Factual error: When the aliens first take over the Thunder Road, Wolfgang says that he will reverse the "x-axis diode" to make the computer think they are traveling in the opposite direction. However the outside view shows them moving up and forward at a steep angle, ie moving up on the Z axis and forward on the X axis. If they X axis diode was reversed then the Thunder Road would still be ascending at the same rate, simply in the opposite direction (basically changing from moving forwards and climbing to moving backwards and climbing) . To make them descend, he would have to reverse movement on the Z axis. Considering it's shown on screen that Wolfgang designed the interface to make the sphere move on XYZ coordinates, he would know this.
Grumpy Scot
27th Feb 2016
Explorers (1985)
19th Oct 2015
The Martian (2015)
Factual error: Lewis replaces Beck on the EVA to rescue Watney. On a NASA mission, each crewman is a specialist in several areas. While all of the crew have trained on EVA, Beck is the specialist for Ares III meaning he practiced EVA protocol and maneuvers 2-3 times as much as any other crew member. So while it is a nice dramatic moment for Lewis to replace him, a real mission commander would trust the best trained personnel to do their jobs, as she is actually lowering the chances of success by replacing Beck.
18th Jul 2013
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Cushion Saturation - S2-E16
Factual error: Leslie Winkle takes shelter with Howard in the middle of a paintball game. Her gun has no hopper for paintballs and thus no ammo, so it's useless, despite her apparently using it outside seconds earlier. This isn't a model with an internal magazine - the port to attach the missing hopper is plainly visible.
8th Jul 2013
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Factual error: Carver tells Stamper to be sure and use the correct ammunition when shooting the British sailors. Stamper then uses an M60E3, an American light machine gun firing 7.62x51 mm ammo. To properly frame the Chinese, he should have used a weapon firing 7.62x54R mm, 7.62x39 mm or 5.45x39 mm ammo.
24th Dec 2012
Storm Chasers (2007)
Factual error: The Dominator is shown parked in front of the Coyote Bluff Cafe. The caption shows "Rapid City, South Dakota". Problem is, the Coyote Bluff Cafe is located in Amarillo, Texas.
21st May 2012
Vegas Vacation (1997)
Factual error: Rusty couldn't take possession of the cars without paying for tax, title and license fees. They wouldn't be sitting at his hotel ready to drive away.
Suggested correction: Maybe he did all that with his fake ID and casino winnings off screen?
20th Apr 2012
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Beta Test Initiation - S5-E14
Factual error: Penny picks up a hand gun, pulls back the slide to ensure the chamber is empty (which would discharge any round in the chamber too) and then releases it, leaving it closed. She then loads a magazine into the butt of the weapon and hands it to Leonard. He starts to smooch her and shoots himself in the foot. The gun could not have fired, because Penny would have to pull the slide all the way back and then release it again to load the first bullet. There couldn't have already been a bullet in the chamber, as the whole reason Penny pulled the slide back in the first place was to check just that.
9th Jul 2011
The Manhattan Project (1986)
Factual error: To achieve critical mass and create a nuclear explosion, the plutonium in Paul's device would have to be compressed very precisely. The sphere he placed it into is too large, when he heats it the plutonium would not be distributed evenly, even if it rotates while heated and the amount of plutonium in the jug he steals is not not nearly enough to fill it completely. A smaller sphere was required.
1st Jul 2011
The Mummy (1999)
Factual error: Due to the Earth's rotation, the mirror system used to light the tombs would only provide light for about 4 minutes before needing readjustment (tested by the Mythbusters). This would be fine when there were plenty of priests around to adjust them constantly but the light level never changes even though we see Rick and Evie for several minutes at a time.
29th Dec 2010
The Walking Dead (2010)
Factual error: One of the machine guns set up to defend the CDC in Atlanta is a Soviet DShK machine gun. This weapon would not be in use by American troops in an American city.
8th Dec 2010
The Walking Dead (2010)
Factual error: The supposedly American tank Rick crawls into in Atlanta has US markings but is a British Chieftain.
8th Dec 2010
The Walking Dead (2010)

Factual error: The grenade Rick finds in the tank has an unpainted body and a blue safety lever. It's a dummy training grenade. (00:06:20)
11th May 2010
Blue Thunder (1983)
Factual error: Cochrane chases Murphy in a Hughes 500 which has a top speed of 147 mph and easily keeps up with him, demonstrating that Blue Thunder's top speed is less than 150 mph. The F-16s sent after Blue Thunder have a stall speed of 175 mph. They would have to slow down to the point of falling out of the sky to have a shot at Murphy. Its utterly impractical and far more likely that the military would have sent AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters after him.
Suggested correction: Not necessarily. The F16 (and other fast movers) can and do engage slow moving helos all the time. They just engage them by missile from a long distance, where speeds are irrelevant.
I'm no expert, but I wouldn't think the US Military keeps helicopter crews on Alert Status like they do for fighters. This film was during the Cold War, so maybe, but it wouldn't make sense to keep an attack helicopter crew (and ground crew) on Alert like they would for fighter jets. Even after 9/11, I wouldn't think a (armed) helicopter crew would be beneficial to keep.
4th May 2010
Runaway (1984)
Factual error: Thompson wears moderately high heels in uniform and undercover. Unless she was working strictly in the office, she'd be required to wear tennis shoes or at least flats so she can run.
31st Mar 2010
Zombieland (2009)
Factual error: When Tallahassee and Columbus open the crashed Hostess truck, a huge pile of individual Sno-Balls packages pour out. A real delivery truck would have the product packaged in boxes on shelves in the back of the truck. Even if a Hostess employee was frantically filling the truck before he fled for some reason, Hostess products come from the factory and distributor in boxes.
14th Sep 2009
Day of the Dead (2008)
Factual error: In one scene Sarah starts her HMMWV with a key. Military HMMWV's have push-button ignition.
13th Sep 2009
Day of the Dead (2008)
Factual error: All the soldiers are wearing black t-shirts under their uniform shirt. Air Force wears black t-shirts, Army wears brown.
13th Sep 2009
Day of the Dead (2008)
Factual error: All the soldiers that have rolled up sleeves have them rolled up Marine style (with the inside of the sleeve showing) despite being US Army.
13th Sep 2009
Day of the Dead (2008)
Factual error: Sarah would not be carrying a pistol In the US military during peacetime, only officers and MP's are issued pistols. Her uniform designates no such status. While she might be armed as part of the roadblock detail she'd have an M-16 or an M4 rifle.
29th Jun 2009
Stargate: Continuum (2008)
Factual error: When Cam ambushes Ba'al in 1939, he has two Thompson M1 submachine guns. The M1 version of the Thompson wasn't developed until 1942.
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Suggested correction: The Hermes missions are much more long term than any current NASA missions. In this fictional future, we have no evidence that Beck is the only one qualified enough to carry out this rescue. Additionally, Lewis has the emotional connection, having been the one to instruct them to leave Watney on Mars.