Corrected entry: "Terrence and Phillip" is playing on the tv in the emergency room.
28th Aug 2003
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999)
20th Jul 2006
A History of Violence (2005)
Corrected entry: Sheriff Sam's research on Richie Cusack leads him to wonder if there really is a connection between Tom and the Philadelphia mob. In a scene at the house, Tom and Edie convince him otherwise. Yet days later, Richie is killed in what would be considered a high-profile mob rubout. This should reignite Sam's original suspicion of Tom, in a sense voiding Tom's return to a peaceful life. The movie wants us to believe that Sam will ignore the fact that Tom is an obvious suspect in Richie's killing.
Correction: We never see what happens after Tom returns home to his family either. It is left up to the imagination, so it might very well be that Sam would come after Tom. To say that "the movie wants us to believe Sam will ignore this" is the submitter's own interpretation of the last, ambiguous scene in the film.
7th Jul 2006
Doom (2005)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Duke and Samantha are in the lab and Goat stands up behind the glass, right before he kills himself he makes the sign of the cross. However, he touches his forehead, chest, right shoulder, and then left shoulder. The correct order is touching the left shoulder and then the right shoulder.
27th Jun 2006
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Corrected entry: The drunk guy in the pub introduces Judge Doom to his imaginary friend - a bunny named Harvey. The film is set in 1947 - The film "Harvey" Featuring this rabbit didn't get released until 1950.
Correction: But the play "Harvey", on which the film is based, debuted in 1945. The guy in the bar might as easily have gotten the idea from watching the play.
18th Jun 2006
Rocky II (1979)
Corrected entry: During the "Gonna Fly Now"-walk with the kids near the end-fight, the kid running behind Rocky is getting instructions on when to speed up his run. You see him take a quick peek to the left and then speed up. He is obviously being waved at or something.
Correction: He is a child; it is very easy to capture his attention. Maybe he saw something he was running past that needed a closer look or maybe he thought he heard someone call his name. Either way, you can't categorically say that there is no reason for him to turn his head other than to get instructions.
8th Jun 2006
X-Men 3 (2006)
Corrected entry: In the van when the brotherhood attacks to get Mystique, she is shot with one of the darts of the gun. This should leave three. Magneto keeps the gun. But when Jean takes it apart and plays with Magneto, there are four again.
Correction: The handgun used by the guard in the moving prison does not resemble the guns used later by the soldiers. There is no way to say for certain how many needles go into the handgun, so it may have held five darts.
3rd Jun 2006
X-Men 3 (2006)
Corrected entry: In the second film Magneto escapes the entire prison with only the aid of 3 ball bearings. He could have easily ripped the cars apart and used them as bullets against the troops guarding Lech and hit them with 100% accuracy or even made the cars spin like tops and slam into the guards. All he did was throw cars in random directions and let Pyro light them and hope for the best. This goes beyond a character mistake, as Magneto's often been shown to make very good use of metal around him, whereas here he just doesn't bother so it benefits the plot.
Correction: Still, it is his choice to use the cars as artillery shells rather than bullets. Maybe he just wanted to attract attention while his fellow mutants got to Leech, maybe he simply wanted a big, flashy and intimidating show for the humans watching. It is impossible to say for certain what a character's motives are, based on such circumstantial evidence as this.
11th Jun 2006
Aliens (1986)
Corrected entry: Not really a HUGE mistake, but when Ripley finds Newt in her hole the first time you can see lots of boxes laying round with rations or MRE's in them. But later when the female medic is checking her out she says she is suffering from "Borderline Malnutrition" How is that possible when she had so much left over food?
Correction: The term "malnutrition" does not necessarily mean that you have had too little food, it also includes the bad effects of an improper regular diet. MRE's are not designed to be eaten on a regular basis, but as emergency food when nothing else is available. Newt has eaten MRE's for a very long time, and is suffering from the ill effects from this (most likely constipation and lack of proper vitamins).
Not to mention people who have suffered severe trauma often lose appetite. Even though she has collected food she may not be eating as regularly as she should. With nobody around to counsel her or force her to eat she is probably not getting regular meals or resting as often as she should.
5th Jun 2006
The Mummy Returns (2001)
Corrected entry: When Imhotep is brought back and the dark-haired woman introduces herself, she claims to be Anck Su Namun reincarnated. This wouldn't have mattered in the slightest to Imhotep as the ancient Egyptians didn't even believe in reincarnation. This also applies to Evie being the Pharaoh's daughter reincarnated; when Anck Su Namun's spirit is put into the woman's body and she 'becomes' her, she should not have believed Evie to be a reincarnation of the princess.
26th May 2006
The Simpsons (1989)
And Maggie Makes Three - S6-E13
Corrected entry: After Homer gets his job back at the plant and returns home to complain to a pregnant Marge about how much he hates his life, a picture of Maggie can be seen hanging on the wall behind the couch - despite the fact that Maggie hasn't been born yet.
3rd Jun 2006
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Corrected entry: During the motel scene, Seth comes back in with bags of food and gives some to Richie, before asking where the woman hostage was. We see Richie chewing, then a split second later (shot is from behind), we can see Richie pick up a beer bottle and take a sip, but the very next shot (front view now), Richie is still chewing and holding the burger with two hands, and the beer bottle is not even visible.
Correction: Check again. After Richie puts down the beer bottle, there is enough time for him (while seen from behind) to pick up the burger again before the angle changes. When we next see him, from the front, he is holding the burger in ONE hand, not two, and he is only seen shoulders and up. The bottle could easily be below the frame.
3rd Jun 2006
Mission: Impossible 3 (2006)
Corrected entry: At the Vatican party when the Chinese IMF agent spills her drink on the villain, his translator tells her to back away in English. Later when they are leaving the translator is speaking to the agent in Chinese, and interpreting for her.
Correction: There's no mistake here. The translator's initial remarks, in English, was when he reacted to a sudden, unexpected situation (the drink spilled on his boss). He didn't have time to think much.Later, when things have calmed down and a regular, civil conversation takes place, he is showing her the courtesy of speaking in her native tongue, even if he knows she speaks English.
21st Sep 2004
Rounders (1998)
Corrected entry: When KGB and Mike are playing heads up in the end of the film and Mike is dealing the cards he first deals the "turn card" i.e. the fourth community card and then deals the "river", fifth community card, without discarding one card. In Texas Hold 'em you always take the top card away when dealing the community cards because cards can be marked and by doing so no-one will know which cards are coming even if some of them are marked.
Correction: That is not correct. You only see them play four hands in total, the rest are just implied by their stacks changing size, and only once is Mike shown to be dealing. When he does, the camera comes on him just as he deals the turn card (so you can not tell if he discarded one before this), and a little while later you can see him discard one card before dealing the river.
29th May 2006
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Corrected entry: When Lando is talking to Han and Leia inside the cell, he says that Luke is on his way. How can Lando know this? He has never met Luke before, so he wouldn't know him or his X-wing. And, Luke can't be near the city until Han and the others are in the carbonite-freezing room (after Han is encased, an officer informs Darth Vader that Luke has landed).
21st May 2006
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Corrected entry: In this book, during the end, Snape says that he is the Half-Blood Prince. Earlier, when Harry is at the Weasley's for Christmas, he wonders if his dad was the Prince. He looks in the book, and it says that the book was from fifty years ago. He is depressed by the fact that his dad wasn't at Hogwarts fifty years ago. In the fifth book, when Harry is in Snape's pensieve, he sees his dad and Snape finish their O.W.L.s. This would mean that they were in the same year at Hogwarts.
Correction: When Harry first wonders about if the book belonged to James Potter, it is under the assumption that the Prince had owned the book when it was new. But as we later find out, poor students (such as Snape) can get cheap, used books through a special fund at Hogwart's. It is therefore quite possible that Snape had a ten-year old copy of the book at the time when he dubbed himself the Half-Blood Prince.
The book could have belonged to Snape's mother, Eileen Prince. Snape could have borrowed her books.
2nd Nov 2005
Hellraiser (1987)
Corrected entry: When Larry and Julia move into the house, they clear out everything, even all of Frank's possessions, yet somehow Frank is able to obtain his switchblade near the end of the movie.
Correction: You never actually see them clear out absolutely everything; it is just assumed that they do. It would be reasonable if one or both of them chose to hang onto personal effects that had belonged to Frank, as they did not know if he would someday come back to claim them.
27th Mar 2006
Batman Begins (2005)
Corrected entry: When Bruce opens the corridor to the Bat Cave he hits three notes on the piano to open the door. When Alfred saves Bruce from the fire he takes him to the Bat Cave. Alfred only hits two notes on the piano to open the door, not the three notes that were needed before. (01:22:15 - 01:50:15)
4th Jul 2003
Anna and the King (1999)
Corrected entry: At the banquet for the English guests plays a top-class European chamber orchestra. How did Anna arrange for this within three weeks, about the time a letter from Bangkok to London would take in those days? (01:03:00)
Correction: Most likely, they did not come all the way from Europe. She could have arranged to have them shipped in from the English colonies in India, Ceylon or Hong Kong; or, if she was allowed to negotiate with the French, she could have gotten them from the neighbouring countries in French Indochina. As the characters themselves indicate in the scene with the egg in the bottle, anything is possible if you go at it the right way (and it doesn't hurt to have the money and influence of the King of Siam behind you, either).
1st Jun 2005
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Corrected entry: In the hanging scene, the executioner steps out in public and THEN puts on his hood. The idea of the hood was that people would not know who he was, but his face is visible to the crowd gathered, so there was little point in him putting on the hood after all.
Correction: This is a character mistake at best. In many medieval communities, people knew who the local executioner was regardless of whether he covered his face or not (often, criminals were sentenced to being executioners, or people could figure out his identity based on bodily distinctions). If the crowd knew who the executioner were and what he looked like, the hood would be used more out of tradition, and not to hide his identity. So it is possible that the headsman in this movie simply did not care to hide himself.
7th May 2006
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Corrected entry: Dennis Creevey is a second-year student, yet somehow he is able to go into the Hog's Head for the D.A. meeting. Only third years and up are allowed into Hogsmeade.
Correction: As seen several times in the books, it is quite possible for Hogwarts students to break the school's rules, if they want it enough. Harry & co. (not to mention the Weasley twins) do it all the time.
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Correction: Not really trivia - it can be seen by anyone watching the movie.