
5th Sep 2003

Rambo III (1988)

Corrected entry: At the very beginning, Col. Trautman and his friends are showing around a photo of Rambo in an attempt to find him. The photo shows Rambo wearing the necklace he recieved from the girl in Rambo II. At the end of Rambo II, Rambo walks off into the wilderness so where did Trautman get such a nice photo of him wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt? (00:01:27)

Correction: Even though Rambo walks into the woods at the end of "Rambo II", he eventually returns to civilization, and he has the necklace in the third film. As we do not know what happens between the two movies, there could have been a moment after his return when someone managed to get a picture of Rambo.


13th Apr 2005

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When the Millennium Falcon escapes from the Death Star, Darth Vader only let it go so it would give away the location of the Rebel base. So why would Ties attack it? They're taking pretty big chunks out of the ship (It seems doubtful that Grand Moff Tarkin would want to risk blowing up the Falcon, given the extremes he has already gone to to find the base), and even if they were already out there, wouldn't someone try to contact them to allow the ship to pass?

Correction: The Imperials had to stage a mock attack in order to make the escape look more real. It would rouse all kinds of suspicion if the Falcon had just taken off from the landing bay and flown away without a single shot fired to stop them. A narrow escape would seem a lot more like "the real deal". Granted, Leia sees through the ploy anyway, but it had to be done this way from the Imperials' point of wiew.


Correction: The most obvious explanation is that Bond himself called in (while off-screen) to report his mission completed, but that for some reason he could not talk to M at the point. M is then simply returning his call on the phone number Bond left, to get a more detailed report.


30th May 2003

The Mask of Zorro (1998)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Don Rafael Montero is visiting the prison to find Zorro, he holds a napkin in front of his mouth to avoid the smell and the possibility of contamination. When he turns to the man who we know is the real Zorro, he lifts Zorro's head up with the napkin and then a few moments later, he puts the napkin back to his own mouth. Wouldn't that basically be destroying the whole point of the using a napkin? Very unhigienic. (00:26:05)

Correction: No, the whole point with the handkerchief is, as you say, to avoid the smell of dozens of people who have been locked up for a long time. He is not very concerned with their germs, and very little of don Diego's smell rubs of on the handkerchief (at least, very little when compared to his surroundings!), so he can still use it to block out the stink.


2nd Apr 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: When Bob goes to E's house she refuses to patch the old super suit because, in her words "I never look back darling, it distracts from the now." Well if she never looks back why is she still wearing the exact same outfit as she does at the Parr's wedding 15 years earlier.

Correction: What she means by not looking back, is that once she has perfected a design, she is done with it and will make no adjustment. Obviously, she thinks her own outfit is perfect and has had no need for change for at least 15 years.


Corrected entry: When Brian sells the 2 bags of "Otters noses" to the guys from the PFJ in the arena, notice that the PFJ don't actually PAY for them.


Correction: That's because Brian gets so excited when they start talking about revolution, that he forgets the payment. And when he is allowed to join the Resistance... well, if he remembered, he probably would consider it a favour to his leaders.


27th Aug 2001

Entrapment (1999)

Corrected entry: When getting ready to steal the mask, Zeta-Jones's character drops some sort of transmitter on the highly polished stone floor in front of the pedestal that holds the mask. If they put the dot on the floor in front of the pedestal, why don't they just come up there, instead of the other side of the room? There are no lasers immediately in front of the pedestal.

Correction: Most likely because they could not come up that way. This could be due to the structure of the castle (walls standing directly under the pedestal, for instance) or the security. If that section was monitored, it would cause an additional risk to the burglars. Or for that matter, it is easier to bring the equipment the short distance from the moat, rather than drag it through half the cellar and have no clear exit (as they do when they are near the moat). As we do not see the blueprints of the area but Mac does, we can not say for sure why he chose to come through that particular section of the floor, but be sure he has a good reason.


11th Aug 2004

King Kong (1976)

Corrected entry: Natives on the island where King Kong lives have constructed a high barrier to protect them from the giant ape. But there is a door in the gigantic wall sufficiently large enough for King Kong to enter. Why?

David Ellsworth

Correction: This is explained in the novel (and in a correction to the 1933 film). The race of giant apes were once controlled by the islanders, who used them for manual labour. They erected the wall to keep out the dinosaurs and other dangerous animals, but the apes still needed to get in and out of the village.


Corrected entry: Budd only told Elle the name of the grave that the bride was buried in. She wrote this down. How is it that when she tells Bill where to deliver flowers Elle has the name of the cemetery and the directions to the cemetery? (01:05:50 - 01:13:50)


Correction: Because this happens in a very small country town; there is only one cemetary there. After Elle heard from Budd that the Bride had been defeated, she would know that's where Beatrix would be buried. All the additional information she needed from Budd was the name of the grave.


25th Mar 2005

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Corrected entry: Why should it take all day to download the prayers? Bruce has all of God's powers, yet he can't make his internet connection fast enough to download the millions of prayer requests in a split second.

Matty Blast

Correction: It simply does not occur to Bruce that he can speed things up. He is still hampered by his human brain and his habits, so he goes through daily activities like eating, driving a car instead of "teleporting", and waiting for downloads from the internet. It is the way he has done things for thirty-something years, it is not easy to shed such habits and thinking.


Correction: Spike is lying. He is trying to score a few easy points with Buffy and change the way she feels about him, so he makes up a story that they have some horrible experience in common. Easy sympathy points. We also don't know every situation he's ever been in - he might have clawed out of a coffin on another occasion.


Corrected entry: In the extended version where the Sheriff finds out Mortianna the Witch is his mother, something doesn't make sense. Mortianna says she killed a baby from the castle and replaced it with her own (the infant Sheriff). What would that achieve? As far as anyone in the castle is concerned it would be the same baby and there'd be a new mad old crone hanging around saying it was her charge. She'd be burnt as a witch. Alternatively, they'd realise it was a different baby and Mortianna would still be burnt as a witch and a murderess. Either way, it doesn't make sense that Mortianna would have managed to have stay with the Sheriff whilst he grew up.

Correction: You are assuming that Mortianna had told her story to others. If she never told anyone that she had had a baby, nobody would know, and her child would grow up in a richer and better household than she could provide. She only tells him when he is grown up. In addition, Mortianna has the protection of the Prince. This makes it very difficult to have her burned, and as we can see it lets her practice her witchcraft quite freely.


24th Mar 2004

Spaceballs (1987)

Corrected entry: When Lone Starr drops the blow drier on the desert, the plug and some of the cord stays in the suitcase. But when it shows it on the ground later, the whole cord and the plug are on the ground right next to it.

Correction: The second shot of the drier comes after a cut, where the characters have picked up the luggage again and walked for ten meters. When they did this, which is not shown on camera, they freed the cord from the suitcase.


19th Nov 2003

Blown Away (1994)

Corrected entry: Tommy Lee Jones uses an abandoned tourist ship as his base of operations. An A&E broadcast of symphony performance is prominently featured, which his character is watching at his lair. Just how many cruise ships have cable access?

Correction: Not many. But buying a satellite dish (on the black market, to avoid registration) and rigging it up in the ship is very easy.


4th Dec 2002

The Godfather (1972)

Corrected entry: Michael is accused of killing the heads of the 5 families in 1951, but during that scene in the movie, he leaves the church in a 1954 Packard. (02:35:10)

Correction: The shooting of the other Dons happen in 1955. Sonny is shot in 1951, Michael returns home, reunites with Kay and has Anthony in 1952, which makes Tony three years old in the scene where Don Vito dies. Also, Vito's tombstone is marked '1955'. So if Michael becomes Don in 1955, the 1954 car is entirely in its place.


9th Apr 2002

Tango & Cash (1989)

Corrected entry: In the beginning Stallone puts a few bullets through the front window of a semi. When the semi stops the bad guys fly out the window breaking the whole glass. Then other cops arrive and the chief is clearly not happy about Stallone firing gunshots at the semi's window. If the chief just arrived and the window on the semi is completely broken, how can he then know that Stallone fired gunshots at the semi?

Correction: By the time the Chief arrives, there are lots of other officers on the scene, both Sheriff's department and City cops. Plenty of both time and opportunity for someone to have taken a statement from the smugglers, or for them to simply have asked for medical attention because Tango had made them crash through a glass window.


22nd Feb 2005

Stand By Me (1986)

Corrected entry: How does Gordie know what Billy, Charlie and everyone else was doing while he was walking down the railroad? He wasn't there, and I doubt people he hates would just tell him.

Correction: As seen in the end, it is an older Gordie who writes the story. Some things, like the mailbox-baseball, he could have heard about from other residents in Castle Rock, and the rest is him taking some artistic license with what Ace and co. were doing.


15th Feb 2005

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: If all the villains in this film are protected by diplomatic immunity, why is the guy who tried to kill Joe Pesci in the hotel running from Riggs and Murtaugh when they find his house? They couldn't have done anything to him anyway.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: It's quite natural to panic when two armed police officers who witnessed you commit a felony (like attempted murder) turn up at your house looking for you. He was not thinking about immunity, he just wanted to get away from them.


15th Jul 2003

Panic Room (2002)

Corrected entry: When all three men are together, writing notes to Foster they are all downstairs, you can see the front door in the background. Instead of carrying on with the conversation she could've just run to the bedroom and called 911 on her cell or the home phone.


Correction: At this point, she could not be sure there were only three men in the house. She was unfamilar with the surveillance system, as well as being scared and confused, so it makes sense that she was not thinking clearly.


While the facts in this correction are accurate, Meg eventually left the room to grab her phone without still knowing if more than three men were actually in the house, so this correction is a bit iffy.

Corrected entry: In the shot where Booger says to the Mus he's dancing with at the party and says "Damn, you Mus sure can party.", the nerd who wears a brown hat and has curly blonde hair is behind them. In the very next shot where Lewis is dancing with his Mu, the same nerd is dancing behind them.

Correction: The scene is not shown in real time, but in several brief shots throughout the entire party. The nerd with the brown hat simply moved around the dance floor a bit in between the two shots.


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