Grumpy Scot

31st May 2004

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Han, Luke, and Chewie are in the detention area and the commander motions for the guards to wait by the group, the guards have Rebel guns. According to the Star Wars dictionary, Imperials have all black guns with squared ends, and Rebels have half black, with a silver cylinder narrowing down to a point.

Correction: Considering that early in the rebellion, the Rebels stole most of their equipment from the Empire, I think it's safe to say both are valid Imperial guns. Plus only the movies are canon.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Number 2 was killed by Dr Evil at the end of Austin Powers 1,however, he appears in both this film and in Goldmember, both in chronologically later dates to when he was "killed".

Correction: He wasn't killed. He was dumped into the "fire death chamber" and burnt a little. He has burn scars on his face in the sequels to prove this.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When they discover that the Genesis device has been activated, Kirk volunteers to beam over to stop it. Even though he is told it can't be stopped, that would indicate the transporters are still working. Why does nobody suggest beaming the device itself off of the Reliant and out into space with the widest possible dispersion, like they did in "Wolf in the Fold" to Redjac?


Correction: The Genesis wave forming was interfering with transporter lock, making this solution impossible.

Grumpy Scot

Nice. Source?


Correction: If they can't even get a lousy phaser lock or a clear picture on the view screen inside the nebula I have an extremely hard time buying that the transporter would've worked out for them in any capacity. Seems likely to me that in his haste and desperation Kirk simply blurted out the first thing that came to mind. For all we know David's "You can't" was actually him reminding Kirk that they can't just beam aboard the Reliant in their situation.


Correction: The source would be "Star Trek." Anytime the crew needs something to get out of danger, it's inexplicably unavailable. ST: TNG Season 5 Episode 18, Cause and Effect, the Enterprise tries to back from the anomaly, the maneuvering thrusters are suddenly non responsive, with no explanation.

David George

7th May 2004

Top Gun (1986)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Charlie is introduced, you would not have to tell a bunch of experienced officers (ie Lieutenants), that they don't have to salute civilians.

Correction: Jester is informing them that the woman is a civilian, and not military personnel. They already know you don't salute civilians. It was also contextual because Jester immediately follows up with "But you better listen to her because the Pentagon listens to her."

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the end, Kirk's log entry starts as "Captain's Log" when he is still an Admiral. He doesn't get demoted to Captain until Star Trek 4 for so many violations.

Correction: "Captain's Log" refers to his position, not his rank. Notice that in some episodes, Spock records in "First Officer's Log", not "Commander's Log". You are called Captain when you are in command, whether your rank is Lieutenant j.g. through Commodore.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When Picard and Anij are marked and beamed aboard the Son'a ship, Picard still holds his phaser gun. But when he is with the Ba'ku in the 'prison room' it is gone. Are the Son'a transporters so selective that they can separate Picard and his weapon? With the gun he should have been able to cause some trouble aboard the ship.

Correction: Actually, in TNG, we see a phaser deactivated during transport or left behind by the transporter a couple of times. It's not any kind of stretch for the Son'a transporters to have the same capability.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the scene where Indy and Elsa are under an overturned casket in the burning catacombs and Indy is swimming with his eyes open looking for an exit, wouldn't his eye be burning since it is petroleum he is swimming in? When he comes up for air he doesn't seem bothered by it.

Correction: Petroleum floats on water. If all the liquid in the catacombs was petroleum, the entire block would have exploded in a gigantic fireball when the guardians lit it a bit later. So Indy was under the layer of petrol when he opened his eyes.

Grumpy Scot

22nd Apr 2004

Underworld (2003)

Corrected entry: When Selene is watching Viktor's tomb for the first time, before the arrival of Amelia's messenger, the shots from within the room she's standing in show that room is pretty dark, but the shots from within the tomb show a bright, well illuminated room.

Correction: The glass window set in the tomb wall is heavily tinted on one side. Notice later you can see out of it pretty well, but it looks dark inside.

Grumpy Scot

22nd Apr 2004

Resident Evil (2002)

Corrected entry: The zombified people in the movie have trouble moving around (slow, rigid). The zombified dogs, however, conveniently keep all their former speed and reflexes.

Correction: Not necessarily a mistake. The T-virus simply affected the dogs differently. After all, none of the humans looked like they had been completely skinned did they?

Grumpy Scot

Fully mutated hunter zombies could climb walls, rip through steel, and were fast enough to dodge bullets from special forces soldiers. Regular humans got minimally infected, and died instead of mutating.

The movies, all of them never refer to any of the infected as zombie or zombie-like. The omitting of that was pointedly intentional. The virus, as mentioned in Movie 2, had already begun to mutate. The Dogs were housed in the experiment area of the floor plan; just as in the 1st spread scenes where water fills the experiment room, if you look at the table when the scientists come in, a dead rabbit is laid open. Basically, it mutated depending on what it infected and what was infected.

19th Apr 2004

Underworld (2003)

Corrected entry: Selene discovers the new UV bullets and gives a clip to the weapons master. Given that the technology to build the bullets is brand new and has not been seen before by either vampire, how is it possible for the weapons tech to build large quantities of silver nitrate bullets in the space of the few hours within which the story framework exists? Probably without even the basic munitions components being available.

Stuart Green

Correction: Considering the resources of the vampires and the obvious experience of the Armorer, it would not take more than a few hours to recreate the new rounds. Bullets with a hollow Lexan nose filled with shot are readily available already. These rounds would not be really any different.

Grumpy Scot

Threshold - S2-E15

Corrected entry: In this episode it is stated that Warp 10 is actually infinite Warp - a craft travelling at such a velocity will simultaneously occupy every point in the universe. However in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode All Good Things part 2 (shot several years earlier), the Captain Riker of the future at one point orders the modified Enterprise to be taken to Warp 13. Even if the problems of using Warp 10 were ever ironed out, how would it be possible to go faster?

Correction: The warp scale was adjusted once between Classic Trek and TNG. We see 1701 going Warp 12-13 a few times while 1701-D struggled to do 9.6. Obviously it was adjusted again while never quite reaching infinite speed. (This sounds odd, but warp is measured exponentially, so every decimal point closer to infinite speed is hugely faster.)

Grumpy Scot

19th Apr 2004

Dracula (1992)

Corrected entry: Dracula's castle contains steel beams. Steel had at that time only been around for 23 years in England, which is rather short to have made it into a castle centuries old in the middle of nowhere.

Correction: Could it not have been iron?

Grumpy Scot

19th Apr 2004

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Corrected entry: When the guys are being chased through the parking garage, they get behind a chain-link fence and shoot the zombies several times through it. However, even though the guys are only about six feet away from the fence, the fence remains undamaged. They were using blanks. It's highly unlikely that all shotgun rounds went through the open parts and none of them hit the metal.

Correction: I've shot a chainlink fence with 00 buck while hunting and it just swayed the fence a little. Lead isn't really hard enough to damage chainlink fence. And the sparks you see in the movies to show ricochets and bullets/shot hitting metal are extremely rare. So this scene is actually realistic.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When Drew throws her lighter at the gas hose to make it a flamethrower, how come the gas lights when Drew isn't touching the lighter? It must be manually ignited. (00:57:10)

Correction: Her lucky lighter is the type that stays lit. You don't have to hold a thumb switch to light it. It's extinguished by closing the lid. She lights and throws it.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: Remy has a godparent too. Obviously other kids with godparents are exempt from this rule.

Grumpy Scot

14th Apr 2004

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: When Jim shoots infected Mailer's chain to free him Mailer stands there a bit just staring at him. Wouldn't a infected who's in blind rage try to attack Jim as soon as he notices him and only stop when he realizes he can't get past the wall? He should at least instantly storm the mansion he was trying to get into for days already. I don't think he didn't attack Jim to be grateful for releasing him.

Correction: There's no proof that the infected don't think. In every scene that they attack, it's a straight run from them to their victim, so they don't have to plan. Indeed, they must maintain some reasoning ability or they would just beat on a locked door and never leave until another victim appeared. Mailer is trying to figure out if he can get Jim.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: During the chase scene on the freeway, the Agent driving the police cruiser empties a magazine into the Cadillac that Trinity is driving. You can see the bullet holes being punched into the car door. Two or three holes are seen hitting in line with Trinity's chest. The Agent weapon of choice is the Desert Eagle .50 AE which would have went through the door, through Trinity, and into Morpheus, if not through him. Yet, the holes appear and she keeps on going.

Correction: Not if the Agent is using hollow points. More damage to his victim, but poor penetration.

Grumpy Scot

5th Apr 2004

Boogie Nights (1997)

Corrected entry: When Rahad Jackson is telling Eddie and the others about his compilation tapes he declares that the current tape they are listening to is "number 11" But when they show the tape deck up close as it's changing sides it says that it's "compilation 6".

Correction: He's also stoned out of his gourd. I'm surprised he remembers he made tapes at all.

Grumpy Scot

3rd Apr 2004

Tombstone (1993)

Corrected entry: During the gun fight that precedes Wyatt Earp killing Curly Bill in the river, one of the gun fighters is seen reloading his shotgun. The shells he pulls out are red plastic with brass collars. They didn't have plastic then, the shells were all brass.

Correction: Some shells back then were very thick paper on brass. They were cheaper and couldn't be reloaded.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: A lot of the movie is based on the fact that Will's blood is need to break the curse. You see Elizabeth's hand being cut. You see Jack cutting his hand before tossing his coin to Will. However, we never see that Will is bleeding. Did I miss something?

Correction: You can see a gash across Will's hand as he drops both coins into the chest.

Grumpy Scot

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