Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf mistake picture

Backwards - S3-E1

Revealing mistake: At The End of the episode, the shot with the taxi has been reversed to show the number plate backwards. It has also changed everything else in the shot, most notably, the cat's outfit. In the next scene they have been flipped back to normal. (00:25:35)


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Suggested correction: If you look at 00:13:47, you'll see that the closest tree has an odd poster. The other trees have the poster that they showed to the man that gives them a lift.

Backwards - S3-E1

Revealing mistake: Near The End of the episode, Kryten and his employer are seen arguing in supposedly backwards English. However, when you watch the episode how the people of earth would see it on the second DVD, Kryten and his employer aren't speaking English, they are just speaking plain gobbeldy-gook, even although when you see the people of Earth talking on the DVD they speak correctly. (00:22:30)

Red Dwarf mistake picture

Backwards - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: At The End of the episode, when the Cat says, 'I've forgotten something', watch the extra in the white t-shirt. He puts a pint to his mouth, and when the shot changes, it is gone. (00:25:05)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Marooned - S3-E2

Visible crew/equipment: If you look closely when the camera follows Lister (in the scene just before the meteor crashes onto Starbug) you can actually see the edge of the set and some studio lights. (00:04:10)

Polymorph - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode when we first see the polymorph, it looks into the mirror, then covers its eyes. Yet when we see the reflection, it already has its hands over its eyes before it gets to the mirror. (00:01:30)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Polymorph - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: Kryten removes the polymorph underpants and throws them under the covers of Lister's bed. When he checks the bed and pulls out a snake the pants are now on top of the covers (even though he says they're gone) and the covers themselves are now arranged differently. (00:10:00)

Red Dwarf mistake picture

Marooned - S3-E2

Revealing mistake: When Lister cuts out the guitar from the trunk, the edges are black. When Lister snaps the guitar in two, you can see the wood is a different colour inside, meaning the edges of the cut out had been painted previously. (00:22:25)


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Kryten - S2-E1

Question: When Holly is saying about how he has changed music he says that because of the 2 new notes he's made instruments would be bigger. "Triangles will have four sides. Piano keyboards the length of zebra crossings. Course, women will have to be banned from playing the cello." I don't understand the joke about the cello part. Could someone please tell me what he means?

Answer: The cello is a large four-stringed instrument, which, when it is played, stands vertically on the floor between the player's legs (assuming they are seated). If it is to grow as large as the other instuments mentioned will, it would require a rather unseemly lack of femininity to be able to encompass it with the legs.

Rooster of Doom

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