Corrected entry: At the time of the break-in at Jim's house, Edward is wearing dark clothes and a cap unlike what he can be seen wearing at other times throughout the film. He has previously demonstrated an inability to dress himself, and with this in mind it is strange that everybody assumes that he committed the burglary by himself.
16th Feb 2010
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
16th Jan 2010
Troy (2004)
Corrected entry: As Patroclus enters Achilles' tent to ask if he will join the Greeks to fight the Trojans, Achilles is seated while eating and drinking. In disgust at Patroclus, Achilles dashes the contents of his cup on the fire. Moments later, he drinks from the empty cup.
Correction: Which just means that the cup was not entirely emptied when he flung out the contents. Try it yourself; most often a tiny amount of liquid is left in the cup when you do this.
16th Jan 2010
Avatar (2009)
Corrected entry: When Jake makes his spear after recovering from his swim he then makes a 'torch' when it gets dark. How did he discover that the liquid goo he dips his torch in was flammable? Plus, if there's a lot of this flammable goo, how come it didnt ignite when all the missiles and incendiaries were going off in the later battles at hometree and soul tree?
Correction: First of all, noone says there was a LOT of the flammable sap around. It might very well be the product of only one semi-rare tree. As for how he knew about it, he DID go through a period of training and education before being placed on Pandora. Someone could easily have told him "watch out for this type of tree; its sap is flammable".
20th Dec 2009
2012 (2009)
Corrected entry: High amounts of microwaves hitting the Earth would cause every person on Earth with an implanted pacemaker (or icd) to have extreme heart problems and/or even death (coming from a person with one).
Correction: True, but there's no mistake here. We don't see anyone on screen experiencing heart problems, but that does not mean it doesn't happen.
6th Aug 2006
Goodfellas (1990)
Corrected entry: In the scene where the guys go to Florida to "feed the guy to the lions," the lion first shown is a male with a huge mane. When seen upside down the 1st time it's the male, but the second time it's a female, no mane, slightly smaller, lion. They never show more than 1 lion in the pen, either.
Correction: Like they say, they are feeding him to the lions (plural). Just because we never see more than one lion at the time, it does not mean there are not two (or more) of them. We never get to see the entire lion's pen, so the others could have been just off screen.
20th Jul 2009
Goodfellas (1990)
Revealing mistake: Morrie gets whacked by Tommy with an ice pick. After that, Morrie is dead and lifeless. Soon after, Frankie Carbone (post Jimmy leaving) exits the car. When he does, the car light comes on and you can see Morrie blink. (01:45:40)
Suggested correction: Morrie does not blink, but his body moves slightly due to the car rocking.
You can see him blink in the edition I have.
I saw it yesterday on the Netflix version. Morrie blinked.
The mistake is valid. When Tommy says, "Where you going, you dizzy motherf*cker you," specifically just as he says the words "you dizzy," we do indeed see Morrie's left eye blink (the shadow covers his right eye). It has nothing to do with: "his body moves slightly due to the car rocking." This mistake is quite visible when streaming (MAX and Tubi, timecode 01:45:43), and it's especially visible on a laptop or iPad.
23rd Mar 2009
Goodfellas (1990)
Corrected entry: The scene where Karen pulls a gun on Henry uses two different guns, one blue and one nickel between the various camera shots.
Correction: Already corrected. The light in the different angle shots make it only appear as if the gun changes colour, but it is just a trick of the light, nothing more.
25th Nov 2009
2012 (2009)
Corrected entry: When Jacskon brings his children home early from their camping trip at the request of his ex-wife, she invites him in for pancakes - a request he declines because he is "late for work" even though he is returning from his trip "early."
Correction: He is driving a limo, and as seen in the movie, has his uniform with him in the car. He could simply have called the limo agency on the way back and told them he was available for work that day and asked if they had anything for him, as he is obviously prepared to step in at short notice.
17th Nov 2009
2012 (2009)
Corrected entry: Earth does have enough water to cover the entire surface, but not have enough water to almost cover Mt. Everest at 8,848m.
Correction: True, but keep in mind that the entire African continent rose while the rest of the world was flooded. This would naturally have displaced a LOT of water, and allowing the sea level to rise even higher elsewhere on the globe.
31st Dec 2008
Valkyrie (2008)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Col. Stauffenburg is handing the revised Valkyrie papers to Adolf Hitler, the hand holding the papers has all 5 fingers. At the beginning of the movie, this hand has 2 of the fingers completely blown off.
Correction: The picture that has been posted with a different entry to this site disproves this; the hand is shown to have only three fingers.
3rd Jan 2009
Valkyrie (2008)
Corrected entry: I noticed that in many of the scenes the ribbons are missing from the uniforms.
Correction: That's very vague. Please point out at least one instance where this happens; give a reference to identify the scene, and which ribbons that should have been appearing on the uniform(s).
8th Apr 2009
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Corrected entry: Grandpa is wrapped in the hospital sheet from the time the family sneaks him out of the hospital until the funeral home picks him up out of the VW. He would have also been dressed in a hospital gown and wearing an ID bracelet which would have contradicted Richard's story that he died while they were driving.
Correction: We don't know for certain that he is still wearing a hospital gown and bracelet when the funeral home picks him up. Someone in the family could have thought as far as to remove them and dress him in regular clothes. Or the people at the funeral home failed to notice until they had arrived at their offices. Either way, it is not shown on screen, but entirely possible.
17th Jan 2009
Sweeney Todd (2007)
Corrected entry: Whilst Mr Pirelli is in Sweeney Todd's barber shop, Sweeney Todd is seen to be boiling a kettle full of water, however, whilst beating Mr Pirelli half to death no water leaves the kettle or splashes around at all, upon dropping the kettle water floods out of the kettle.
Correction: We don't know if the kettle as full to begin with. If Sweeney was only making tea for himself, filling the kettle with more water than needed would just be a waste of time. So if the kettle was say, half-full, then it makes perfect sense that no water sloshes out while it is being swung around (momentum would keep the water in).
27th Jan 2008
The Bucket List (2007)
Corrected entry: SPOILER: In the film's final scene, Thomas has made it to the mountaintop, and although it's supposed to be extremely cold, and even though he's bundled up to the hilt, there's not the slightest hint of steam emanating from his mouth or nose when he breathes.
Correction: Visible breath has not so much to do with cold as it has to do with air humidity. Both have to be just right for breath to appear as vapour. At the top of the Himalayas, it is so cold that the air humidity is next to nil, therefore no breath is visible.
7th Sep 2009
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Corrected entry: Lt. Archie Hicox title, Lieutenant, is pronounced [Loo-ten-ant], whereas the correct British pronunciation during the war would have been [Left-ten-ant].
Correction: In the scene where Hicox is given his mission briefing, the British general calls him "leftenant". In all subsequent scenes, the people who use the American pronounciation "loo-ten-ant" are either Americans, or Germans who have English as a second language. They can hardly be expected to use correct British English pronounciation.
26th Aug 2009
The Happening (2008)
Corrected entry: Throughout the entire movie, whenever Elliot's mood ring is visible, regardless of the level of stress he's under, his ring is always navy blue, which denotes calm and happiness.
Correction: That's because mood rings don't really work. They are based on a theory that body temperature rises with emotion, such as stress or fright, which has been proven untrue. Changes in air temperature have a much larger effect on the liquid inside a mood ring than the insignificant changes in your skin.
20th Jul 2009
Seven (1995)
Corrected entry: When the head of Brad Pitts wife is delivered in a box there is a brief view of black curls in the box but Pitts wife has straight blonde hair.
Correction: The hair is not black, it is soaked with blood. The blood has also dried, making the hair appear even darker.
15th Jul 2009
Futurama (1999)
Corrected entry: When Bender is traveling through space he never grows his rust beard or requires booze to keep going. This is the only time in the series he does this.
Correction: He does not drift through space for long enough to get rusty before the shrimpkins appear. And after the shrimpkins have colonized him, they are shown to brew "Lordweiser" beer for him.
Corrected entry: In one scene, Indy and the group are being held captive by the Russians and are being taken through a rain forest. After they hijack the truck that is transporting them, Indy destroys a deforesting machine with an RPG. The model of RPG that Indy fires wasn't invented until the 1960s.
Correction: Already listed and corrected. The RPG-7 was not invented until 1961, but the similar-looking RPG-2 was around at the time of the movie.
29th Mar 2009
The Holiday (2006)
Corrected entry: When Amanda slips on the ice, she holds onto a tree branch and the snow falls on her. But in the next shot, there's no snow on her.
Correction: These shots are part of a longer series showing her trundling up the narrow lane to get to the house. The next shot was after a cut, and we don't know how long she walked between the different cuts. Most likely, she brushed off most of the snow, and what was left melted on her clothes while she was walking, all between shots.
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Correction: There is a HUGE difference in helping Edward dress himself and helping him commit burglary! Naturally, his accusers assume he had asked someone to help him put on clothes, but that he had lied about/not revealed the purpose.