Captain Defenestrator

Question: If the movie plot is over a 4th of July weekend, wouldn't offices be closed? It appears to be a regular non-holiday weekday with so many people working.

Answer: Government offices would definitely be closed, however, in a big city like DC, not everyone would have the weekend off, and between the people who still have to work and the ones going out of town for the holiday, traffic would be about the same if not worse.

Captain Defenestrator

28th Jan 2016

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: My question is regarding the first shot of the film. You see the back of a henchman holding a clown mask with a suitcase. Later you realize that this is the Joker, however he is in full make up. So does this mean he was standing out in broad daylight without a disguise on at the very beginning?

Answer: Yes. No reason not to. Nothing's happened yet and people in a big city like Gotham would just walk past the guy with the weird makeup and not think anything of it. (And since they wear masks in the holdup, nobody's going to think that the guy in the mask is in weird makeup under it).

Captain Defenestrator

Batman was shown a joker card in an evidence bag at the end of Batman Begins so would not at least some of the police be looking for him?


This doesn't mean that the general public is on the lookout for a guy in makeup.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why does Darth Vader stop Boba Fett from shooting Chewbacca when he's attacking stormtroopers when Hans been put into carbon freeze? Vader kill his own people at will, so why save the enemy?

Answer: Vader's goal is to lure Luke to Bespin by capturing his friends. With Boba Fett taking Han away, that leaves Vader with two hostages. Killing Chewbacca means losing half of his bait. He also thinks he can convince Luke to join the Dark Side and rule the galaxy with him, an easier proposition to pitch if he hasn't killed two of Luke's friends. (Sure, he gave one to a bounty hunter, but then he's got "We can get Han back" as a backup bargaining chip).

Captain Defenestrator

Question: If I am correct, this movie takes place three years after "A New Hope." Why does Obi-Wan just now appear to Luke and tell him to begin training with Yoda? Why not send him to Yoda right after the Death Star was destroyed?

Answer: With all the running from and attacking the Empire that Luke has been doing the past three years, near-dying in a snowstorm might be the first time Luke's been alone and at peace enough for Obi-Wan's spirit to reach him.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why does the Dr say that Alexandre Dumas was black?

Answer: Candie has a blind admiration for all things French. Pointing out to him that The Three Musketeers was written by a black man (Dumas had African heritage) would offend his sensibilities, which was King's goal.

Captain Defenestrator

2nd Jan 2016

Skyfall (2012)

Question: On Bond's obituary page M is typing up, after Bond's name is "C.M.G." and "R.N." What do these stand for?


Chosen answer: Companion of the Order of Saints Michael and George and Royal Navy.

Captain Defenestrator

9th Dec 2015

V for Vendetta (2005)

Question: There are several flashbacks showing a man in the imprisonment camp, the first one being General Louis electrocuting someone, and one where the same person is being punched in the stomach, and another one being transported on a cart to a cell. Is it possible that this is V before the explosion?


Chosen answer: Yes, it is.

Captain Defenestrator

9th Dec 2015

V for Vendetta (2005)

Question: When Evey gets knocked out it's clear that she only has a purse and one outfit on. After she comes back to consciousness at V's house, she still has the same clothes on. So where did she get the clothes for the other scenes? (For example the next morning she was lying in bed in different clothes and came out in a sweat jacket etc).


Chosen answer: V can use the subway tunnels to get anywhere in London. He may have gone out and stolen or bought clothes for her in that time.

Captain Defenestrator

9th Dec 2015

Trading Places (1983)

Question: In the New Year's Eve train scene right before getting caught, Winthorp says "So Mr. Beaks, will you be getting off the train in Philadelphia" Why would he call him by name if he is supposed to be a Jamaican man named Lionel Joseph?


Chosen answer: There's a cut scene and some time passes. He could have asked the man's name during that time.

Captain Defenestrator

9th Dec 2015

Batman Begins (2005)

Question: Why was scarecrow admitted to Arkham?

Answer: He was originally there as a doctor. When he was caught after trying to spread his fear gas around the city, he would have been found insane (especially after being dosed with his own gas) and sent to Arkham as a patient.

Captain Defenestrator

18th Nov 2015

Rocky III (1982)

Answer: No. One or the other would have mentioned it in an interview by now. Likely, they stopped just short and posed so Leroy Neiman could paint them.

Captain Defenestrator

18th Nov 2015

Analyze This (1999)

Question: When Nicky Shivers is being held hostage, De Niro is about to belt him in the face with a metal pipe and make him fall into a hole. This most likely would have been fatal. But De Niro has a change of heart and walks away. Then Nicky sardonically comments "Well geez, that was pretty painless." Given that he was just spared from a painful ending, why would he make such a smart-alec comment?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That's how he dealt with facing certain death and then not being killed. Some would be silently grateful as you suggest, others wouldn't. Everyone reacts differently.

Captain Defenestrator

12th Nov 2015

South Park (1997)

Cherokee Hair Tampons - S4-E6

Question: When Cartman thinks his kidney has been taken, and he goes to the hospital to have it put back in, the doctor has him sign a consent form for the operation, which we find out later is a release form for Cartman to be Kyle's kidney donor. But since Cartman is a child, shouldn't his mother be the one to consent and agree for him to have the operation, not him? I'm asking since neither her name or signature is anywhere on the release form Dr Doctor pulls out at the end when Stan reveals the plan to Cartman in the recovery room.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: His mother could have signed a different release form, especially since she's in on the plan to trick Eric into the transplant.

Captain Defenestrator

12th Nov 2015

Ghostbusters (1984)

Question: What did Zeddmore mean when he said "This job's not worth another 5 a year" just before they cross the streams?

Answer: He says "This job is definitely not worth eleven-five a year! " Meaning that's how much the Ghostbusters are paying him, $11,500 a year.

Captain Defenestrator

12th Nov 2015

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: When the bank robber has his gun on the Joker, how does the Joker know that the bus will come in time and hit him?

Answer: The Joker has planned the robbery to the last detail and has a talent for knowing how people will react in certain situations, so he was able to position himself so the other robber would be standing in the path of the bus.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: Being vapor-locked, in the simplest terms, is when the person has bad gas and is unable to expel it.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Whats the purpose to the Willy Wonka boat ride tunnel? I would say its a metaphor that what appears to be good has a dark side, which would explain how children appear missing or killed during the whole show. But it just seems like there's more to that in general. Mainly because of the faces of spiders and lizards, centipedes walking on dead faces, chicken heads getting cut off, Slugworth appearing on screen and Wonka singing a creepy ass poem. If this scene has some kind of moral lesson within "Don't judge a book by its cover" then please explain. I just think there's something more and I'm not seeing it.

Answer: It's another test of Wonka's. His factory (and real life) will definitely throw some unexpected curve balls at his future heir, so he set the whole thing up to see who would handle it best. If you watch, you'll notice Wonka flicking his eyes rapidly from one ticket winner to another, observing and filing away the fact that out of all of his guests, Charlie and Grandpa Joe are the only ones who seem to accept that they can't change anything about their situation and instead decide to just enjoy the least until Wonka starts singing. Honestly, though, who WOULDN'T look at least a little worried at that point?

Answer: It's to associate Slugworth with creepiness and bad things. If the kid still wants to sell the Gobstopper to him after that, Wonka knows they're not worthy of the big prize.

Captain Defenestrator

11th Nov 2015

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Question: How much time exists between the assignment of code names and the actual day of the heist?

Answer: Less than a week. Since Joe wants to use guys that don't know each other, the shorter time they have to let things about their past slip in conversation, the better.

Captain Defenestrator

2nd Nov 2015

Octopussy (1983)

Question: When Bond is having dinner with Kamel, they were served a stuffed sheep's head. Why did Bond say that he "lost his appetite" and not eat his sheep's head entree? (Could the camera zoom in of Gobinda's eye be a hint that the food was tainted?)


Answer: After he looks at the sheep's head, he then does a double take at Gobinda who is staring directly at him. Bond then says, "It's odd, but when I'm stared at...I seem to lose my appetite."

Chosen answer: Bond is a world traveler and often samples the best that the local cuisine has to offer, however, even he has limits. Lots of people would lose their appetite upon seeing the severed head of an animal staring back at them on their plate. Kamal has also just told Bond how he plans to drug and interrogate him, so not eating or drinking anything would be a smart idea.

Captain Defenestrator

Curiously he did eat the souffle starter, there is a clip of him putting a forkful in his mouth.

2nd Nov 2015

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: When Lex starts to reboot the place when the velociraptor is trying to get in, she selects the section of where they are, it shows a picture of a women posing. Why is it there?

Travis Race

Chosen answer: Given that it's Nedry's system and he took the time to create his Access Denied screen, there were probably little touches of his all over the code like that.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: That was Nedry's desktop background or something. We see it a bit before he says he's going out to get something salty to eat. Since Lex was accessing the JP files, she might have gone through Nedry's page as well.

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