Corrected entry: The Dip seems to lose its effect at times. When Judge Doom dips the shoe, his hand doesn't melt, even though he's a toon. And at the end, several toons stand in the spilled Dip but don't melt.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Eddie Valiant follows Jessica into Toontown, he crashes the 1939 Plymouth Coupe he is driving into the back of her parked Packard at 1:10:40. The hood (including the top of the grill shell and hood ornament) on the Plymouth is forced opened from the front by the crash (like the hood opens on a modern car). A 1939 Plymouth has a butterfly style hood that opens from the sides and the grill shell and ornament do not raise with the hood. Example: Later, there is also no damage to the grill shell and ornament when Roger is leaving Toontown 1:17:42. For the hood to open like it did in the crash, those pieces would have to have been torn from the grill. (01:10:40 - 01:17:40)
Correction: The laws of physics work differently in Toontown (note Eddie getting "squashed" on the elevator floor).
Corrected entry: The weasels (bearing in mind they were working for an evil murderer) had angels/ghosts when they died, but the 'innocent' shoe toon killed earlier in the film didn't.
Correction: A toon death is different from a dip death.
Corrected entry: It's said a toon can only be killed by the dip, but Jessica shoots and kills a toon who's about to kill Eddie.
Correction: Jessica shoots at Judge Doom who is the one about to fire at Eddie. He gets right back up and you see him run away, then Eddie fires his toon gun at Doom.
Corrected entry: Right when Greasy says "I'll handle this one" after being ordered to search Jessica for the will, look quickly at Hoskin's coat and you can see the rigs attached to the coat. (01:17:05)
Correction: There is no "rigging" visible at all, maybe you saw his braces attached to his trousers and thought these were some kind of rigging. There would be no need for any kind of rigging in this shot anyway, he is simply standing there.
Corrected entry: In the scene right before Valiant gets off the trolley they show a shot of men lifting a sign with Clover Leaf on it. Then when Valiant throws his mail out and runs over to the station they show the same sign in a different spot even lower than before.
Correction: No they don't. The sign is actually *higher* than before. Even if it was lower, it's not like the sign was fixed, it was in the midst of being raised on pulleys -- they could have adjusted the height.
Corrected entry: All cartoons have shadows during the film, but when Eddie Valiant is in Maroon's office and looks at Dumbo right outside the window, the camera turns back to Eddie and there's no shadow over him.
Correction: When Maroon throws the peanuts out the window, the film cuts to an exterior shot of Dumbo where we see his shadow is cast on the side of the building. So no shadow would be cast over Valiant's face at the window.
Corrected entry: When the weasels break through the wall into Toontown, one of them pulls out a brick and says "Toontown is on the other side of the wall, boss." When he says this, he lets the brick go, and it continues to float in mid-air above the hole.
Correction: This is by design and plays upon the long history of cartoon characters breaking the laws of physics for comical effect.
Corrected entry: When Eddy toasts to Earl's dismissal, he says, "Cheers to the pencil pushers. May they all die of lead poisoning." Until the 17th century (until graphite was found and first used for writing) the archetypal 'pencils' were indeed made of lead alloys, and even today, due to its color, the graphite is sometimes referred to as 'lead'.
Correction: Not really trivia for this film, as it has nothing to do with the film other than the fact that they mention a pencil in a throw-away line.
Corrected entry: When Roger bursts through Maroon's window blind, he leaves behind a clean outline of his body shape in it, However look at the section of blind between his legs in the outline. They are magically floating in mid-air as they are not attached to the blind's drawstrings either side.
Correction: While he can go through the window, it doesn't affect the physics of real world things for long. As for the handcuffs, he can probably slip out by bending his hand in ways that make it easy to slip out.
Corrected entry: When Valiant grabs Roger after he is singing, dancing and smashing plates on his head, if you look carefully you can see that Roger is a frozen-stiff cardboard cut-out. This was to hide the machinery that was smashing the plates.
Correction: They made it pretty clear in the "Making of" documentary that each individual film cell was hand-painted.
Corrected entry: When Eddie defeats the judge by hitting the dip valve with the extended boxing glove, the judge is shown being pushed forward by the spray, however when the camera cuts it shows Eddie sitting there with the spray going past him but the judge mysteriously vanishes.
Correction: Actually, as the spray hits the Judge sending him backwards, he falls to the ground. He lands at a point on the ground before reaching Eddie. Since the spray continued after the Judge had fallen, and he fell before reaching Eddie, what you are seeing from this angle is the rest of the now unobstructed spray from the machine going past Eddie.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Roger is looking at the photos of Jessica and Acme playing patty cake, Roger flips through the pictures fast enough that it looks as though Valiant had just kept clicking the button on the camera. This isn't possible because when Valiant was taking the pictures, he had to wind the camera after every shot.
Correction: But since the very basic motions of "Patty-cake" repeat over and over as you play it, and he only flips through 4 or 5 pictures, it creates a "motion effect" when they are flipped in the correct order of the game.
Corrected entry: The drunk guy in the pub introduces Judge Doom to his imaginary friend - a bunny named Harvey. The film is set in 1947 - The film "Harvey" Featuring this rabbit didn't get released until 1950.
Correction: But the play "Harvey", on which the film is based, debuted in 1945. The guy in the bar might as easily have gotten the idea from watching the play.
Corrected entry: We are repeatedly told that toons don't feel pain, yet in one scene, Yosemite Sam emerges from a bar with his butt on fire, yelling in pain.
Correction: He isn't feeling pain - he is just doing what 'toons do - yelling and screaming and carrying on when his backside is on fire.
Correction: We are only told that there is only one way to kill a toon, the doom dip. When are we told they can't feel pain.
Corrected entry: In the secret room when Hoskins throws Dolores the picture it's folded, but when she looks at it she unrolls it.
Correction: The picture is loosely folded in three, so Dolores has to 'unroll' it. From a distance it looks as if it is folded.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Eddie Valiant is in R.K. Maroon's office not far from the beginning of the film and Maroon writes him out a cheque to take pictures of Jessica, Maroon mentions Dumbo working for peanuts and Valiant says, "well I don't work for peanuts, where's the other $50?", however you don't see Valiant actually look at the cheque to see that he's only been paid $50.
Correction: There is a quick shot from outside of the office which shows Dumbo picking up the peanuts that Maroon threw at him. In that shot we can't see Valiant properly. He could have looked at the check then.
Corrected entry: The movie takes place in 1947. The Christopher Lloyd character has a plan to take out Toon Town in order for him to acquire the land, which happens to be in the path of a planned freeway to Pasadena. Construction on the Arroyo Seco Parkway (US Route 66) between downtown Los Angeles and Pasadena began in 1939 and was opened to traffic December 30, 1940. It was renamed the Pasadena Freeway in 1955 and, aside from some cosmetic changes, remains basically the same to this day.
Correction: It is possible that he wanted to create another freeway to Pasadena. It is common to have more than one road going in between two cities. Also the freeway Lloyd's character is planning may take a slightly different route than Route 66.
Corrected entry: At the very end of the film, the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote appear in the "roll call" with all the other characters. While the film takes place in 1947, the first Roadrunner and Coyote cartoon actually appeared in 1949. The filmmakers were aware of this, but Steven Speilberg, a huge fan of the characters, insisted on it anyway.
Correction: Keeping with the general feel of the movie, just because the original cartoon was shown in 1949, it doesn't mean the two character didn't exist. Perhaps they were waiting around in toon town, before they were "Discovered." Roger was working for a company making cartoons, but it doesn't mean he wasn't born before his first one.
Corrected entry: The film takes place in the year 1947. Near the end, when Benny is examining the remains of Doom, he says that he's been a cab for thirty-seven years. American Taxi cabs didn't look anything like that back in 1910.
Correction: Then again, Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, and Mickey Mouse looked very different in their early years as well. It's very conceivable that Benny the cab has (in the film universe) undergone the same type of cosmetic changes over the years.
Correction: Judge Doom is wearing a rubber glove, which is why his hand does not melt. The rubber mask he wears also does not melt in the end. The other toons don't melt at the end because Eddie washed it all down the drain before letting Roger and Jessica down.
This is true. In fact just before "Dipping" the poor shoe it is made quite clear Doom does not want it touching him as he does the stereotype "Long Rubber Glove" snap that is often shown in association with Doctors about to preform prostate examinations. Also from that scene it seems that "Dip" is not instant as the shoe "boils" as it is lowered in had Doom stopped the shoe may have been damaged but I don't think he would have continued to dissolve as bad and considering Toons can manipulate how much gravity affects them even if there was a trace of Dip left from Eddie's clean-up it would have been more like if you touched hot water just a reflexive "ow!" not total destruction.