Audio problem: When Xander is talking to Blaine in the cell, Blaine is explaining what Miss French/She-Mantis does. At one point Blaine says "She ties you up, " but his mouth doesn't match the words at all. His mouth and the words match for every other line, so I'm assuming they decided to add that line in post.
Continuity mistake: When Xander thinks he hears someone at Miss French's house, she distracts him by caressing his chin. In the two shots facing Miss French, she's touching his chin with her LEFT hand but in the shot facing Xander she's touching his chin with her RIGHT hand.
Continuity mistake: When Buffy is telling Giles and Willow what she read about praying mantises in the book, she slams it shut and says "Ha!" The scene then cuts from a wide shot to a medium shot of Buffy, and the way she is holding the book changes slightly between cuts. (More specifically, her hand and the book rotate about 45° between cuts).
Continuity mistake: Near the beginning, Miss French picks up a little terrarium with the mantis in it, the position of the mantis changes instantly between cuts. First it's on the left side, then it's on the right.
Continuity mistake: At the Bronze in the beginning of the episode, two guys are talking about girls. At one point, one of them (the white guy) goes from facing forward to facing sideways at his friend between edits.
Audio problem: After the opening credits, we see a band playing in the Bronze. The lead singer's mouth doesn't seem to 100% match what he's saying. It's mostly right, but just seems a little "off." (Ex. There's a few very brief moments where individual syllables seem to not match, etc.) It's very clear he's simply lip-syncing to a pre-recorded track.
Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the episode, when Buffy's teacher is looking at the slides, he goes from holding a slide with one hand to two hands instantly between edits.
Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the episode, Buffy's teacher turns on a light box and places a single slide on it. In the next shot, you can see the light box reflected in his eyeglasses, and in the reflection, you can see there are suddenly four or five slides on the light box. Then in the very next shot, there are suddenly NO SLIDES WHATSOEVER on the light box, and he places two down.
Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, the vampire makes Buffy back up into a pillar. In the first shot, Buffy is only inches away from the pillar. The camera cuts to the vampire for a second, then when it cuts back to Buffy, she's suddenly moved forward several feet and backs up into the pillar finally.
Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, when you first see the vampire, you see a girl behind him running from screen-right to screen-left. She's in a blue plaid shirt and jeans. The scene cuts to Buffy for a second, then cuts back to the vampire and you can see the same girl doing the exact same thing in the background... running from screen-right to screen-left. (It looks like they used two different takes of the same shot in the scene).
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Other mistake: In the famous scene where Buffy tells Giles, "If the Apocalypse comes, beep me," she grabs her pager from out of shot. Trouble is, she's standing in the middle of her hall and there's nowhere she could have picked the gadget up from. (00:21:00)

Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: When Buffy is talking to Owen at the end, there is a woman wearing a red/black checkered jacket, sometimes carrying a red bag, walking up the stairs behind Owen several times. You can also see her behind Buffy in shots facing her. (00:40:25)
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: When the vampire breaks the glass with his head, the remaining glass disappears.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: When the Scoobys are in the cafeteria in the beginning, Xander asks what the "green stuff" is in a wideshot, and it cuts to a closeup of Buffy. In both shots, you can see two extras in the background doing the exact same thing twice - walking from screen-left to screen-right, while one of them distinctly lifts their tray up for a moment. The extras were probably just told to repeat the same actions in different takes to populate the background, leading to this odd mistake.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: When Borba reawakens at the funeral home and says "I have been judged, " you can sort-of see Owen reflected in the glass in front of him, and Owen's face looks totally blank. When it cuts to Owen, Xander and Willow (right before the commercial break happens), Owen suddenly has a shocked expression on his face.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Deliberate mistake: When Buffy and Giles are searching the funeral home, we see three shots of Buffy and Giles opening up different mortuary-cabinet doors, shot from the point of view of the cabinet. The problem? You can tell they're opening and closing the same door over and over again. The background is exactly the same, and all they've done is slightly re-arrange the stuff behind them, and had the actors come in from different angles to create the illusion they're opening different doors. It's SUPER obvious.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: When Buffy introduces Owen to Angel, Buffy starts to scoot towards Owen but is still a good foot away. However, when the shot cuts, suddenly she is pressed right up against him.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: During Buffy and Owen's date at the Bronze, after Buffy shoos away Cordy, Buffy turns and smiles at Owen. In the first shot, she's smiling with a closed mouth. Suddenly in the next shot, she's open-mouth grinning with her teeth exposed.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: After the crash, when the bus driver walks up to the vampire that he hit and asks "Can you move?" the blood that was on the right side of his forehead in the previous few shots vanishes.
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date - S1-E5
Continuity mistake: The second time we see the van going to Sunnydale, the creepy guy is delivering a weird sermon. At one point, we see him reflected in the driver's mirror, and he is gesturing with his right hand, which is up around his abdomen/chest area. It then cuts and suddenly his hand is down by his side.
Answer: She has superpowers, ergo fast movement. The reason she outruns him so easily in "Touched" is that she stops trying to actually fight him and just dodges instead.