
Question: Who is Luke talking about when he covers up his hand and says that he has a promise to keep to an old friend? Who is the old friend?

Tyler R

Answer: Yoda. When he was departing for Cloud City to save his friends in the previous film, he promised Yoda that he would return to Dagobah to complete his training.


OK. But I thought he was talking about the holeish thing in his hand since he covered it up when he said it. I must have misunderstood it.

The hole in Luke's robotic hand reminds him that he got that robotic hand in the first place because he lost his duel with Darth Vader at Cloud City - a confrontation Yoda warned him he was not ready for.


1st May 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: What happened to that Asian nurse in the hospital that was last seen sliding down and scratching a sort of metal wall?

Answer: It's implied that all the doctors and nurses in that scene were killed. And she wasn't scratching a metal wall. She was being dragged across the floor and her fingernails were peeling up the floor surface in a desperate attempt to cling to safety.


24th Apr 2018

Secret Window (2004)

Question: What's the story behind the murder of Tom and Ken?

Answer: Mort, not realizing that he was Shooter the whole time, brought them into the conflict, and the Shooter personality killed them because they were getting too close to the truth.


24th Apr 2018

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

Answer: Mystique got through to him. And his loyalty to Charles overrode any and all false allegiance he had with Apocalypse. Blood being thicker than water and all that. He had all that history with Charles.

Alan Keddie

Answer: He realised the mutants he was helping Apocalypse fight against had always been there for him.


Question: What exactly is the relationship between Jane and Darcy? Are they friends? Because Jane doesn't seem to like her much.


Answer: Darcy is Jane's intern. If I remember correctly, Darcy is the only person that applied for Jane's intern position, despite majoring in a different field altogether. Jane does like Darcy, but Darcy tends to have an overbearing personality, which tends to get on Jane's nerves.


10th Apr 2018

Saw 3D (2010)

Question: Why does Dr Gordon decide to work with John? And why does he put himself, his daughter and wife in extreme danger?


Answer: He, his wife and his daughter were abducted before he decided to work with Jigsaw. He didn't put them in danger. As for why he decided to work with Jigsaw following his ordeal, like other characters in the franchise, he either developed a level of Stockholm syndrome or he concluded that Jigsaw's methods were right, or a combination of both.


Question: Why did Stryver leave Daggett at Bane's mercy? It's even more puzzling since Daggett even ordered Stryver to stay and guard him.


Answer: Either Stryver knew Bane was going to kill Daggett and he didn't want to risk his own life by interfering, or he was simply so intimidated by Bane that he chose to comply with Bane's demand rather than draw his ire.


26th Mar 2018

Hulk (2003)

Question: Does Bruce kill the militants' leader at the end of the movie? I know that he turns into the Hulk, but what happens to all of the militants, including the leader? Do they die?

Answer: We don't know since the movie ends then and there. It's ultimately up to the viewer's imagination what happens next.


26th Mar 2018

Cabin Fever (2002)

Question: What happened with Paul at the end and why did the police just kill everybody instead of getting help?

Answer: Paul returns briefly in the sequel, where he is hit and killed by a bus. The local doctor's office did not have the resources to take care of the virus, so rather than take any infected survivors to the county hospital, the police decided to make an attempt to contain and end the outbreak by killing them instead.


20th Mar 2018

Justice League (2017)

Question: What is the story behind the strange makeup blunders in Justice League? Early in the film, both Henry Cavill's and Ben Affleck's facial features seem oddly, almost creepily unrecognizable (in the smartphone sequence of Superman and in the private jet sequence with Bruce Wayne and Alfred). Also, Bruce Wayne's hair color seems to randomly change throughout the movie. As I understand it, between the directing upheaval and editing, many old scenes were deleted and new scenes added, requiring a lot of re-shooting. Is that the reason for the sloppy makeup continuity?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: I don't know about the Ben Affleck portion of your question, but when the film was going back for reshoots, Henry Cavill had grown a mustache for his upcoming role in "Mission: Impossible Fallout" which he was contractually obligated to keep. The special effects crew had no choice but to digitally erase his mustache in post-production, which is why his mouth area looks so odd in some scenes (if you have seen the trailer for "Deadpool 2," Deadpool makes reference to this when he notes that the special effects for Cable's metal arm are not finished, and remarks that it's not like they are trying to remove a mustache). Interestingly, a person on YouTube posted a video of them removing Henry Cavill's mustache using a $500 computer, and it looks remarkably better than what this film did with a $300 million budget.


Question: What is the dance Dr. Evil does when he first meets Scott to try to show he was "hip"?

Answer: The "Macarena" by Los Del Rio.


4th Mar 2018

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: Did Harvey Dent know that Bruce Wayne was actually Batman? His quote "Rachel's told me everything about you", and him telling Rachel that they were coming for her seems to imply this to me.

Answer: No, he doesn't know. His comment to Bruce is a very common expression, and it makes sense that Rachel would have told Harvey all about her childhood friendship with Bruce. Bruce's response, 'I certainly hope not', is a reference to his being Batman and he and Rachel's romantic history, both of which he would rather Rachel not broadcast. Harvey telling Rachel that they will rescue her is just to try and keep her calm while they try to figure out how to escape.

Answer: Additionally, if Harvey knew that Bruce is Batman, he would have had even more of a vendetta against him once he became Two-Face, since Batman rescued Harvey earlier and not Rachel. He may have even revealed Batman's secret identity to Commissioner Gordon at the film's climax.


On the other hand, knowing that Batman is Bruce Wayne could cause Dent to realise he is not the only one of who has lost something, Bruce did too. Batman would have a right to speak about whats fair.


26th Feb 2018

Cabin Fever (2002)

Question: Why do the townsfolk let people come into town if there is a disease in the water. How are they staying alive? Do they know about it?

Answer: They don't know about it. The only resident in town to contract the disease was the hermit. The sheriff even remarks to Deputy Winston on his radio that the kids at the cabin were going on a killing spree and that they had some kind of skin disease, indicating the disease was heretofore unknown to them. It's possible that the hermit's dog was the carrier.


26th Feb 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: It was destroyed by an electrical shock when he turned around and saw Rosie fall over dead.


Question: After the Warg attack, why did Theoden order to leave the dead?


Answer: They have an urgent need to make it to Helm's Deep. Spending time burying or moving the dead will make them prone to another attack and more deaths.


25th Jan 2018

Saw III (2006)

Question: I'm having troubles reconciling few things. In no particular order, here are my questions: a) The shotgun scene didn't make any sense. I guess the "surprise" is that it fires when you release not when you pull it, but it just seems like one of those things where you duck and tell the other guy to duck and then unscrew it while ducking. b) So, John is given one last bullet and asked if he'd like to kill one more time. So, lets say Amanda actually does what she's told and doesn't kill Lynn. Isn't John going to kill her anyway since that was his intent? c) Likewise, how would Lynn have not told John about her collar? You'd think that it'd be the first thing she'd mention to him or you'd think it'd be something he might want to ask about. This, of course, then becomes a bigger deal because if he knows he can't kill Jigsaw without killing his wife, then he probably doesn't and everything has a happy ending. To me, it would've been cool if she had no way to tell him but was trying really hard to and he just ignored her and killed him anyway. d) Was it considered Amanda's choice then to have timers so short to make things "unwinnable"? The characters seemed to basically "win" every time but just couldn't within the time allotted. Presuming that is the case, how could an obsessive guy like Jigsaw not see and evaluate everything? How could he not be the ones watching videos of everything? I get that it was a test for Amanda, but since he objected to "murder" so much, then how could he knowingly allow her to murder?

Answer: A) The judge was preoccupied with Timothy's predicament and Jeff was preoccupied with the rifle, so he may not have noticed the judge was in the line of fire. B) Jeff didn't know Lynn was also being held captive until he witnessed Amanda shoot her. Him shooting Amanda in retaliation was a knee-jerk reaction. Had he walked into the room and seen Lynn alive and well, it may have caused him to let his guard down long enough for Jigsaw to explain everything. Then again, like you said, he just may have killed Amanda anyway. C) Lynn actually was trying to tell Jeff about her predicament, but she could barely speak after being shot and bleeding out, plus Jeff was mainly focused on Jigsaw. D) Jigsaw was extremely ill and weak at this point. He probably didn't have much oversight on Amanda's work. In all likelihood, he learned about her transgressions from Hoffman.


5th Apr 2007

The Prestige (2006)

Question: When Tesla first tests the 'machine', the original hat stays in place, while the copies appear in the woods. Does this mean that whenever Hugh Jackman's character uses the machine during his show, he is actually sending a copy of himself up into the balcony, and sending himself to drown below the stage? If this is so, the implication would be that the 'copies' contain every memory, etc. of the original Hugh, up to and including the point at which the copies are made.

Answer: Tesla himself suggests the mechanism is not so much "a copy" as "a pair of duplicates." Neither is the original and neither is a copy. They are both the same individual, there are just two of then now. One got teleported and the other did not. Admittedly, it requires a pretty abstract point of view to understand it.


Answer: Angier states himself as he is dying that it took courage for him to step into his machine every night, because he didn't know if he'd be the one that ends up drowning or the one that ends up in the prestige. So the teleportation/cloning is entirely random.


18th Jan 2018

The Prestige (2006)

Question: When Borden meets his wife she had a son. By the time she kills herself he is nowhere to be found - where is he?

Answer: He's her nephew.


Question: Just wondering what finally became of Alfrid, the Master's clerk and Bejorn, the skinchanger.

Answer: In both the novel and the movie, Alfrid's (who is not named in the book) fate is unknown. Beorn, in the book, stopped his reclusiveness and became a leader of the local woodmen and protected the area from orcs and goblins. He died sometime before the War of the Ring and was succeeded by his son Grimbeorn.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: The Extended Edition of this film shows Alfrid being inadvertently catapulted into the mouth of a troll during the eponymous battle, and it is heavily implied that he dies from the ordeal, as he is motionless when the troll collapses to the ground.


Answer: We don't know what happenned to Alfrid and the Master, but in the book we know that the Master took his bit of the gold and ran off somewhere, leaving Bard to bring Lake-Town into the re-established Kingdom of Dale. Beorn continued to guard the High Pass, eventually had children and grandchildren called the Beornings, who still charge tolls for Dwarves to cross the bridge across the river.

7th Jan 2018

From Hell (2001)

Question: What was the medical procedure performed on Ian Holm at the end of the movie?

Answer: A lobotomy.


A pre-frontal lobotomy.

Charles Austin Miller

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