Question: Near the end, when the Doctor shows Grace and Chang an image of Gallifrey, what's the glowing white underneath the planet?
Captain Defenestrator
25th Mar 2009
Doctor Who: The Movie (1996)
24th Mar 2009
Doctor Who (1963)
Question: Why exactly is the Watcher present during this story? What's his purpose? Why is he never present during any other of the Doctors' regenerations?
Chosen answer: The Watcher is The Doctor in a transitional state between regenerations. He likely shows up only this time because the entire existence of the universe is at stake.
13th Apr 2009
Octopussy (1983)
Question: Why is someone as wealthy as Kamal Khan using loaded dice in the casino? I mean, what does he actually gain from cheating?
Chosen answer: The satisfaction of knowing he'll win, the thrill of pulling one over on someone; maybe like Goldfinger, he just doesn't like to lose under any circumstances.
28th Jan 2009
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Question: This applies to all 3 films. Wouldn't someone eventually see Spiderman coming out of Peter Parker's apartment and put 2 and 2 together? Doesn't this seem just a bit careless on Peter's part?
Chosen answer: Answered in the comics: Peter's Spider-Sense tells him if someone is looking when he's about to enter/exit the apartment as Spider-Man.
7th Jan 2009
The Dark Knight (2008)
Question: Is the Joker supposed to have a high tolerance for pain/injury or something? Some examples: 1)Batman slams his head down hard on a table, violently punches his fingers, slams his head/face into the glass, and then punches him in the face during the interrogation scene, and the Joker simply laughs it off, and doesn't seem to have any broken fingers nor a concussion. 2) When Batman causes the truck to flip over, the Joker walks away without any visible injuries and although he stumbles and falls once, he seems to be perfectly fine. 3) Batman slices him in the face with his zipline, throws him off the building and then yanks him up. Again, no injury (at least a broken ankle?). Does the Joker simply not care about feeling pain, or perhaps even enjoys it due to his insanity? Do the comics ever touch upon this? Because in "The Dark Knight" he's able to withstand some serious physical punishment, the extent of which not many people would be able to.
Answer: In the comics, the Joker has an almost supernatural ability to survive things that would kill anyone else. Whether it's because of his insanity, the best luck in the world, or both, yes he has a high tolerance for pain.
10th Dec 2008
Monk (2002)
Question: I haven't yet seen this episode, but why is it called 'Mr. Monk and his 100th case'? Natalie and Julie gave Monk a hundred trophies at one time for doing 100 cases. Doesn't that break continuity, then if THIS is his 100th case?
Chosen answer: It's his 100th case for the San Francisco Police Department. When Natalie and Julie gave him the trophies, they were for cases overall. The total was actually a few short, but they gave him 100 because it's a nice, even number, which Monk likes.
Actually the total was a few more not less. They said it was 104 and they rounded down to make it an even 100. And Natalie and Julie explain they talked to captain stottlemyer and he let them look at monk's files, insinuating all of his 104 cases were for the San Francisco police dept so it is a continuity error they ignored for the 100th episode.
I'd meant the total number of trophies. Julie and Natalie tell him that it's only been 94 or so, but they got Monk 100 trophies because he'd appreciate the nice, orderly round number over having an accurate amount.
14th Dec 2008
Angel (1999)
Question: It may be that Fred told her, but how does Willow know about Connor? In season one, Angel made it clear to Buffy that they lead separate lives now, and he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would call Willow just to tell her he has a son.
7th Jan 2009
Family Guy (1999)
Question: What is it with the Jug that breaks down walls? It's red with a face on. I don't get this joke.
Chosen answer: It's the Kool-Aid Man from Kool-Aid's commercials from the 70s and 80s. Kids would be hot and thirsty and call "Hey, Kool-Aid!" and he'd burst through a wall and say "Oh, yeah!"
2nd Jan 2009
The Dark Knight (2008)
Question: Quite at the end of the movie, as Gordon and his men are on top of the building opposite the Prewitt building, Batman talks to him and tells him to wait a few minutes. Then Gordon says that he won't wait because the people on the ferries will blow each other up. But why does he know? The Joker just told the people on the ferries. Batman knew as well because he could hear everything going on on the ferries, but he didn't tell Gordon. So from who does he learn this?
21st Dec 2008
Friends (1994)
Question: In Joey and Chandler's apartment, there is a small sign that reads, "Five card. Charlie pays. Five to One". Can someone please explain to me what this sign means?
Chosen answer: It's a Blackjack term. A "Five Card Charlie" is when the player Hits 3 times and doesn't meet or go over 21, thus having 5 cards in front of them. It's extremely rare, so there is a bigger payoff for the player than simply beating the dealer's hand. (It's also at the House's discretion whether or not to allow them as a win, thus the sign advertised that whatever gambling establishment it was taken from DID consider it a big win with appropriate payout.)
6th Nov 2008
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Question: In the scene where Joker is talking with Cowboy, what does he mean by "I think that Leonard is a section-A" and pretty much the rest of the conversation about Cowboy's sister?
Answer: What he says is "Section 8," the category for a psychological discharge from the US military. Since they don't care one way or another, the conversation shifts to how much Joker wants to do Cowboy's sister.
6th Nov 2008
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
6th Nov 2008
V for Vendetta (2005)
Question: V was incarcerated in a concentration camp for homosexuals, and has an obvious affection for Evy, as demonstrated by V's reaction when she leaves - breaking of the mirror with the mask. V also speaks with a voice which would pass but seems soft for a male. This was probably deliberately left ambiguous, but still - is V male or female?
20th Sep 2008
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000)
Question: OK, why does the title song have nothing to do with the show? It keeps saying "haaaawaii!" over and over, yet the show takes place in Vegas, not Hawaii. I never got that.
Chosen answer: It's actually "Who Are You," which is the title of the theme song by The Who. A bit more fitting for a crime show's theme than constantly saying Hawaii.
14th Sep 2008
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Question: When both Rohan and Gondor are at the Black Gate, there is a deleted scene where Aragorn fights with Sauron. How would this be possible seeing that Sauron can only come into physical form once Mordor have taken the ring?
Answer: He fights an emissary of Sauron's who's called "The Mouth of Sauron," not Sauron himself.
26th Aug 2008
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
Question: Does Nick Nack die? Did he suffocate in the suitcase?
Answer: Likely not. He's still screaming that he'll get Bond as the junk sails away at the end. Presumably, either he and Bond came to an arrangement after the film or Bond turned him over to the authorities. At the VERY end of the movie you see Nick Nack is actually suspended high on the mast of the junk.
23rd Jul 2008
General questions
Do movies and TV shows really have to pay to show popular soda/beer/candy whatever brands being used by their characters? For example, in Employee Of The Month, a few guys are drinking out of cans with plain paper lapels that just say "BEER" on them, so that the can's real label is covered. Also, if this is true, why do the companies dislike their label being shown without permission? Isn't it free advertising for them if their name is shown in a movie?
Answer: Actually, the opposite is true: Companies pay to have their labels shown in movies and TV. It's called "Product Placement." Typically, covering up the labels is done when the company HASN'T paid for Product Placement to avoid giving them advertising that the filmmakers aren't getting paid for.
14th Jul 2008
The Bourne Identity (2002)
Question: From what I can tell Jason went to the American embassy in Zurich, couldn't be bothered waiting in a queue, went through a door and got shouted at to stop, then ran up some stairs and climbed down the wall and escaped. What was his original purpose for going to the embassy?
Answer: To avoid the local police. They were following him and he had an American passport, so it was the quickest way to escape.
He was probably being wanted for the assault on the 2 police officers while he was sleeping in the park the night before.
Answer: The reason he didn't have to wait in "the queue" is on the sign he passes as he enters. He enters the American Citizen door because no one is in line. His passport was a "fastpass" into the embassy to avoid the police. The reason police were looking for him was because of what happened at the park. Police were looking for him. The guy at the bank called the CIA. So... the original purpose of entering the embassy was to avoid the Switzerland police. The shouting was to detain him, probably to question him about the park.
Answer: A man in the bank had called the police.
19th May 2008
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989)
Question: What was the point of the tank in the desert chase sequence having a turret? It's a British 'Mark' series from WWI. Was it a mistake?
Answer: It was one of the tanks the Sultan gave them in exchange for the Rolls-Royce. He didn't specify that they'd be new or German.
24th Apr 2008
General questions
I'm looking for a movie from the 80's, possibly early 90's. There are two guys and one of them seems insane or delusional talking about aliens. The second guy doesn't believe him, but starts to wonder. The "delusional" guy sees an alien news story on the cover of a tabloid in a gas station store and he believes its true. Near the end, he pulls out a pen that transforms and flies around like a helicopter. Any ideas?
Answer: "Real Men" starring John Ritter and Jim Belushi. (
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Chosen answer: Likely The Eye of Harmony, the black hole captured and contained by Rassilon and Omega that powers all TARDISes.
Captain Defenestrator