Question: Why not tell her the truth? She wouldn't have been worse off. If he'd wanted to find them he could've done so sooner.
8th Jul 2020
Wonder Woman (2017)
30th Jun 2020
The X-Files (1993)
Je Souhaite - S7-E21
Question: When Mulder is writing down his last wish after using the first two, what was he writing and why did he stop?
Answer: He was intending to once again wish for world peace. This time he is writing down his wish in a specific and deliberate manner in order to avoid any technicalities, loopholes or misinterpretations the genie might cause, since his first attempt at wishing for world peace resulted in her removing everyone else besides Mulder from the face of the Earth. He stops because Scully convinces him that world peace is something that should be attained through effort and not magic, so he instead uses his final wish to set the genie free.
29th Jun 2020
The Wedding Singer (1998)
Question: Why did Norrington let Jack escape?
Answer: At no point did he actually "let" him escape on purpose. Jack was always just too witty for Norrington (who is kinda slow). That's counting 3 occasions where Norrington failed to capture Jack, but perhaps you can be more specific as to which escape you are referring to.
8th Mar 2017
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Question: Could Anna see ghosts? Why was she shivering in the closet and then ran out of it in fear? Also in the end why was she shivering and answering Malcolm? Was she ignoring him all the time?
Chosen answer: No, she can't see one but Cole can. But it is established that everyone can feel the "chilling" effect of the ghosts, and feel an inexplicable coldness in their presence. Naturally, this freaks them out, so it's natural Anna (and everyone else) would run from it. At the end, she wasn't answering Malcolm, just as throughout the film what appears to be her ignoring him is simply her not being aware of his presence. She's merely talking in her sleep, and Malcolm, as he does every other time, mistakes this for a direct interaction...until he realises the truth.
Actually I do believe she was answering him. Cole told him to go talk to her while she slept. After finding out ghosts come to him for help, this is Cole helping Malcolm. It's possible Cole knew it is possible for ghosts to communicate with other people this way.
Actually I believe the cellar is just cold in the first scene. Instead, I think she is spooked and thinks something is odd since Vincent was actually in the cellar hiding when she was down there. At some point afterwards he snuck up to the bathroom before being confronted by Malcolm. Any other interaction between Anna and the cold is likely the sensation of being near a ghost though.
Animals could sense them too, or at least the ones in paranormal activity can.
Paranormal Activity has nothing to do with this movie.
21st Jun 2020
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Question: How did the inmates on rooftops manage to get their hands on beer?
Answer: It was given to them by the guards.
But isn't beer banned in prisons?
Andy gives Hadley (the head guard) financial advice on how to keep a large sum of money, which he (Hadley) received as an inheritance. Andy, being an accountant, offers to do all the necessary tax work, in exchange for three beers apiece for his fellow inmates. Hadley agrees, and arranges for the beer to be delivered and given to them. (All of this is shown in the scene immediately prior to that in which the inmates are drinking beer).
Answer: Under all but rare circumstances, alcoholic beverages are not allowed in US prisons, which was also the case in 1949, when this scene takes place; the significance of this scene is to establish that Andy began to enjoy special privileges while incarcerated, which is also how he eventually got the warden to allow him to establish the prison library.
12th Jun 2020
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Question: What did Phillips mean when he said 5 bodies in 4 graves?
8th Jun 2020
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989)
Question: Why did the zeppelin turn around, and how did the approaching airplane fighters know it was them in the zeppelin's airplane?
Answer: The zeppelin is turning around because Indy sabotaged the radio. They are presumably going back to get it repaired, lest they end up getting into danger on a long journey with no way to reach out for help. The approaching planes likely deduced it was the Joneses absconding with the plane, as it would be unlikely for anyone else to be taking it when the zeppelin was simply returning to its point of origin.
8th Jun 2020
Batman Returns (1992)
Question: When the two cops find Catwoman in the department store, she uses her whip to disarm them. They put their hands up and one says, "Don't hurt us, lady, or take homes lesson 300?" To which she replies, "You've overpaid. Hit the road." What exactly is homes lesson 300?
Answer: He says "our take home is less than 300", meaning their paycheck (or what they "take home") is less than $300. Her reply is that the store is still paying them too much (i.e. they're worthless as security officers).
Answer: He says "our take home's less than 300". As in their net pay is less than $300 a week.
29th May 2020
Black Panther (2018)
Question: When Zuri disarmed Killmonger, why didn't he kill him? That would've been a lot smarter than letting him kill him. He easily could've done it.
Answer: Zuri feels guilty for his role in the death of Killmonger's father, which is why he tells Killmonger to kill him instead of T'Challa. While Zuri himself probably doesn't actually want to die, I don't think he wants Killmonger dead either, which is why he wouldn't kill him. Also, as a royal advisor, it would probably be looked down upon by the other tribes if he violated the rules of the ritual combat. After all, one combatant has to defeat the other in order to rightfully claim the throne.
Zuri may not want Killmonger to die, but he knew that the duel would only end once one of the contestants would either surrender or die, meaning Killmonger would stil win or kill T'Challa. It seems a rather low price to be looked down upon or fired if it means your country doesn't go to war. At least, that would be a small price to pay for keeping the peace.
29th May 2020
Breaking Bad (2008)
Question: Can someone please explain the swearing rules? I'm not American, so I don't know which channels have to follow the FCC rules. But I heard AMC said they could only use one F word per season. Why would they make that rule? If they have to follow the FCC rules, they can't say it at all. If they don't, they can say it as much as they want. And aside from Season 2, they all had more than one. How did they get away with it?
Answer: The FCC actually only regulates local broadcast channels. Cable channels - even basic ones - are free to depict as much violence, profanity, and sexual content (as long as it's not pornographic) as they want. However, they choose to scale back on that so as not to offend viewers and potentially drive away sponsors.
28th Oct 2014
Saw 3D (2010)
Question: What happens to Bobby Dagen after he fails to save his wife from being incinerated?
Answer: We are never told or shown, but it could be speculated that he was trapped in the building or died from his injuries.
5th Feb 2005
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
Question: Who is the woman on the bike that rides up and meets Uncle Rico toward the end of the movie? Is she Tammy, his previously mentioned girlfriend? If so, what is the significance of this scene and why is this her only part?
Answer: It is his girlfriend. He doesn't mention ever having been married and instead said that he broke up with his girlfriend.
Answer: I believe it was his estranged wife coming back to him. The only significance is that 'in the end, everything will be ok.'
7th May 2020
The Simpsons (1989)
Question: I remember a scene in one episode when Maggie is outside the house at night looking for Marge. She thinks she sees Marge's hair sticking up from behind a fence, but when she looks behind the fence, it turns out it's just a tree. Which episode was that?
Answer: "Homer Alone" from season three.
7th May 2020
The Ring (2002)
Question: Were Aiden's 7 days not up at the end or something and is that why he didn't die? I know that's why they were making a copy for him to give to someone else but I thought his 7 days would be up by now.
7th May 2020
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Question: At the Christmas pageant, why is Frank laughing when they all see the pianist falling backwards off the stage? Did he think it was funny?
7th May 2020
Batman Returns (1992)
Question: If the polluted water supposedly killed Penguin, then how come it didn't kill Max Shreck considering that he ended up in the water because of Catwoman?
30th Apr 2020
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Question: If Pym and Janet shrunk themselves smaller than any molecules, how did they get oxygen? (02:04:20 - 02:30:00)
30th Apr 2020
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Question: What did Liz mean when she told her dad not to grill Peter?
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Answer: Can you be more specific with this question?
Phaneron ★
Her mother doesn't tell her she's Zeus' child. I never understood her claim of Ares finding her sooner if she was told. If he wanted to find Diana how would her learning her true background helped Ares out?