I'm looking for a movie about a disease outbreak in a city and the husband goes to look for the wife but is not allowed in the city, so then he decided to take shelter in a house after a neighbor's gardener tells him it's safe. The wife eventually shows up and because she seems to be infected she goes outside and they talk, then the Feds show up. They get tested for the disease and it turns out he has it and she doesn't, so they kill him. I have searched Google and can not find it.
Captain Defenestrator
16th Dec 2013
General questions
6th Dec 2013
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Question: In the scene when John is telling the Terminator all about his mother (just after he finds out about his foster parents) he says she "was with this crazy ex-green beret guy, running guns." Is he talking about Enrique, the guy the three of them go to who gives them the truck? I've always wondered who he was to Sarah.
Chosen answer: It cold have been him or someone else. He did say "She'd shack up with anybody she could learn from so she could teach me how to be this great military leader." Enrique seems to be more interested in having the guns than selling them.
Answer: In one scene that was never filmed, Sarah, Terminator, and John went to see this guy named Gant at his ranch, and that was the Green Beret. It was never filmed, only storyboarded. The T-1000 did catch up and killed Gant posing as his wife with a spike to the gut in a later scene.
17th Oct 2013
Sliders (1995)
Question: Does the beginning of the pilot episode take place on our earth? Or is it left for us to wonder?
Chosen answer: It's never said, so the implication is that yes, the one our crew starts from is our Earth.
29th Sep 2013
Doctor Who (2005)
The Angels Take Manhattan - S7-E6
Question: In this episode, River meets the doctor again. Where is this in her timeline?
Chosen answer: Somewhere after "The Wedding of River Song," but before "Silence in the Library" and "The Name of the Doctor."
More precisely, shortly before "The Husbands of River Song."
18th Sep 2013
I Am Legend (2007)
Question: During the scene when his family is leaving, why does Robert Neville insist on staying on the island? Wouldn't he have knowledge of a better site or safer lab area since he is of military background? Even when the girl asks him to come to the colony, he insists that ground zero is his site. Is he just staying there because he's familiar with his own lab? Couldn't he have brought equipment with him to the colony?
Answer: Two possibilities. One: Because he IS a military scientist, they may be planning to evacuate him to a different site than the refugees. Two: he may still be working with others in New York to find a cure, but getting his family out while he can is still a priority.
Answer: He is determined to "fix" it. As he is the most qualified to find a cure, he feels it's his responsibility.
9th Sep 2013
General questions
I am looking for this comedy movie that I saw back in the 90s. I remember one scene only and it's about a guy who pretends to be paraplegic to get money from a very rich girl. He tells her that the only one who can cure him is a German (or Austrian) professor and that costs a lot if money. His other friend is trying to expose him so he pretend to be the German professor and started hitting his legs with stick or a sword, but the other guy keeps denying any feelings.
Chosen answer: "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," starring Michael Caine and Steve Martin. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095031/?ref_=nv_sr_1).
30th Aug 2013
Spider-Man (2002)
Question: When Uncle Ben says to Peter "hey Michelangelo, don't forget we're painting the kitchen later", Peter says "sure thing, don't start without me" and Uncle Ben says "and don't start up with me", can anyone please tell me what "don't start up with me" means?
Chosen answer: It's another way of saying "Don't be a smart ass."
30th Aug 2013
Frequency (2000)
Question: Instead of Frank giving the wallet with the fingerprints to John in the future, why didn't Frank just give the wallet to the police in his own time?
Chosen answer: They couldn't be sure that the police wouldn't lose it or turn it in when the owner showed up. Or, since we find out that the killer is a cop, he could have just taken it back from evidence.
Answer: Too much explaining would have to be done by Frank. The police would ask why he would want his wallet scanned for prints. Plus remember they were on a time frame. Julia was going to be killed in a week, and they were trying to save the other girls as well. Quicker just to get the wallet to john, and he would go scan for fingerprints right away.
Answer: Plus, they didn't have some of the technology in Frank's time as they had in John's.
27th Aug 2013
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Question: One of the taglines for this film is "It's nothing personal". I have no idea what that has to do with the film and was hoping someone could explain it.
Chosen answer: Two possibilities. 1: The Terminator is emotionless, so the killing isn't personal, but rather what it's programmed to do. 2: Sarah Connor's plan to kill Miles Dyson to stop Skynet's creation.
It's also a sly nod to another famous tagline, Jaws: The Revenge. "This time it's personal."
26th Aug 2013
Batman Returns (1992)
Question: What exactly happened to Vicki Vale between movies? She's mentioned a couple times in this one, but it's never said what happened.
Chosen answer: The same thing that happens to all the women in Bruce Wayne's life who learn his secret: She eventually realized that she would always be second to Batman, and never know if he'd make it home each night, so she left.
Answer: They broke up. At one point in the movie, Bruce tells Selina that he had a girlfriend (Vicki), but, and I quote, "It didn't work out."
14th Aug 2013
Red (2010)
Question: Why is Marvin wearing a plastic sheet over his suit in the scene where he, Frank and Joe are interrogating Alexander Dunning? (01:04:15)
Chosen answer: Intimidation. The implication is that he's going to be spilling Dunning's blood during the interrogation and doesn't want to get his suit dirty.
12th Aug 2013
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
6th Aug 2013
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Question: In the scene with Butch and Esmeralda in the taxi (right after he kills the other boxer), does anybody know why Quentin Tarantino made the view out of the rear windscreen look so fake?
Chosen answer: Tarantino is big on tribute to older films and filming techniques, hence the projection-style background.
6th Aug 2013
Blade Runner (1982)
Question: Why did Roy kiss his his maker just before killing him? Same-sex kisses on screen were far more unusual at the time the film was made, so the filmmakers presumably did it for a reason. What is that reason? And why, in the context of the plot, did Roy kiss him then kill him?
Chosen answer: He's kissing his father, thanking him for what life he has, before punishing him for making it so short.
Answer: It could be the "kiss of death", similar to the kiss Michael gave Fredo in "Godfather II."
30th Jul 2013
Goldeneye (1995)
Question: At the beginning of the film, Trevelyan and Ourumov stage a hostage situation in front of Bond. Do we ever find out when they decided to set one up in the first place?
Chosen answer: No. It could have been at any time before he showed up in the film.
18th Jul 2013
Escape From New York (1981)
Question: What's the big deal about the place Chock Full O' Nuts in this movie? In both commentaries, they make a big deal about it, but never actually go into detail. (00:40:10)
Chosen answer: It's a chain of coffee shops in the New York area that were around decades before Starbucks. (Their initial business was roasted nuts before they switched to coffee and kept the name.) They would have been as common a sight to 80s New Yorkers as Starbucks is today to everyone.
20th Jul 2013
General questions
Did John Wayne and Clint Eastwood ever do a movie together?
Chosen answer: No. Wayne disliked High Plains Drifter enough that he said he wouldn't want to work with Eastwood.
7th Jul 2013
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Question: Vincent mentioned that he was in Amsterdam for over 3 years, does anybody know why he spent such a long time there? And was he friends with Jules before he went to Amsterdam?
Chosen answer: I inferred from the conversations that he'd committed some major crime and had to flee the country and go into hiding until the heat died down.
3rd Jul 2013
A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
Question: I have this on DVD, but I'm sure a scene was cut out, on the video was there a scene where Archie was standing there naked and the family walk in, and Wanda comes down, kisses him, and leaves?
Answer: Haven't ever seen a deleted scene of this. It's more likely that Wanda slipped out an upstairs door or window.
3rd Jun 2013
Doctor Who (2005)
A Good Man Goes to War - S6-E8
Question: How did Lorna know Amy's daughter's real name in order to make the prayer leaf?
Chosen answer: It was written on the plastic bassinet. She could have seen it or asked at any time Amy was their prisoner.
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Chosen answer: Sounds quite similar to the film "Right At Your Door." (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458367/).
Captain Defenestrator