
11th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Legacy from a Friend - S3-E18

Higgins: Certain past indiscretions...Various incriminating lapses noted in my log...
Magnum: Higgins. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can tell Robin that he doesn't already know. That we haven't laughed about together.
Higgins: The potato chip heiress from Buffalo who filled the tidal pool with...
Magnum: A little misunderstanding, Higgins, after it was drained.
Higgins: And then there is the Romanian mime troop who...
Magnum:'re not going to bring that up, I mean, Higgins, you were there when the paramedics arrived! You know!
Higgins: I will take note of the panic in your voice and those guilt-crazed eyes as a scent to my favor, albeit with the slightest reluctance.
Magnum: Wait a minute! This isn't a favor, this is extortion! And blackmail!
Higgins: I prefer to consider it a gentlemen's agreement, though under the circumstances the term is misused.


4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

The Arrow That Is Not Aimed - S3-E13

Magnum: A - ha! You violated my privacy!
Higgins: Nonsense. I was retrieving Mr. Masters' wide-angle lens which you borrowed three weeks ago and typically neglected to return.
Magnum: That doesn't give you the right to remove my possessions!
Higgins: I consider this contraband and therefore subject to confiscation.
Magnum: As long as there are dogs threatening my life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, I will...No, I must, I MUST protect myself! It is my constitutional right!
Higgins: Very well. I will inform Mr. Masters that you feel within your constitutional rights to use dog repellent on the lads.
Magnum: Hey, hey, hey, Higgins! No sense bothering Robin with a little household problem.


4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

No Need to Know - S1-E5

Magnum: [answers the phone sleepily] Hello.
Rick: Are you all right? You sound like my dog that time she got hit by the pineapple truck.
Magnum: Yeah. No. Who is this?
Rick: What do you mean, "Who is this?" How many people do you know that had a dog that was hit by a pineapple truck?


4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Two Birds of a Feather - S3-E19

Sam Houston Hunter: My Grandpappy said something good always comes out of something bad. He said it till the day they hung him.
Magnum: Hung him?
Sam Houston Hunter: Even then he was right. A widow woman collected the reward.


4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Faith and Begorrah - S3-E22

Desk Clerk: Room's 100 a week, 20 a day, That's cash in advance and no swimsuits or bare feet allowed in the lobby.
Higgins: My good man, I wouldn't be caught dead in one of your rooms.
Desk Clerk: No suicides either.


4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Birdman of Budapest - S3-E15

Higgins: Magnum, l must say, l'm impressed.
Magnum: With my dictionary?
Higgins: No, with your living quarters. They're actually tidy.
Magnum: Don't act so surprised!
Higgins: Where is all the...usual unpleasantness, the abandoned bits of food and drink, the soiled garments, the sundry unidentifiable artifacts l expect to find when l walk in?
Magnum: A-HA! That is precisely my point. You *expect* to walk in. Higgins...l don't walk in on you, do l?
Higgins: Of course you do. All the time, as a matter of fact. But I look upon it as one of life's little unpleasantries, like a minor rash or an ingrown toenail.


4th Jul 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

28th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Man Overboard: Part 2 - S6-E6

DI Jack Mooney: Strictly speaking, paradise is a state of mind. You know that, right? I mean, the dung beetle - very different idea of paradise, doesn't he? (00:48:25)


28th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

28th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Man Overboard: Part 1 - S6-E5

Catherine Bordey: If you love someone, you should tell them. Throw yourself at their feet and declare it to the world. Beg, if that's what it takes.
DI Humphrey Goodman: That's very French of you, Catherine.
Catherine Bordey: And so English of you not to.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Perhaps. I've made my bed, and I'll lie in it.
Catherine Bordey: Alone.


28th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Man Overboard: Part 2 - S6-E6

DI Jack Mooney: My grandfather told me a story once, about these two wolves fighting inside all of us. And one of them is anger, envy, self-pity, regret. The other one is love, truth, faith, hope, that sort of thing.
And I asked him "which one of the wolves would win?" And do you know what he said?
"The one you feed."


17th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Episode #4.5 - S4-E5

Cheryl Moore: This album. This album makes it all worthwhile.
Jim Smith: What I said! Party, man!
Cheryl Moore: Yeah, we are going to break America!
Stevie Smith: Speaking as someone who lives there, I think you'll find America's already broken.


17th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Episode #4.5 - S4-E5

DS Florence Cassell: Did you threaten to kill Stevie?
Jim Smith: Oh, right. Er... I don't know. Might have, yeah. Well, we say it all the time, right? I mean, I wouldn't actually kill him.He's like a brother to me.
DS Florence Cassell: He IS your brother!
Jim Smith: Yeah, it's right, that.


17th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Erupting in Murder - S6-E1

DI Humphrey Goodman: So, there's something I'd like to talk to you about. Something's been playing on my mind.
Martha Lloyd: Sounds serious.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Well, I wouldn't say it was serious necessarily, but to the same extent, I wouldn't want you to think it was something I took lightly. Er...and in that respect, er... it would be great to get your thoughts on the matter.
Martha Lloyd: I agree. We should kiss.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Do you?
Martha Lloyd: And I think we should do it now.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Really?
Martha Lloyd: Right now, in fact.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Blimey. I mean, if you absolutely insist...
Martha Lloyd: I do.


17th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

15th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Of Sound Mind - S3-E12

Cousin Marina Pepesco: I'm entitled to some of the fortune, not you! Why, I practically grew up in this house!
Magnum: Then you'll know how to let yourself out.


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