldn't the Federation officers be having trouble breathing without any life support?

Correction: They turned off the life support but did not evacuate the air. So the air is still there. The boarding party would have to turn life support back on but they could survive for a period of time without it on.

Flashback - S3-E2

Corrected entry: In the episode Flashback, during the first mind meld between Captain Janeway and Mr. Tuvok, when they first show up at the bridge of the Excelsior, is mentioned a rescue mission of Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy, who were arrested due to the assassination of the Klingon Chancellor. However, on Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country, there is no mention of such mission mainly because the only ship that was nearby Klingon Space was the Enterprise.

Correction: Captain Sulu was operating against orders and without knowledge of StarFleet Command, why would it be mentioned in the first place?

Sol Parker

Correction: In the episode where the Delta Flyer is being built Lt. Torres mentions that she is tired of building new shuttles at a staff meeting.

Alliances - S2-E14

Corrected entry: Voyager has been traveling home for months on a long trip home presumably at high warp most of the time. However in this episode every kazon first maje is able to catch up to them in a short time frame.

Correction: Voyager is not able to maintain high warp speeds indefinitely, as this would cause damage to the engines. Plus the ship will need to resupply fuel and food etc periodically which obviously can't be done at warp. And, as Chakotay's hologram once commented, Janeway has a tendency to "investigate every insignificant anomaly [they] come across", further delaying the journey home and reducing their average travelling speeds.

Future's End (1) - S3-E8

Corrected entry: Future's End part 1 and 2 show no signs of a Eugenics Wars, which took place from 1992-1996, and devastated the planet with over 30 million deaths and led to Kahn ruling 1/4 of the planet.


Correction: Clearly some parts of the world escaped the Eugenics Wars unscathed, just as the continental United States escaped both World Wars relatively unscathed.

Correction: It's not the real Torres, but a biomimetic copy, who knows how it will behave after it "dies."

Phage - S1-E5

Corrected entry: When the Doctor is talking about the magnetic containment fields that govern holograms, he slaps Paris. Then he pushes some buttons and when Paris tries to hit the Doctor, his hand passes right through. The Doctor then presses some buttons again to return the fields to normal. One problem: If Paris's hand passes through the Doctor, the Doctor's hand should pass through the buttons.


Correction: His program is smart enough to let some things through but not others. We've often seen objects thrown at the Doctor and going through him, or aliens attacking him and going through him, even though no modifications had been made to his program and he was still able to stand on the floor, hold a tricorder, etc. The Doctor simply tweaked his program a little when he pressed those buttons.


We can suppose that he still appears to be standing on the floor when he allows Paris' hand through him as the holoemitters don't project below the floor. However if the Doctor can "tweak" his program automatically to allow himself to be able to push buttons, he should need to press the buttons to turn his containment on or off as he does to demonstrate it to Paris.

Ashes to Ashes - S6-E18

Corrected entry: It is not feasible that Ensign Ballard would be able to catch up with Voyager. The stardate of her death is quoted as 51563. The episode has a stardate of 53679.4. In "Hope and Fear" (stardate 51978.2), Voyager uses slipstream technology to jump 300 light years. In "Timeless" (stardate 52143.6), they use it again to jump 10,000 light years. In "Night" (stardate 52081.2), a spatial vortex gets them 2,500 light years closer. In "Dark Frontier" (stardate 52619.2), though avoiding the Borg has added 2 years to their journey, they use a transwarp coil from the Borg sphere to shorten their journey by 15 years (roughly 15,000 light years). In "The Voyager Conspiracy" (stardate 53329), the crew uses a graviton catapult to cut 3 years off their journey. All of this happened between Ensign Ballard's death and her return to Voyager. With all of these massive jumps, the only explanation for Ensign Ballard being able to catch up with Voyager is that the Kobali have amazing technology for travelling at extremely high speeds. However, if this is the case, Janeway would have asked for the technology in return for Ballard.


Correction: Several species have been shown to be capable of traveling considerably faster than Voyager, so it's entirely possible that the Kobali can, too. Trading a person for a piece of technology would be morally questionable, at best.


When has being "morally questionable" ever stopped Janeway? Hell, she traded bio weapons to the Borg in exchange for the use of their technology to get out of their space, and she was perfectly willing to give the Equinox and crew to the aliens to appease them, to name just a couple of examples.

Basics (2) - S3-E1

Corrected entry: In the second part of this episode, the Doctor asks the ship's computer of how many persons are on board to get an idea of the number of invading Kazon he is facing. The ship responds with "89 Kazon and one Betazoid". It fails to mention Seska who is a Cardassian.

Correction: The Computer obviously registered Seska as Kazon.

Rog the Bodge

Friendship One - S7-E21

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the episode, the "Friendship 1" probe does a flyby. On it, you see Federation and Starfleet markings. During the briefing after the credits, Tuvok states that the probe was launched 4 years after Zephram Cochrane's first warp flight. Cochrane's warp flight was in 2063 and the probe was launched in 2067 The United Federation of Planets didn't exist until 2161, and even though there was techinically a Starfleet, it's well known that it didn't adopt the "arrowhead" (aka "Delta) style symbol until the 2240's.


Correction: Fan speculation and trivia generated in other media (novels, comics, blueprints, guides, etc) cannot be used to gauge a mistake. Mistakes only count if they contradict what was established in a previous film or television episode. And the date of origin of the arrowhead insignia has never been stated in any.

JC Fernandez

Good Shepherd - S6-E20

Corrected entry: When Crewman Heron is in his escape pod informing Captain Janeway of his intentions a mouse pointer can be seen moving around on the LCARS display in front of him.

Correction: Submitted and corrected already. Tom is fascinated by 20th century technology, and incorporates many features of this era into the workings of the ship. One of these features could have been a mouse cursor.

Ashes to Ashes - S6-E18

Corrected entry: When Lindsay Ballard explains to Janeway what happened in regard to her death (in order to prove herself valid), she said that she fell victim to a Hirogen trap 3 years ago. The problem here is that since this is the series' sixth season, three years prior would make that event occurring in the third season. However, Voyager didn't encounter the Hirogen until season four.

Correction: The entry assumes that exactly one year passes per season, however, I'm sure there is at least one episode that proves otherwise.

Good Shepherd - S6-E20

Corrected entry: In the episode "Good Shepherd", when the crewman is in the Delta Flyer's escape pod, look at the computer panel in front of his face. You can see a mouse cursor, which moves wildly about the screen after about a second, before the camera pans away. There are NO mouse cursors used on the computers in the 24th century, everything is touch sensitive.

Correction: Tom Paris, who designed the Flyer, states in some episodes that he's fascinated by old 20th century technology and incorporated many aspects of it into the workings of the Flyer. One of these features could have been a mouse cursor.

Night - S5-E1

Corrected entry: Both Voyager's engines are destroyed in the final battle before going through the Vortex. They plan on using aft torpedoes to not only close the Vortex but help propel them through the Vortex since they have no engines. They arrive on the other side of the Vortex finally out of The Void and into regular space with star systems rather than nothingness. Janeway proceeds to say, "full speed ahead." Credits roll as Voyager's engines propel them off into space.

Correction: The nacelles are destroyed, which let the ship travel at warp speed. Impulse engines are an entirely separate system, which are used for sub-light speed. They're moving forward as best they can.

Equinox (2) - S6-E1

Corrected entry: Toward the end of the episode when Seven is speaking with the Doctor she references his musical error earlier in the episode. She says he was off by "decibels." Decibel is a unit of volume, not pitch.

Correction: Seven says "your vocal modulations deviated by 0.30 deci-hertz", not decibels. Hertz is a measurement of frequency, or pitch.


Drone - S5-E2

Deliberate mistake: When the Doctor begins to "fade" in the transporter room his mobile emitter fades with him. Since it's made of solid matter and is not a hologram, this shouldn't be possible.

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Thirty Days - S5-E9

Question: Was Tom successful in his mission or did the torpedo that was launched by Tuvok from Voyager stop him from succeeding?

Answer: The torpedo stopped him from succeeding.


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