Other mistake: Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game: When Homer is crossing the bridge in the lava part of the level, as he reaches the second half of one of the logs, he begins to weigh down the log. If you switch to Homer Ball, he logs becomes less weighed down than when he was regular Homer, despite the fact that Homer Ball is basically an obese and more overweight Homer.
Casual Person
11th Aug 2014
The Simpsons Game (2007)
10th Aug 2014
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
Other mistake: As Taylor is dying, there is blood on his hand. When his hand lands on the bomb's detonator after he dies, his hand slides off, but no blood is shown on the detonator. (01:29:35)
29th Jul 2014
The Simpsons Game (2007)
Other mistake: Grand Theft Scratchy: Two shots after Marge says "I just don't understand why Bart would want to play this game" shows three cats in a car pulling up to shoot three mice walking on the street. The cats take out their guns, aim straight at the mice and start shooting at them. The shot then cuts to the mice, completely unharmed and start shooting the cats. Before the shot cut to the mice, the cats were shooting their guns for a full 1-2 seconds. If the cats had their guns aimed directly at the cats and started shooting, even for this short amount of time, the mice would already be dead even before they could take their guns out.
28th Jul 2014
Alien (1979)
Other mistake: When Dallas is in the air vent, his and the alien's location are both being tracked with the movement sensor held by Lambert. Whenever he crawls, his movements match up with the sensor. As he climbs down the ladder, his movement on the sensor goes downwards as it keeps in sync with Dallas himself and also shows that anything sensed on the sensor would be lower down on the sensor's monitor if someone or something was located on another level of the vent. The shot after Dallas says "Am I clear Lambert? I want to get the hell out of here" shows the monitor on the sensor and we can see the alien approaching Dallas on the monitor, with both Dallas and the alien on the same level on the air vent. Dallas then climbs down another level, and it is that the alien was in fact a level below Dallas. The problem with this is, if the alien was approaching Dallas from below, then the monitor should have showed the alien to be a few spaces below where it was on the monitor and not the same level as Dallas. (01:12:55 - 01:13:55)
18th Jul 2014
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
Other mistake: When Homer kicks over the bomb, the time on the bomb decreases by half. Because of this, Krusty yells "Get outta here!" to Homer. However, Homer was standing in front of the bomb and Krusty was standing behind Homer, which means Krusty's view of the bomb was completely blocked, so he couldn't possibly have seen the bomb lose half of its time. He was definitely reacting to bomb losing half of its time, as he is shown looking straight at it just before he starts yelling at Homer.
6th Jul 2014
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
Other mistake: When Homer is sliding down the rope, he knocks off several people climbing up. These people are never shown landing on the ground.
6th Jul 2014
Back To The Future: The Game
Other mistake: Episode 1, It's About Time: The clocks in Doc's house have all different times, despite the fact that in the original Back To The Future movie, it was shown that all of Doc's clocks were all the same time, just 25 minutes later than each other.
28th Jun 2014
The Simpsons Game (2007)
Other mistake: Bargain Bin: Whenever Homer and Bart fall off the platform, they would usually die from the fall. As they hit the ground, they go through some random object on the floor. If there is no object on the floor, then they just land on the ground, but still continue to act as if they are falling.
20th Jun 2014
Despicable Me 2 (2013)
Other mistake: After Gru has left El Macho's lair, Gru goes to get the girls and finds Margo sitting at a table eating from a nacho hat that has guacamole in it. The hat is slanted sideways, but the guacamole remains in fixed position and never slides to the side. (01:09:20)
20th Jun 2014
Despicable Me 2 (2013)
Other mistake: As Eduardo goes to leave the cupcake shop, Gru believes he could be El Macho and Eduardo leaves. Gru tells Lucy about El Macho for about 90 seconds, then Eduardo is seen from outside the cake shop window only just about to go up the escalator, when the distance between the shop and escalator is only a few meters. (00:27:55 - 00:29:25)
14th Jun 2014
The Simpsons Game (2007)

Other mistake: Shadow of the Colossal Donut: Homer and Bart's main and only objective in this level is to open each of the three hatches inside Lard Lad and rip out the circuits inside him. To open the hatch, Bart will need to launch a slingshot at Lard Lad's hatches. After the hatch is opened, and the circuits have been ripped out, the hatch will always vanish completely.
9th Jun 2014
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Other mistake: Each time Cage is on the dropship along with all the other soldiers, the dropship is attacked and all the other soldiers release themselves from the plane onto the beach. When Cage lands on the beach, note the area he is standing in. Every time he drops onto the beach, he releases himself earlier or later than the previous time, but despite this, he always seems to land on the beach in the precise same spot each time. The dropship was attacked and began spinning out of control and was not in a fixed position, so there is no chance he would have landed in the same spot even if the dropship was over the same location.
Suggested correction: I don't think you're right, because the dropship doesn't change its rotation or acceleration, Cage just is connected longer or shorter to the ship, depending on the time when he chooses to let him self fall. It would be possible for him to land on almost the exact spot every time he cuts the rope to the ship.
I'm not sure this correction makes sense. If Cage was connected to the ship for a longer or shorter time, then he'd have traveled a longer or shorter distance. Then he'd land in a different place depending on how far he'd traveled. It would be almost impossible for him to land in the same spot each time.
16th Nov 2013
The Simpsons (1989)
Who Shot Mr. Burns? (2) - S7-E1
Other mistake: As Chief Wiggum is being interviewed about the fugitive, his arm is shown to be in a cast due to the police van crashing at the Krusty Burger Drive-Thru earlier on. Yet when they get to the hospital, his arm is completely fine. (00:17:30 - 00:19:00)
12th Nov 2013
American Dad (2005)
Other mistake: When Francine gives the family gifts, Stan writes "How did you pay for this?" on his board. Francine replies "Well, money, of course" to which Stan writes another sentence on his board. He starts writing without clearing the board, yet when he turns the board back to show the sentence "Is that true, Steve?", the original "How did you pay for this?" isn't visible on the board, despite not clearing it. (00:12:00)
1st Nov 2013
The Adventures of Tintin (1991)
Tintin and the Picaros: Part 1 - S2-E8
Other mistake: When Haddock turns off the TV after watching the report, he pushes the middle of the screen which turns the TV off. Pushing the TV at this angle would make him touch the TV screen, not a button to turn it off. (00:04:45)
12th Oct 2013
The Adventures of Tintin (1991)

Tintin in Tibet: Part 2 - S2-E7
Other mistake: Haddock becomes exhausted and sits down. Tintin points out he'll freeze. Watch the two horizontal strips along the middle of his jacket. They are yellow for a few frames, then they go to blue for a few frames. Then if you look super carefully, you'll see that the two straps vanish from shot for a quick frame. Then they reappear. (00:29:10)
12th Oct 2013
The Adventures of Tintin (1991)
Tintin in Tibet: Part 2 - S2-E7
Other mistake: As Tintin, Haddock and Tharkey set up camp, Tintin gets blown back by the tent. Tintin starts running as he is pulled by the tent and trips once he lets go. You'll notice that there is a huge skid mark from his landing on the ground before he does so. (00:28:30)
12th Oct 2013
The Adventures of Tintin (1991)
Tintin in Tibet: Part 2 - S2-E7
Other mistake: When Tintin is running as he is being dragged by the tent, he leaves no footprints in the snow. (00:28:25)
5th Oct 2013
The Adventures of Tintin (1991)
Tintin in Tibet: Part 1 - S2-E6
Other mistake: When Tintin wakes after having his nightmare, he knocks the table over along with the chess board. If you look closely, you'll see he never touches the table. (00:03:25)
5th Oct 2013
The Adventures of Tintin (1991)

Tintin in Tibet: Part 1 - S2-E6
Other mistake: When Tintin enters the cave, the footsteps follow behind him. An animation error occurs regarding one footstep, in which half of it vanishes from shot for a quick frame and then reappears as the shot starts to pan, revealing that the footsteps were not drawn by the animators in each individual frame. (00:16:05)
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