Corrected entry: The Latina women can't speak a word of English when her son is obviously hurt, yet later in the film speaks relatively good English.
20th Mar 2008
John Q (2002)
20th Mar 2002
The Time Machine (2002)
Corrected entry: After Emma is hit by the carriage, the next scene shows David consoling Alexander. Yet Alexander, we soon learn, is the Alexander who came from the future to save Emma, not the one who would have been arriving at the park for her. Presumably, by the time David is consoling him, the present-day Alexander would have left the park and found out about Emma's accident, making for pretty good odds that he would have run into his future self (or at least confused several of his friends) going to see Emma.
Correction: The key words here are "presumably" and "pretty good odds", which make the whole statement speculation. It is impossible to say exactly what present-day Alexander would do, or for how long he would have waited in the park, so he could just as well have been doing something else than what the submitter expects.
22nd Nov 2005
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989)
Corrected entry: When Indy and his father are rotating via the fireplace into the radio room and are noticed by the female operator, she screams in German: 'Los. Die Gewehre.' and the soldiers fire their pistols. But in German, the word 'Gewehre' refers to rifles; for pistols or handguns the word 'Pistole' is used.
Correction: The operator is pretty flustered by the appearance of two bound prisoners in the secret door, and just screams out the first command she can think of. She forgets that the other persons in the room are officers who do not carry rifles, but they get the message; to shoot at the Joneses.
25th Sep 2007
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Corrected entry: The movie is set circa 1868 (e.g. mention of three years passing since being wounded in the Civil War), but a cash register is seen in the saloon. The first cash register wasn't introduced until 1879, and the "traditional" style seen in the saloon wasn't available until years after that. Source taken from
Correction: Actually, the movie is set in 1884. Dans remark about "three years of hell" refers to the amount of time they have spent in Arizona trying to get the ranch to turn a profit, not how long it's been since he lost his leg. See for more details.
14th Mar 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Corrected entry: In the chapter where Harry and company are having their Care of Magical Creatures with Prof Grubly-Plank, she says to turn in their drawings of bowtruckles at the end of class. In a later chapter, Harry says he has to finish the bowtruckle drawing.
Correction: It's not unlikely that the professor was not satisfied with Harry's drawing, and made him do it again as extra homework.
23rd Jan 2008
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Corrected entry: Harry tells Hermione that he has barely opened "A History of Magic" since the time that he bought it, but in the opening scene of "Prisoner of Azkaban," he is doing his homework out of it (and seems reasonably familiar with the text).
Correction: "Barely" is a very relative term. Harry might have used the book in the past, but when compared to Hermione, who knows it practically by heart, he is not very familiar with the text. Harry is simply stating that he has not used the book more than absolutely necessary.
7th Nov 2002
Crimson Tide (1995)
Corrected entry: In one scene Denzel Washington says that the last time American went to DEFCON three was during the Cuban Missile Crisis (which occurred in 1962). They apparently didn't look far enough forward in the history books. In October 1973 when Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a surprise attack on Israel, America upgraded to DEFCON three because of fears that the Soviets may also intervene.
26th Feb 2008
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Corrected entry: In the scene right after Ackbar says, "It's a trap!" tie fighters start swarming the Millennium Falcon. But if you look at the very next shot, four tie fighters at the bottom of the screen appear out of nowhere.
Correction: Already listed. With picture confirmation.
21st Feb 2008
Lost (2004)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Sayid is going through Ben's passports the first one he comes to is a red/maroon New Zealand one. New Zealand passports are blue.
Correction: Not true. The top passport, the New Zealand one, is blue (although the light in the room is dim, so this may appear otherwise). Sayid then flips quickly through the pile, looking at the passport covers, before opening one with a red cover. The one he opens is Swiss.
8th Feb 2008
Ratatouille (2007)
Corrected entry: When Remy is reunited with Emile, it makes no sense for him to go in and break into the food safe when he's got so much left from the bundle Linguini gave him. Of course it moves the plot along, but it still makes no sense.
Correction: It makes perfect sense. Rémy wanted Émile to experience the best food available, to make him realize what good cooking is all about, and did not think the cheese and grapes he had were up to this standard. So he decided to go get something much better from the food safe.
18th Mar 2007
Equilibrium (2002)
Corrected entry: In the scene in which Christian Bale fights several soldiers in bike-helmets with his studded pistol-butts, there is a close-up shot of the first soldier who's visor gets smashed. Immediately after that shot you can see that there are no studs on the pistol-butt. (00:56:30)
Correction: This has already been corrected. It is impossible to see this without using slow motion, and as such it is not a valid mistake.
18th Feb 2008
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
The Freshman - S4-E1
Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, when Buffy is fighting the vampires, she grabs a tennis racket, and just before she hits the vampire with it, the head of the racket flies off to the right of the screen and she continues to swing round and hit the vampire, running at her on the left of the screen, with the racket (minus the head).
Correction: That's not a mistake. All this proves is that even in the Buffyverse, tennis rackets can be poorly made.
18th Feb 2008
The Scorpion King (2002)
Corrected entry: The magic Chinese powder referred to is obviously black powder or a similar gunpowder variant. However, Black powder explodes with a lot of black smoke and a relatively small blast, unlike what was seen in the film.
Correction: This only goes to show that the powder was NOT black powder, but some other, deliberately mysterious substance.
13th Jun 2005
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Corrected entry: In the graveyard scene Christine enters with her hair covered with a shawl. In the next shot the shawl is over her shoulders.
25th Dec 2004
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Corrected entry: If Gustav Daaé died leaving his daughter in utter poverty, why is he buried in the largest mausoleum (which, presumably, cost the most) in the cemetery? It can't be a family mausoleum, since he's Swedish, not French, and the only reason Christine remained in France is because he died.
Correction: No-one in the movie says anything about "utter poverty", that's an assumption. Christine might have inherited some money from him, and besides, at the time most succesful artists had patrons in the form of admirers. One of these might have been a big enough admirer of Daaé to have paid for a grand mausoleum, as a tribute.
11th Feb 2008
Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
Corrected entry: In the panty raid scene after the Tri Lambda's party, Watch as LaMar starts climbing the rope to get into the PI's attic. As he starts up the rope, he kicks his partner Wormser in the face.
Correction: Character mistake. As this is something that can easily happen in real life, it is not a movie mistake, even if it was unintentional from the actors.
10th Feb 2008
Lake Placid 2 (2007)
Corrected entry: The first time the sheriff, Emily, and Frank go out on the lake, she spots something in the water. The sheriff motors to the vicinity, then shuts the motor off, drifts, and starts trying to fish the object out with a boathook. Emily strips down and dives into the water to retrieve the head. If the water was deep enough to dive into, why did the sheriff shut the motor down and drift?
Correction: Character decision, not a mistake - he wanted to lie still to fish the head out and avoid getting wet.
10th Feb 2008
National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
Corrected entry: The President's book said that Borglum had been asked to cover the clues at the Black Hills - which lead to Mount Rushmore. But the sign in the Black Hills - the bird - had not been covered. Had Borglum cut the wrong rock - or what?
Correction: It had been "covered" to the extent that a) the rock had to be wet to reveal the picture, and b) you had to know what it meant. Borglum had simply decided that people would be less than likely to venture into the hills while it was raining, and if they did, and saw the bird, no-one would know that it was a secret entrance to a treasure trove.
5th Feb 2008
The Simpsons (1989)
Lisa's Pony - S3-E8
Corrected entry: When Homer is on the phone with someone in his work station, (I think it's Lisa) he's talking on a phone that's connected to his work panel. When he turns to his right, there's another phone connected to the wall. Why would one person need two phones?
Correction: One closed-circuit intercom for calls made inside the plant, and one regular phone. For instance.
4th Feb 2008
Under Siege 2 (1995)
Corrected entry: Captain Garza is a Navy Captain, and an aide to the Admiral in Under Siege I, which takes place some 3 years earlier. In U/SII, he is still a Captain, and still an aide to the Admiral (highly unlikely that his tour of duty would last 3 years), while Casey Rybeck has gone from being an enlisted E-7 to becoming a commissioned officer, and promoted at least one pay grade.
Correction: Ryback had also single-handedly stopped a bunch of terrorists and saved a US battleship from falling into enemy hands. Surely that would merit some form of reward, such as a hefty promotion?
You still can't go from E-7 to O3 in three years. Also, Ryback is supposed to be retired by this time as an LT. There is a picture of him and his niece that he said was five years old, and he is an LT in that picture too.
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Correction: When people are under a lot of stress, they can easily forget second languages. After the woman has calmed down, she gets her focus back and can remember her English.