Other mistake: The calendar next to Mima's bed has the number seven displayed at the top, indicating that it is the seventh month of the year, which is July. But there are thirty days shown on the calendar page, when there are 31 days in July. (00:52:36)
Casual Person
28th Oct 2020
Perfect Blue (1997)
28th Oct 2020
Perfect Blue (1997)
Other mistake: In the shot where the elevator door opens after the screenwriter hears the music playing, the control panel (for the basement) shows the building goes up to eleven floors. When the elevator opens on Floor 5, we can see the control panel on this floor only goes up to ten floors, despite being in the same building. (00:41:55)
21st Oct 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)
Other mistake: Whilst Ricky is fighting Wong Chun, White God attempts to sneak away by getting into one of the dumbwaiters, but the warden shoots him and he explodes. The bullet is shown hitting him in the face, but given the position of White God's body and where the warden was shooting, this would be impossible. When White God crawls into the dumbwaiter, the pantry door is shown closing behind him, so the bullet would have been blocked by the door and would have made it impossible to hit him in the face. (01:25:52)
13th Oct 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)

Other mistake: Just after the warden tells Ricky they are trained in the same kung fu style, Ricky thinks to himself for a moment. The subtitles read 'If your opponent is strong, use your wits to beat him', but before the start of the line, before the word "If", a randomly placed comma can be seen at the start of the line. There is no reason for this comma to be here since there are no words shown before it. Clearly this was an unintentional error made when the subtitles were being typed out. (This depends on which format and which studio distribution you are watching, but it can definitely be seen on the Region B Blu-Ray distributed by MediumRare). (01:28:10)
13th Oct 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)
Other mistake: Wong Chun attempts to kick Ricky whilst flying through the air, but Ricky grabs onto his and throws his leg into the hydrogen tank. The rest of Wong Chun's body then falls to the ground, but the leg is still shown in the exact same elevated position despite the rest of his body being lowered. (01:25:32)
25th Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)

Other mistake: Just after the warden tells the guard to limit the amount of food the inmates get in their meals, one of the inmates shown polishing the meat grinder says "You eat like a lousy king. Even your dog gets a big steak." When he says "your dog", the subtitles read "yourdog" instead of "your dog." It has been incorrectly spelt as one word, with no space shown in between the two words. (This depends on which format and which studio distribution you are watching, but it can definitely be seen on the Region B Blu-Ray distributed by MediumRare). (01:21:53)
25th Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)

Other mistake: Just after the assistant warden has been carried away by the other inmate, it cuts to the warden in the kitchen with his son and a guard. When the guard tells him the menu for tomorrow is ready, the subtitles "Sir, the prisoner's menu for tomorrow is ready." The apostrophe in "prisoner's" is shown in the wrong place. Saying "prisoner's" implies that it's just for one prisoner, and since the menu is made for all of the prisoners, the subtitles should have read "the prisoners' menu" and not "the prisoner's menu." The guard even says "They'll have some beans, vegetables and meat for lunch" afterwards, so multiple people were being referred to. (This depends on which format and which studio distribution you are watching, but it can definitely be seen on the Region B Blu-Ray distributed by MediumRare). (01:21:15)
25th Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)
Other mistake: Just after the assistant warden's right arm has been chopped off by an inmate, part of his shirt sleeve goes missing. The part of his arm still attached to his body has a sleeve starting at his shoulder, and stopping an inch above where his arm stump ends, leaving an inch of skin exposed. And when the chopped off arm is shown, the arm is shown to have a sleeve starting at his elbow, going down to his wrist, but there are a few inches of his upper arm above his elbow left exposed. This means that a couple inches of his sleeve from where part of his upper arm was located, have gone missing without explanation. (01:20:25)
23rd Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)
Other mistake: When Ricky's girlfriend lands on the ground after jumping off the roof, she is shown landing on her front, with her face and body shown hitting the ground. When Ricky is shown looking at her body at the morgue, her face has virtually no signs of injury what so ever. (01:11:29)
23rd Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)
Other mistake: Just after Tarzan has been crushed and killed by the ceiling being lowered to the ground, Ricky finds a photo of Tarzan and his mother that slipped out of the jail cell, just in front of the entrance beforehand. There is no way this picture could have slipped out of the cell. He was standing nowhere near the entrance to the cell whilst he was being crushed and anytime he was shown standing near the entrance whilst he was fighting with Ricky, so nothing could have happened for the photo to unintentionally slip out of his pocket and out of the cell. (01:05:05)
23rd Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)
Other mistake: When the ceiling in the jail cell has lowered all the way to the ground, Tarzan is crushed by it and killed. Despite Tarzan's body being crushed by the ceiling, the ceiling touches the ground incredibly smoothly. The lowering of the ceiling is in no way delayed or slowed down by Tarzan's body being in the way, and the sound of the ceiling touching the ground is in no way muffled or affected by Tarzan's body being crushed. (01:04:58)
23rd Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)
Other mistake: Just after the warden gets out of the car, greets the assistant warden and walks away, the camera stays on the assistant warden for a few seconds with no-one else visible in the shot. He then feels a pain in his foot. A close-up shot of his foot is then shown where it is revealed the warden's son is standing right next to him and has stood on his foot. The warden's son should have been visible in the previous shot when he first stepped on the assistant warden's foot as several feet are shown on both sides of the assistant warden, but was not visible at all. (00:56:29)
21st Sep 2020
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991)

Other mistake: When Hai is speaking with Kuang just after stopping him from killing the bald inmate, Hai asks Kuang if he kills him, what do they say to the assistant warden. There is an error involving the English subtitles regarding Kuang's next line. Kuang's line, in the subtitles, is listed across two rows, but the rows are displayed in the wrong order. The first row reads "him, we won't take it anymore." And the second row reads "Hai, lots of men have died because of", which makes no sense when it's all put together. The full line should have been displayed as "Hai, lots of men have died because of him, we won't take it anymore." But it has incorrectly been displayed as "him, we won't take it anymore. Hai, lots of men have died because of." (This depends on which format and which studio distribution you are watching, but it can definitely be seen on the Region B Blu-Ray distributed by MediumRare). (00:31:38)
5th Sep 2020
Train to Busan (2016)
Other mistake: The time on Jin-hee's phone is 1:56PM when she gets a text from Yong-guk. But later on, when Yong-guk calls Jin-hee's phone and Yon-suk breaks it when attempting to get into the zombie-free car, the time is 3:31PM. Only a handful of minutes passed in between these scenes. There's no way over an hour and a half could have passed. (01:03:25 - 01:09:47)
5th Sep 2020
Train to Busan (2016)
Other mistake: When Jin-hee gets a text from Yong-guk saying that the people have been rescued and are heading back, the time is 1:56PM. This time is not possible given the events taken place prior. First, the train set off early in the morning, and every time a phone is shown after the outbreak starts, the time is always in the 7AM hour. For example, when Seok-woo is reading the texts from Kim, the time is 7:16AM and when he is on the phone to ask about the military being deployed in Daejeon, the time displayed is 7:20AM. The events of the movie after this point mostly play out in real time, with the only part being skimmed over was the remainder of the journey to Daejeon Station, so there is no way over six hours could have passed in between these two points. (01:03:25)
28th Aug 2020
Train to Busan (2016)
Other mistake: When the truck goes through the checkpoint in the opening scene, it is sanistised and cleaned with a water spray. We can see that water is sprayed across the driver side window, and then the driver roles down the window to talk with a worker. Once he has left the checkpoint, he is shown driving down the road with the window roled up again, but the water that was sprayed on the window appears to resemble tiny droplets. The water would have been wiped away when the window was roled down, or at the very least would have been smeared across the window. No way would the water appear as droplets sprinkled over the window. (00:01:20 - 00:02:00)
28th Aug 2020
Train to Busan (2016)
Other mistake: When the truck driver his the deer with his truck, he steps on the brakes and stops the truck instantly. Just after the truck is shown bumping up and down after hitting the deer, outside the window, we can see the driver travels a small distance until the truck stops, maybe three of four meters at most. When the man is getting out the truck, we can see the distance between the truck and deer is much further than what was shown between the time he hit the deer and when the truck stopped. (00:02:14)
28th Aug 2020
Lolita (1962)

Other mistake: In the opening credits, there is one credit that reads "Miss Winter's costumes by Gene Coffin." This is meant to be referring to actress Shelley Winters and the man who provided her costumes, however the apostrophe has been put in the wrong place. Since her full surname is Winters, putting the apostrophe in between the R and S in incorrect. The apostrophe should have gone after the S to spell out "Miss Winters' costumes" and not Winter's. (00:01:35)
20th Aug 2020
Train to Busan (2016)
Other mistake: When the truck driver gets his truck cleaned at the start, he starts to drive forwards to a worker at the quarantine checkpoint. The wide shot shows the truck driving towards the worker, but when the shot ends, the truck has not quite gone passed him. We are then shown a shot of the truck driver stopping the truck and rolling down the window. In the shot, the driver is shown looking directly to his left to be face to face with the quarantine worker, right as the shot begins. There's no way the driver could have been immediately looking at the worker at the start of the shot as the truck had yet to go past the driver at the end of the previous shot. (00:01:20)
15th Nov 2019
Midsommar (2019)
Other mistake: When Pelle is showing Dani the photos on his phone, the first photo he shows is of a group of women sitting on the ground and other people standing in the background. Dani then points to a symbol on the photo and we are then shown a second photo, without any action done to change it. (00:23:25)
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