Batman Forever
Batman Forever mistake picture

Character mistake: When Bruce is looking at Chase's various clippings of Batman on her desk while she's tending to the tea kettle, there is a paper that says "Diagnosis Form #39," and just above it, the word "schizophrenic" is incorrectly spelled as either "schizofrenic" or "schizoprenic" (a metal clip is partially covering the last six letters of the word, so it's hard to determine whether it's an "f" or a lone "p" where the "ph" should be). (01:03:11 - 01:03:32)


Batman Forever mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Robin steals the Batmobile, the first shot of his joy-ride shows twin fins on the rear of the batmobile on 45 degree angles, in the following shots they are all standing directly vertical. (01:02:40)

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The Riddler: Riddle me this. Riddle me that. Who's afraid of the big black bat?

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Trivia: The ladies that approach the Batmobile are the group En Vogue.


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Question: At the beginning, when Batman breaks through the helicopter's window with his head, he tells Two-Face, 'Give it up, Harvey. You need help' or something like that. But this voice is totally not what Val Kilmer sounds like. The best I can come up with is that it's a stunt double or something like that. If anybody out there knows the real reason, I'd be happy to hear it.


Chosen answer: Batman talks like that because if he talks like Bruce Wayne (Val Kilmer's voice) his voice might be recognized, leading to Batman's identity being revealed.

Answer: I have noticed that as well. It doesn't seem like his voice is wrong, it just sounds like he says "give it up" twice at once or something. Maybe an issue in post-production.

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