Question: It's generally accepted that Warp Drive makes a bubble of space around the vessel and accelerates the outer bubble around the space surrounding the ship. Given the nature of the warp drive enveloping a pocket of space, can the warp drive be used offensively to capture part of another vessel in the space surrounding the Enterprise and use the acceleration to tear the enemy ship apart?
Captain Defenestrator
8th Sep 2016
Star Trek (1966)
Answer: There IS mention in TNG of warp used offensively, albeit not directly. The REAL "Picard Manoeuvre" is not Patrick Stewart tugging at his shirt, it is moving the ship at exactly the speed of light, at precise distances and angles, so that to the enemy, the ship appears to be in multiple places at the same time (since the light is arriving at the enemy's location at precisely the same time from all the different positions the ship was moved to).
16th Jul 2016
V for Vendetta (2005)
Question: Has anybody been able to work out where V's hideout is, since there are only a few clues given within the film such as the colour of the stone, the fact it is underground, and the domed roof (when Evie walks in the rain) and is modern enough to have an elevator to take her there. I've always thought it would be under Victoria station but cannot find the matching dome in the area.
Answer: In the graphic novel, V's hideout is, indeed, revealed to be Victoria Station, but if you are referring to the film, the building in question sits next to the Bank Underground Station, at the corner of Lombard and Cornhill.
16th Jul 2016
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Question: When after a car chase, Mr. Brown, Mr. White and Mr. Orange are confronted with the cops, Mr. Brown (Tarantino) has been injured on his forehead, but nothing fatal (he was just able to drive the car, and seems quite vigorous). At first sight, it doesn't look worse than it might be caused by him bumping his head into the steering wheel while hitting the parked car. Mr. White shoots both arriving cops while they're still in the police car, while Mr. Orange passively witnesses from outside the car, where Mr. Brown is still behind the wheel. After the shooting, we see Mr. Brown again, now seemingly dead from his head injuries. I always thought this change happened all too sudden for Mr. Brown to die from the injuries he'd already suffered, but Mr. White was shooting away from him; the cops did not even have time to draw their guns before being shot themselves; Mr. Orange is shown as being passive; and there doesn't seem to be any bullet holes in the windows of the car, front or back. Also, in the warehouse Mr. Brown is said to have been killed by a bullet to the head by one of his colleagues. So, who killed Mr. Brown and how/when?
Chosen answer: They say "Brown took one in the head" but not from one of his own men. He was shot in the head with a small caliber bullet. It probably broke the blood/brain barrier and he slowly bled out internally but was able to survive to that point.
14th Jul 2016
Band of Brothers (2001)
Replacements - S1-E4
Question: When members of Easy company spot Captain Sobel again one of the Replacements asks Bull "Who is he sarge?" and Bull replies "It's our first CO." Then the replacement asks "What happened?" and Bull replies with "He got promoted." I never understood that line. What was it about his promotion that made Bull say that? As I understand it Sobel was already a hated man before becoming Captain. So what did Bull mean?
Chosen answer: Col. Sink gave Sobol a promotion after the men came to him and said they wouldn't follow him into battle. It was a promotion that ensured he wouldn't see combat and took him away from the troops, so it was technically a punishment.
14th Jun 2016
Skyfall (2012)
6th Jun 2016
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
21st May 2016
South Park (1997)
Question: When Glen Dumont (as Mike) calls Stan's house to try and negotiate with the boys, he and Cartman exchange words, and at one point Cartman says "Don't have a Dad, Mike. Not going to work." My question is, why does Cartman say he doesn't have a Dad when he found out in Season 2 that his mum was his dad? Sure to him, Liane is only his mum, but she's also his Dad (at this point at least since it's not until Season 14 that he finds out Liane isn't his dad too, and that someone else is).
Answer: Cartman spent several years thinking that Liane was his mother, and apparently continues to view her that way. Just as someone who learns that a parent or sibling is not biological, often feels that the person is still their parent/sibling. Also, Cartman probably doesn't tell everyone he meets that Liane is actually his father. It's not their business, he doesn't feel comfortable sharing, it's not relevant to the situation at hand, etc.
Answer: In a rare moment of enlightenment for him, Cartman thinks of his mother just as his mother.
22nd Mar 2016
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Question: In the first sequence, there is a trap with Indy's competition's body stuck on it. Although it is sprung by somebody breaking the beam of light (which I find hard to believe, given that it and other traps were done without any kind of more modern technology we're used to, but suspend disbelief for the sake of the movie), how was it reset without human intervention after Forrestal was killed, and prepared for Sapito?
Chosen answer: Likely, it wasn't. The Hovitos are still guarding the temple. Presumably, they maintain and reset the traps.
You'd think in that case that they would've removed the body.
I don't know, I'd be more afraid to rob the place with a dead body stuck there than without.
Why? It's a good warning to other would-be thieves.
What better way to scare away future intruders.
Answer: More than likely, they left Forrestal's body as a warning.
Answer: The character played by Alfred Molina is actually named "Satipo," after a town. "Sapito" would mean "small frog." It's a common typo, but the more you know.
7th Mar 2016
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Question: When Meg goes into Christine's room, after unlocking it she goes to the mirror and goes inside. At that point Madame Giry stops Meg from going any further. Why does Madame Giry keep Meg from going to the Phantom's lair?
Answer: She's afraid that the Phantom would kill Meg to keep the location of his lair secret. Meg is also Madame Giry's daughter, so she's extra protective of her.
9th Mar 2016
28 Weeks Later (2007)
28th Feb 2016
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
Question: Do any of the kitchens (with the exception of the Wolowitz home) have a dishwasher? I know it's a picky question but it just seems strange.
Chosen answer: They may be behind or built into the counters where we can't see via the Fourth Wall. Not all apartment buildings offer a dishwasher as a standard feature, though.
25th Feb 2016
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Euclid Alternative - S2-E5
Question: Though it comes up in other episodes as well, this one is focused on Sheldon needing a ride everywhere he goes because he can't drive, not to mention his not being welcome on the bus. Of course, this story element would be nonexistent if there was a simple answer, but it does beg the question: Does Pasadena not have taxicabs?
23rd Feb 2016
Nick of Time (1995)
Question: Why did the people want to kill the governor in the first place?
Answer: Her husband wanted her dead so that he could further his own political aims and step in as her replacement. She was unpopular enough that he was able to find plenty of co-conspirators to go along.
23rd Feb 2016
Scarface (1983)
Question: When being questioned by police at the beginning, Tony says he did time for 'buying dollars'. Does this mean he traded for US dollars, and if he did, what did he hand over in exchange?
Answer: It meant that he was buying US dollars from tourists or businesspeople and selling them to refugees who are willing to pay far above the normal exchange rate to have American money for when they attempt to flee Cuba to America. At the time, the Cuban Peso was supposed to have an exchange rate of 1:1 with the American Dollar, but offering someone 2-3 Cuban pesos per American one, then turning around and selling the American ones for 10-20 pesos each adds up. It's a "safe crime" to tell them he was in prison for, rather than being a killer.
13th Jan 2016
General questions
I'm looking for the title of a movie about a man who murdered his wife, and seemingly got away with it, but a woman is pretending to be his living wife and all of their friends and family say the impostor really is his wife. Not sure if it was made for TV or not.
Answer: There are a couple of films that use this story. "One of My Wives is Missing" from 1976, starring Jack Klugman and Elizabeth Ashley could be it. ( It was later remade in 1986 as "Vanishing Act, " starring Mike Farrell and Margot Kidder. ( (SPOILERS) In both versions, everyone knows that he did it and made it look like an accident, but they didn't have enough proof to arrest him. The "wife" is a police detective who happened to be a dead ringer for his wife, and the friends and family are cooperating with the police to gaslight him into confessing.
Answer: Thank you! I've been wanting to ask this question for years. I remember watching this as a kid. I remember the ending where the husband went back to the car where he left his wife dead. Finally have the answer. Https://
Quite happy to help.
3rd Feb 2016
Superman III (1983)
Question: Since kryptonite obviously doesn't come from Earth, how can Earth elements be used to create a synthetic version? Like in "Man of Steel", when Jonathan says that the Krypton key wasn't made from anything on the periodic table, so it couldn't be from Earth.
Chosen answer: Kryptonite is a compound created by irradiated fragments of Krypton rather than a pure element, Synthesizing it would then be a matter of analyzing the compound and finding Earth elements with similar properties. (Some, as you say, would be beyond the knowledge of human science, which is why Gus looked at his cigarette pack and decided to use tar in the place of the unknown elements).
3rd Feb 2016
Night Court (1984)
Nobody Says Rat Fink Anymore - S8-E10
Question: Harry recognizes one of the defendants who used to bully him when they were both children. Harry says that he can't participate in the case because of this, and also because that would make it a conflict of interest. Wouldn't any cases where his father was brought before him also be considered a conflict of interest, and why would Harry be allowed to preside over his father's cases?
Answer: Harry's father only came to his court as a defendant once (about trying to start a mutiny on the ferry). Harry said he was going to recuse himself when Christine said the Dept. Of Transportation had already dropped the charges, so it was a moot point.
Answer: Harry recuses himself from the case because of his own conflict of interest, however, his father is usually brought in for simple public disturbances and with his mental health record, gets remanded to a mental facility for examination. In cases like those, the judge's task is little more than signing a form, so there's not really a question of impartiality to be considered.
3rd Feb 2016
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Question: When the four main guys are first coming down the slope in 1986, the two from the ski patrol apparently don't recognize Jacob's snowboard. Though snowboards were still largely unknown in 1986, wouldn't someone who worked for a popular ski resort recognize them?
Chosen answer: The James Bond film "A View To A Kill" came out the year before in 1985. In the film, Bond's snowscooter is blown up by the Soviets, so he takes a wrecked ski from it and improvises it into a snowboard. Snowboards existed at the time, however, it wasn't until that film that their existence became well known. One year later in 1986, they'd still be very rare, but it's likely that his wasn't the first that the ski patrol had seen.
1st Feb 2016
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Question: At the end of the space battle in the latter half of the movie, the Resistance's X-Wings jump to hyperspace with their stabilizer foils still locked in attack position. Why?
Answer: The design could have advanced enough in the last 30 years that the S-foils no longer need to be closed to enter hyperspace.
1st Feb 2016
Ant-Man (2015)
Question: As Kurt is loading the hack to deactivate the laser grid, Paxton and his partner are banging on the van, demanding that Kurt and Dave come out. Just as the program finishes loading, the cops open the door and drag them out. If the van was locked, how did they open the door? If It wasn't locked, why did it take so long to just open the door?
Chosen answer: They could have opened it with a crowbar or a Jaws of Life. (Likely the crowbar, since we didn't hear metal rending).
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Answer: It's never been stated how far outside the ship the warp field can extend. Excessive use of warp technology can cause subspace rifts, which is why maximum speed in non-emergency situations is Warp 5. So, whether out of impracticability or potentially a criminal act, nobody uses warp fields offensively. Proton Torpedoes travel at warp, but they don't go past Warp 5 either.
Captain Defenestrator
This is a TOS thread. There was no Warp 5 speed limit then, and it would be pointless, since warp numbers are completely different speeds for TOS and TNG. In the Technical Manual, it suggests that Warp 9.99 in TOS equates to about 0.9999 in TNG. This would fit with Kirk's assertion that Warp 10 lets them travel back in time, which would be exactly Warp 1 or the speed of light in TNG terms.