Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Riker seems to have forgotten some of his bridge officer training. Why did he go to all the trouble of evacuating the main section, with desperate running through corridors and teddy bears being lost on the way, separating the two sections and crashing the saucer into a planet, killing everyone. Did he forget the simple phrase "Eject warp core"?

Correction: Wouldn't do any good if the core ejection system was damaged. Also the crash doesn't kill everyone, the nexus wave does a bit later.

Grumpy Scot

Irrelevant - that could have been established. A quick line of "the warp core ejection system is offline." It wasn't so the likelihood is this is a continuity error.

17th Dec 2003

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Corrected entry: When the plane explodes at the end of the film all the planes circling can now tell where the ground is and start landing. Why did they not do this earlier when the Windsor (British) plane crashed?

Correction: They couldn't tell where the runway started. The bad guy's plane left a long trail of burning fuel.

Grumpy Scot

15th Dec 2003

Crimson Tide (1995)

Corrected entry: The Alabama is shown diving underwater with a long cable attached in two scenes, long before the scene of the launch of radio beacon happens (when winch cable gets cut and cable remains dangling...)

Correction: That would be the towed array sonar cable.

Grumpy Scot

16th Oct 2003

Farscape (1999)

I Shrink Therefore I Am - S4-E8

Corrected entry: Noranti floats outside Moya for what is, in Scape time, quite a few hours. If she were floating, untethered, in space for hours, I doubt very much that she would have stayed in "exactly" the same position in "exactly" the same place outside of Moya.


Correction: Moya generates her own gravity field. If Noranti was close enough, it would hold her near Moya.

Grumpy Scot

Regeneration - S2-E23

Corrected entry: In 'Regeneration,' the doctor manages to find a way to defeat the Nanoprobes. These are 24th Century Nanoprobes that no scientist or doctor from that era can defeat. Yet he can do it whilst under the Nanoprobes effect (i.e., he is not operating at full strength) and in only a few hours. Maybe he should leave a note for Dr. Crusher to tell her to try that radiation out?

Correction: So far as we know, a Denobulan (Dr. Phlox's race) has never been infected by Borg nanoprobes. The cure he devised might be totally ineffective on other races.

Grumpy Scot

9th Dec 2003

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Children of the Gods (1) - S1-E1

Corrected entry: Right at the start when the Goa'uld come through the stargate they leave back through the stargate after the firefight... with the dialing computers in another room not directly connected to the gate room. And of course they wouldn't know anything about computers. The only person who probably could have ordered the stargate to be opened is Hammond, but it is active even before Hammond meets the Goa'uld, so that leaves him out.

Correction: We see in later episodes that a Goa'uld can fire up the Stargate with a ribbon device.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the scene where Demi Moore's character shoots the Angels, she uses .50AE Desert Eagles (they are the only version available with gold plating as a "standard" option). The rounds fired by these guns are so heavy that, even in the highly unlikely eventuality that they did not penetrate the kevlar, they would still have killed the Angels by sheer blunt trauma. (01:17:05)

Correction: All the DE series from Baby Eagle to .50AE are available in gold plate meaning it could have been the .357 round that hit them causing far less damage. Blunt trauma is also unlikely to kill unless directly over the heart or solar plexus. Furthermore, a ballistic plate in the center of the armor can provide even more protection.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Will is caught under the deck hold as the water rises around him on the floundering Interceptor. But at least one deck below him the powder room, with its burning black powder, remains above the water line.

Correction: It's quite possible that since moisture ruins powder, that the whole powder room is sealed with pine gum or hot tar or wax and is nearly watertight.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When Miyagi buys his plane ticket for Okinawa he buys only one as he is going on his own and not with Daniel. Just as he is boarding the plane, Daniel stops him, saying he brought a last minute ticket and is going too, if Miyagi wants him to. Now if they brought tickets seperately, and Daniel at the last minute, they would be at different parts of the plane; but not only are they at the same part, they are in seats directly next to each other.

Correction: Daniel probably just asked Mr. Miyagi's seatmate to trade seats with him. Most people will if asked politely, I've done it several times myself.

Grumpy Scot

And there is a good possibility that the flight might not have been full.

Correction: It actually depends. The seat next to Miyagi was probably vacant. Back then you could chose an available seat now you can only choice aisle or window seat.

Corrected entry: Near the end of Silence of the Lambs, Jodie Foster has trouble seeing in the dark room, and the Buffalo Bill uses night vision to see her. Yet after he is killed, she is able to see him fine, even though no light switch is flicked on. How can she see him?

Correction: I believe she fires more than once and one of her bullets breaks one of the painted basement windows letting in a little light.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the scene where Bowman is attempting to force entry into the Discovery by using the pod's robotic arm to manually open the exterior door, the error is that the force needed to turn the door opener in a weightless environment should have twisted the pod in the opposite direction as it wasn't physically locked to the mother ship anywhere else by the other arm.

Correction: We see the arm opening the hatch in close ups. We don't see the rest of the pod. As the pod is not spinning, there must be something keeping it stable such as the pod's thrusters firing or a powerful gyroscope.

Grumpy Scot

12th Nov 2003

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Corrected entry: At the start of the film Private Joker states that he does not believe in Jesus, The Virgin Mary and God etc. Then later on in the film we see him singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Surely if he did not believe in him, then he would not sing happy birthday to him.


Correction: I doubt seriously that Drill Instructor Hartman cared whether he believed in it or not, he told them to sing and when the DI tells you to jump, you jump.

Grumpy Scot

11th Nov 2003

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: Wouldn't the Jet-Ski's be useless as there wouldn't be any fuel available for them if all the land is flooded in water?

Correction: The Smoker's HQ is the Exxon Valdez, which is partially full of crude oil. They are cracking it into gasoline.

Grumpy Scot

10th Nov 2003

The Thing (1982)

Corrected entry: "There is still cellular activity in these burned remains - they are not dead yet." This hypothesis of Blair turns out to be the horrid truth (when Bennings is the first of the team to be caught by the "Thing"). So, if incineration is no solution, why do the crew members, although being aware of this, keep on torching their "infected" mates? MacReady even blows up Palmer and the final "boss creature" with explosives. Wouldn't this just spread the infection instead of keeping it contained?

Correction: It's not so much that burning doesn't work at all, but you have to be thorough about it. Even if the larger organism has stopped moving and appears to be dead, you still have to make sure all the internals are destroyed in the fire because even small parts of the Thing are deadly and can even function independently. Note that they burn all the Thing carcasses together a second time, and this time they are not in any hurry to put the flame out.


Correction: Burning was the best they could do. Guns, knives and clubs would be useless. Most likely they planned to burn every bit of the Things after finding out who was who, but events got out of control with Blair being a Thing. And when the big creature at the end showed up, MacReady did the only thing he could.

Grumpy Scot

6th Nov 2003

U-571 (2000)

Corrected entry: The German commander is depicted eating a piece of fruit just prior to the depth charge attack against the U-571. No German commander would have done this. Food was strictly rationed and accounted for on the boat for various reasons - not the least of which was making sure there was enough to last for the duration of the patrol. If men were allowed to grab food and eat it as it suited them there would be no way to control its consumption. No commander would have set such a dangerous precedent by such wanton consumption.


Correction: He could have saved it from his last meal. I know when I was in boot camp, I would often save an apple or orange to eat a little later.

Grumpy Scot

6th Nov 2003

U-571 (2000)

Corrected entry: A grenade exploding in the control room of a U-boat would have destroyed and damaged many important controls and indicators - yet no damage appears to any of the controls in later shots.


Correction: It was a tear gas grenade. They are designed more like a can of hair spray, they have no explosive, just compressed propellants to discharge the gas.

Grumpy Scot

17th Jun 2003

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: Right at the beginning Costner uses a machine to convert his urine into drinkable water. Any machine which can make urine drinkable would work perfectly well on seawater. Urine has far more contaminants than seawater.

Correction: In the directors cut of Waterworld, the Mariner says that they can't use sea water because the salt clogs and ruins the filter.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the game of Quidditch, the bludger is smashing through all of the solid oak beams around the stadium, but when it hits Harry it only breaks his arm. Surely it should have smashed all his bones in his chest and arms with the speed it's going at.

Correction: No because remember, Dobby is controlling the Bludger, he just wants Harry to leave Hogwarts, not be severely injured or killed.

Grumpy Scot

30th Sep 2003

Superman II (1980)

Corrected entry: When fighting the villains at the Fortress of Solitude, Superman makes duplicates of himself that appear and disappear. He says that he likes this game, and used to play it as a boy. Since he was sent to Earth as a baby and there were none like him on Earth, who did he play it with?


Correction: Superman didn't say he played the game 'as a boy', he said 'at school'. He was actually making a light hearted throwaway comment. This is obvious when you consider that the Fortress, which is generating the images, was not built until he was 18 so he's not telling a genuine childhood anecdote.

Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2001

UHF (1989)

Corrected entry: During George's Rambo fantasy a man on the ground fires at him and he catches the bullet in his teeth. Problem is, the bullet still has the shell casing on it.

Correction: Yup, but its a fantasy, George obviously knows nothing about bullets.

Grumpy Scot

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