Corrected entry: In the scene where Alex is escaping the train, he has to pull the emergency stop cord to make the train stop and even Imhotep is surprised that the train is stopping. However, their destination was Karnak so that Alex could see the next step of the journey. As Alex enters the ancient city, the bracelet reacts and he sees the next step, thus, they are at Karnak. Shouldn't the train have been stopped or in the process of stopping already without Alex pulling the cable if they had reached their destination? (01:02:00)
26th Aug 2003
The Mummy Returns (2001)
27th Jul 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Corrected entry: When the school is assembled before Snape, as he announces that Harry Potter has been spotted, he says, "Earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted." However, outside the window behind him, it is light, while Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived in Hogsmede when it was dark.
Correction: So Snape is exaggerating, or reporting hearsay. People do this all the time. The important thing is that the students get his point, that Harry was known to be near Hogwarts.
26th Jul 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Corrected entry: Hogwarts castle's design changes: Courtyard is now outside the dining hall, whereas in the rest of the movies there was a flight of stairs.
Correction: As explained in an answer to a question on this site, the stairs and the hall inside has been completely destroyed in the battle. That's why it appears as if the Great Hall leads directly into the courtyard.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Brad Pitt meets Kirsten Dunst for the first time and her "mom" is dying from the plague, the plague had ended by then and was pretty much only in Europe. (00:36:30 - 00:38:00)
Correction: "Plague" is, in addition to being the term for a specific disease, also a generic term used to describe any form of epidemic disease. At the time the move depicts, common people did not know very much about medicine, and so any lethal epidemic, like a violent case of the flu, would be described as a "plague".
Except the mother's corpse has visible boils or "buboes" associated with the bubonic plague.
26th Jul 2011
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Corrected entry: In the end of X-Men: First Class, Magneto puts on his helmet to protect himself from Xavier reading his thoughts. In X-Men: The Last Stand, the pair go to visit Jean as a child and Magneto is not wearing a helmet, even though the setting is much later.
Correction: Apparently, they patched up their differences in the time in between the two scenes (as they have done, several times, in the comic books). Magneto would not necessarily feel the need to shield himself from Xavier when they are working together. In addition, it would attract all kinds of unwanted attention to walk around with that helmet on.
15th Jun 2011
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: When Ben gives Luke a helmet for his light sabre practice, Luke is struck by a laser bolt by the ball, to which Ben replies "Stretch out with your feelings". At this point you can see Harrison Ford turn away and start laughing before the scene ends.
24th May 2011
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Corrected entry: In the chapter "Horace Slughorn", in the house Harry sees 'something darkly red and gluttonous,' which is later described as dragon's blood. However in the fifth book, the chapter "Hagrid's Tale", Hagrid uses dragon meat on his wounds, but it says that the meat oozed 'greenish blood'.
Correction: There's nothing in the series to suggest all dragons have similar blood. The blood of a Welsh Green might very well be green, while the blood of a Noregian Ridgeback is red, or blue, or black. We just don't know either way.
31st May 2011
Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Mr. Smith drops his gun in the toilet, he proceeds to clean it as though guns are not waterproof. The worst part of this scene is that the gun does fail to fire since it's apparently wet. Guns will fire when submerged in water so they will certainly fire when wet.
Correction: He cleans the gun because it just fell into a VERY disgusting toilet bowl. It's not something he would want on his hands, especially since he'll be handling a baby. After he has finished assembling the gun again and tries firing, he discovers to his (and the audience's) surprise that the gunpowder in the shells had gotten wet as well, which is why the gun does not fire.
25th Nov 2003
Time Bandits (1981)
Corrected entry: When Kevin and the dwarves are on the Titanic, the camera shows a close-up shot of a lifesaver hanging on the ship's deck. The lifesaver reads "S.S. Titanic". Being a British ship, the lifesavers on the Titanic should actually be labeled "R.M.S. Titanic".
Correction: All of Titanic's lifeboats were labelled "S.S. Titanic". At the Merseyside Maritime Museum you can see a lifeboat name plate that confirms this. If the lifeboats were labelled "S.S.", it's only likely that the life preservers read the same. The reason for this is that the Titanic was both an S.S. (Steam Ship) and occasionally an RMS (Royal Mail Ship). She would only have the second designation when carrying British mail, which would not necessarily be true for every voyage she ever made. Labelling the boats and preservers with the "S.S." monicker would be accurate no matter what the purpose for her trip was.
You are both wrong, though the posting is correct. The life preservers were labelled "TITANIC" at the top and "LONDON" at the bottom. Some had 19 to the left and 12 to the right, some had small black stars instead of numbers. None were labelled "SS" or "RMS".
31st Dec 2010
True Grit (2010)
Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, Maddie Ross explains that her mother is at home taking care of her sister Victoria and her brother. Later in the movie she writes a letter to her mother and says to give Violet a pinch on the cheek (she is referring to her sister).
Correction: "Violet" could very well be a nickname she had for her little sister.
7th Apr 2011
Star Trek (1966)
Corrected entry: Kirk and Spock are thrown into a prison on planet Organia by the Klingons. The Organians, however, are a peaceful community where prisons make no sense.
Correction: The Organians faked their entire civilization, including both their own appearance, culture and buildings. As it is all placed there to fool visitors, a jail is not out of place at all, but helps maintain the masquerade.
14th Dec 2010
Machete (2010)
Corrected entry: When Booths Guy show up at the hospital, they ask for a man just brought in (Machete). The girl at the front desk says he needs to go to "his" right while pointing towards "his" left.
Correction: Character mistake at best. She is deliberately giving him wrong directions, and messes up a bit. But since he knows she is lying (as evidenced when the gang starts opening EVERY door in the clinic instead of following her directions), he does not really care or pay attention.
26th Jan 2011
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Corrected entry: Harrison Ford badly bruised his ribs during the scene when he was dragged behind the truck.
Correction: Ho-hum. Not nearly interesting enough to be considered trivia. Actors get cuts and bruises all the time.
3rd Jan 2006
Underworld (2003)
Corrected entry: In the close-up shot of Selene biting Michael, she only has fangs on her upper canines whereas in the rest of the film she has fangs on both her upper canines and upper lateral incisors.
1st Dec 2010
The Terminator (1984)
Corrected entry: Early in the film, when Kyle first arrives in 1984, he steals a homeless man's pants and cops chase after him for it. It is very unlikely that police would chase after a man with that kind of intensity simply for taking a homeless man's pants. The cops would have bigger priorities than that.
Correction: The cops are chasing Reese before they encounter the homeless (and pantless) man. Maybe to question him about the immense lightning and wanton destruction that had gone on in the alley just moments prior?
6th Feb 2010
The Invention of Lying (2009)
Corrected entry: In wide shots of the city there are several religious buildings in the shot.
Correction: Several public buildings in the real world such as city halls, universities, museums, etc. can look like places of worship without being one, by having a similar architecture. It is possible that in the context of the movie, that's what these buildings are.
24th Jul 2003
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Corrected entry: The hierarchy in the Red Army was very strict. It is totally unthinkable that a political commissar and an infantryman (private) should publicly dance and wrestle each other like two adolescents.
Correction: Vassily Zaitsev was, at the time of his duel with the German sniper, not a private, but a Junior Lieutenant. This would put him just one rank below Danilov, who is pictured as a Lieutenant.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Pippin asks "Well what about second breakfast?" Merry and Pippin are thrown a piece of fruit each. Pippin is thrown his on the right side of his body, yet it ends up in his left hand. The fruit is also red in colour whilst being thrown, but orange in his hand. (00:56:05)
Correction: You can see him change the fruit from one hand to the other. And it's an apple that's red on one side, orange/yellow on the other.
26th Aug 2010
Salt (2010)
Corrected entry: When salt extracts the venom from a black widow spider, you see the underpart of the spider. If you look closely, there is nothing on its bottom. Black widows have a red hourglass-shaped mark on their bottom to show that they are female. Males -such as the one in the movie- do not contain the potentially deadly neurotoxin that the female does.
Correction: There is nothing in the movie to suggest that the spider is a Black Widow. It is a different kind of spider, one that Mike discovered in North Korea (as shown in the Extended Cut). The spider was named after Beatle Pete Best. It also makes more sense - for her purpose, Salt would not want to use a spider venom that could be potentially deadly given the wrong dose (like the Black Widow), but one with a less harmful venom.
3rd Aug 2010
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Corrected entry: In Chamber of Secrets and The Philosopher's Stone, the Fat Lady's portrait is located in a hall near no stairs. In this movie, the portrait is located on the stairs.
Correction: That's a conscious choice by the filmmakers - several things change around between the two/three films due to them having different views on how they want the scenes to look (most prominently the location of Hagrid's hut). But if one is to be pedantic about it; the portrait is a painting. It can easily be taken down and moved to a different location.
It's easy to say that the portrait could be moved, but it is the exact same entrance into the dorms as the first 2 movies.
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Correction: That depends entirely on where Imhotep & co. were planning to stop! The entire Karnak Temple Complex is a VAST area, the size of a small city. It's possible that the train had just reached the outskirts of the complex, but still had a bit to go before reaching the station itself (which would be in the nearby village of El-Karnak, but not necessarily near the ancient complex), or that they were planning to stop somewhere else on their way past the complex. Most likely, they would try to avoid suspicion by going past the complex and to the station, like a normal train would.