
9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Plot hole: The closest jump point to "C-53" aka Earth is 22 hours, a plot device needed for the Kree to catch up with Vers only for the third act. Yon-Rogg does not tell Ronan anything about the target (Earth), but Ronan still when called shows up with his fleet of battleships in mere minutes.


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Suggested correction: We don't hear Yon-Rogg telling Ronan anything about the target but it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. We do see them doing many things (eg eating) but we can assume it takes place). It's reasonable to assume they've had a conversation about where they're going.

9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Plot hole: Mar-Vell's achievement, what makes her work so coveted by both Kree and Skrull, is the "lightspeed" engine equipped on the jet. This "lightspeed" engine is unable to outrun the Kree fighter sent after it. It's hard to imagine how Carol being the test pilot for this technology has failed to ever realise that this is what was being studied and how she is a test pilot for an engine that is never used at a fraction of its capabilities.


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Suggested correction: Clearly the engine was not being run at its full potential at that point. It was experimental and would never fly at FTL speeds in the atmosphere of a planet.

Absolutely! But what sort of "tests" have they been doing on it for all those months or years?


Can't simply start using an FTL to outrun a bogey. You probably could wind up inside a planet or destroy the atmosphere. She probably has her reasons not to use it. Who knows what Mar-vell was really testing, maybe that was just a ruse and all she was doing was buying time to come up with a plan to use the engine to help the Skrulls without the Kree finding them. There is no plothole if you simply can't imagine what the motives are.


The engine had to be important, otherwise the whole ruse of Mar-Vell being Dr. Lawson would have been pointless: she already had the Tesseract itself aboard her ship, where the Earthlings could never find it if she chose to disappear overnight, so it had to be work related to the engine itself and its implications, how to actually handle it. It is implied that the engine works (she instructs Carol before dying to "save them without me" and Talos says that now they can reassemble the "thousands scattered around the galaxy"), so again, it seems absurd that the engine cannot give the slightest extra punch to her ship, which already was headed towards space, the laboratory, and that she can't fly up out of atmosphere - or that she tested something dealing with lightspeed or close to it, for all that time, to the point of making a somewhat working prototype, but never figured it out.


I submitted a text change request and I hope the entry has a chance to be reinstated some time. As I said in the other comments, it makes no sense that Carol is the test pilot of a lightspeed engine, the lightspeed engine is completed and works, but the test pilot herself has no idea the engine works and can't produce any ever significant boost. They are already in 'space' when the scene begins, it's not like they would risk to crash into Earth.


Will wait for the rewording then but right now the entry is rightfully corrected. More reasons could in fact be given. Carol is the test pilot for a spacecraft that happens to have a FTL engine (which I turns out is what it was all about). The FTL isn't active when they are being chased and doesn't provide extra boost to the spacecraft's regular engines. Wouldn't help either as there can be several simple reasons why one can not use it at that time.


The FTL engine then has been developed and finished without Carol having any input on it and she flew with it for no reason. What has Mar-vell been doing all this time and why has she bothered with Carol at all? Does not even need Pegasus project since the Tesseract is aboard her own cloaked ship and not in the research facility downstairs. If the engine is off, why is it on the plane at all? Looks very active later when the plan crashes and Carol makes it explode with a single blast, etc.


8th Oct 2019

Common mistakes

Plot hole: Minuscule towns where you'd expect even a robbery at the local diner would be big news and horrify the local community for months, somehow end up having a crime rate worse than a Mad Max dystopia. Examples; Cabot Cove, Maine (where Jessica Fletcher lives), or the "This is the police" videogame series, where a small town in the mountains ends up having in just a couple months hostage situations, bomb threats, several murders, armed robberies and about half a dozen of violent crimes every day.


Plot hole: Muten sees Goku perform the technique his Grandpa used, and says "Shadow Crane Strike. I'd recognize that anywhere. How's Gohan?" A few scenes later he goes "Shadow Crane strike is the most basic of all the air-bending techniques." Which is it, Gohan's technique or a generic level 1 airbending spell? (00:30:55 - 00:34:50)


Plot hole: During the lesson at school, Goku learned that the eclipse is due to occur "in two weeks' time." The same night he goes to Chi Chi's party and Grandpa gets killed. The day after, he departs with Bulma for Paozu, which is pretty close to where he is (they go by motorbike). But in Paozu, Muten tells them that they have "seven days." (00:10:25 - 00:33:00)


Plot hole: Bulma tells Goku about "the little machine I invented. This can detect and locate the signature wavelengths emitted by the Dragonballs." Literally a minute earlier she was not aware of the existence of other dragonballs (which she called by another name she never uses again). She does not live far, since the theft happened only a few hours before, so if she believed already that other "Prometheus spheres" existed, how would she have never detected Gohan's sphere so close nearby when she built that radar of hers? Unless her radar has a ridiculously short range, and then it wouldn't be useful at all during the rest of the movie either.


Plot hole: Throughout the movie, Piccolo is shown being able to detect the location of each dragonball. For no reason, he shows up at the house of the old Gohan, and despite the ball being a few minutes away from him (and approaching, since Goku is coming), he leaves and never pursues again.


6th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Plot hole: Fury comments on Vers' lack of weapon and issues radio messages about her, referring to her as a single 'suspect' during the whole chase, ignoring entirely the fact that a sniper shot him with a futuristic weapon as well. In fact, the weapon is a complete non sequitur and random element; we saw the Skrull emerge from the sea, unarmed and no Skrull weapon is shown in the rest of the movie. And the sniper runs away without it, presumably leaving the weapon or remains of it for SHIELD to study (and do nothing with it for the next decade).


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Suggested correction: They haven't even seen the other suspect and can only chase 1 person at a time, he only radios it in once. The weapon is an arm weapon that disappears under the cloak of the human form.


The weapon is a rifle, (he looks like he is using two hands when he uses it, check out at 29:14) that he did not have to begin with, and at no point in the movie Skrulls seem to be able to conceal weapons in their suits - if they were, ironically enough the 'identification' Carol jokingly brings later to Fury blasting the juke-box would be wrong. It's unnacounted before and after the incident. As for the first part, I can't agree on the fact that they haven't seen the other suspect: Fury turns around before the blasts is fired and at least they know they were shot at from an unknown perp, even more reason to instantly radio about it. The whole dynamic of the scene brings instantly the sole focus on Vers (understandably from a movie logic perspective, but I am here to nitpick how unnatural it is), to the point that he asks 'Rook' if he has seen her weapon, as if being shot at with energy blasts from rooftops were normal, and he does not say anything about the other person.


They may not show concealing their weapons that way but they do show the ability to hide various large objects including cattle prods under their disguises without effort (like in the fight against the Kree earlier). Their camouflage ability is highly sophisticated. It won't be difficult to conceal any weapon. As for the part about the sniper never being mentioned, you have a point but I question if it's really a "plot hole" rather than a simple character error. Fury focuses on Carol, he could be doing that for a lot of reasons, the best one I can come up with is that is the suspect they have a face on and fired a powerfull blast without a weapon. Logical they are interested in her, enough to make sure she doesn't get away from them.


Ehh, they were concealing the weapons under big cloaks, not making them appear out of thin air around their hands. When they land on Earth they are with just their normal suits with no camo. I think that if they had the power to do that sort of trick with their guns it would have been set up earlier, fighting against Carol everyone either starts with a weapon or does not, nobody is shown summoning a weapon out of the suit. I agree on the matter of Fury's behaviour being more accurately a character error, considering that other meaningful members of his team are Skrulls at that point. Distinctions can be blurry especially when I don't break down a topic focused on a single event in the movie ("Skrull sniping with unexplained weapon nobody seems to care about") into 2-3 different separate submissions to the website.


The cloaks were part of the camouflage. At one point they are all wearing cloaks, the next they are not and are carrying weapons. If they can do that to conceal weapons, they can do a lot more.


Peril at End House - S2-E1

Plot hole: The whole premise of the plot is that nobody is staying at End House but Nick (and the servants); she even says explicitly that there is just one room that is usable and everyone else stays at the Majestic. During the party though, Freddie tells Maggie to go get her coat which is "in my room." They are at End House, not the hotel, how would Maggie have a room there? (00:35:00)


Peril at End House - S2-E1

Plot hole: The killer's plan needs to have Maggie at End House - but it's achieved through Poirot's proposal to have Nick call her to act as added protection. But this makes no sense; Maggie's presence would have not protected Nick in any of the alleged attempts to her life; the frame would have crushed her too, she would have died in the car, she couldn't have prevented the rock from falling, and Nick was shot while the most famous detective was with her, even! A random little girl from Yorkshire would have not mattered, so it makes no sense that Poirot endangered someone for no gain.


Peril at End House - S2-E1

Plot hole: The hole in the hat was pre-existing and the bullet was fired in advance and dropped. Poirot notices immediately the hole when Nick puts the hat down but somehow missed it while she was wearing it as she supported him. He also does not notice that the bullet has not been fired at that time - which would have been still hot if just fired, not at all if dropped. Most importantly, in the spot where they were sitting, it's not even possible to think where a shooter could have ever been hidden; nobody wonders where the mysterious shooter could have been or cares to investigate the circumstance despite knowing the very moment the supposed shot happened. The fact is basically ignored throughout the rest of the episode.


Plot hole: Gail and Katie talk in her shed about Guy's phone call. Katie says "I didn't lie about anything", which is a really odd non sequitur. All Gail said was "I just got off the phone with Guy Morgan. Your phone. He just loved that little demo you left him. I have underestimated you. It'd make me proud if I actually cared about you." Nothing about it prompts a response like that, except the plot point that Gail told Guy that Katie lied about it appropriating Bev's demo. But Katie does not know that fact at that point. (00:21:00)


1st Oct 2019

Bird on a Wire (1990)

Plot hole: During the final fight, electricity plays a strange, inconsistent role. Leaving aside the cheesiness of the blue sparks effect, it's quite odd that when said sparks signifying electricity travel up the cable, they do it just up to a certain height at first, but all the way up when it's time to kill the villain - in fact they should have travelled all the way to begin with. Not to mention the fact that Gibson has been touching the metal pretty much all the time and not just when he bodyhooks himself to it with the villain. (01:43:20)


Plot hole: There is no reason why Roshi would free himself from Yamcha's pit only after wasting hours there, but even less reasons why Bulma's dragon radar would come alive again only at that particular time. (00:41:00)


30th Sep 2019

Bird on a Wire (1990)

Plot hole: The morning after being shot in the butt at the gas station, Mel Gibson calls witness protection, and tries alias after alias, but finds out they are unknown to the Feds because the evil dude deleted his whole file. Problem is, the agent who has been looking up the name she supposedly did not find, has the computer screen on an empty "Witness Number; K239" page. Which is the right one! How is it possible? The aliases she looked up do not exist, but somehow they returned the appropriate record number. (00:29:10)


28th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: Eddie's colleagues are getting slaughtered in a shooting where they are badly outnumbered and rushed by the villains, but when he meets the group of armed feds Eddie does not even try to make them provide support or rescue his friends; he right away contacts them to have Jamie reach him, at great risk (which is what gets Mason and Vance shot). Who would ever do that? You reach law enforcement and rather than tell them to save your friends, you call your friends asking them to sortie to join you and the group of trained and armed men who are doing nothing? The whole scene is wrong on multiple levels, including Eddie's late reaction.


25th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: The bad guys try to enter the mall through the double doors of the entrance, but they do not use the food court entrance, which is undefended. There are plenty of them and there's no reason why they would not use it as main or additional entry point, especially considering that they put a sniper there to guard it (so it's not that they don't know about it), and it's not barricaded, just plain glass doors without even a chain.


25th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: Eddie estimates that the bad guys will break through Montclair in 30 minutes. Since they already broke the doors with the first car, and all that remains is a pile of rubble (with a forklift behind, even) that does not stop the passage of a person, it's hard to understand what would hold them back that long.


25th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: Once Ben Kingsley has decided that the assault on the mall will happen, the good guys are given an insane amount of time to talk to the kid and calm her, have a nice conversation about what is happening, hole her up in a safe position, observe the vanguard of the baddies scout the parking lot and just then do all sort of A-Team style preparations, barricading the front door and booby-trapping the entrance. The villain is in a rush, knows the layout of the mall and does not fear the unarmed mall cops; there's no way they had time to do all that. Especially since his plan consists exactly of the brute force assault ("driving through" the front doors) that a little earlier Eddie mentioned, contradicting the stated purpose of not drawing attention from passing patrols.


20th Sep 2019

Lucifer (2015)

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Suggested correction: Dan was never wearing a wire. There are several ways he could be in communications with Chloe that didn't require a wire, which he would just remove or turn off when meeting the fixer.


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