Question: Ahsoka's "head-tails" (called Lekku, technically) seem to have creases in them. Are these meant to be scars from battles, or are they just folds in whatever material was used to make the prosthetics? With all the high production values elsewhere, this would seem to be a fairly ropey oversight if so.
28th Nov 2020
The Mandalorian (2019)
15th Nov 2020
Dark Phoenix (2019)
Question: When the soldiers were taking the mutants to the containment center by the train, Kurt shouts towards the soldiers "Your kid was right about us. We could help you." What does he mean "your kid"? (01:26:45)
Chosen answer: Four minutes earlier, one of the MCU soldiers walks past Kurt and says to him "My kid used to be a fan" (of the X-Men). So later on, Kurt yells to the same soldier "Your kid was right about us. We could help you!", meaning that he and the other mutants can be trusted to help them fight the D'Bari attackers.
15th Jul 2020
Life of Pi (2012)
2nd Aug 2020
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Question: After Darth Vader betrays the Empire and kills the Emperor, who, for the very brief period of time that the Empire was still around, would have risen to the top of the chain of command?
Chosen answer: The Empire splintered a bit after the death of the Emperor. Some members of the Imperial Council attempted to grab territories in order to maintain some form of power. Others attempted to carry on as if nothing had happened and told the people that the Emperor had escaped the destruction of the Death Star. Officially, the new leader of the Empire was Grand Admiral Sloane, who commanded the Imperial Navy. She enacted the Emperor's contingency plan, called Operation Cinder, which was essentially destroying everything because of the Emperor's death.
25th Jul 2020
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Question: How did Kirill know Bourne was in India?
Answer: In the script, Kirill shows a photo of Marie when he poses as her brother and says there has been a death in the family. He does this at a specific telegraph office, and says that they know Marie called from there. Kirill was a Russian FSB agent, so presumably he used that agency's resources to tap the phone of Marie's brother and traced her call to the telegraph office in Goa. This is not clear in the actual film, where Kirill shows a photo of Bourne and says he is a friend.
29th Jun 2020
Star Trek: Generations (1994)
Question: In the beginning, the journalist says "this is the first Starship Enterprise in thirty years without James T. Kirk in command." According to canon, the Enterprise-A was decommissioned in 2293, the same year the B was launched. Was she referring to Kirk's retirement in 2263?
Answer: She was saying that Kirk had been captain of the Enterprise for around 30 years, so the reference to "the Enterprise without James T. Kirk in command" was referring to Christopher Pike's tenure as captain until 2265 (a bit less than 30 years but she was rounding up).
10th Jun 2020
No Country For Old Men (2007)
Question: How do the three Mexicans get into Llewyn's room right after Anton kills them?
Answer: Anton kills them in Llewelyn's room. The Mexicans were waiting for Llewelyn to return to his room (138) but he saw their truck and the curtains open so went to another motel, then returns and books another room (38) in the original motel so he can get the money from the vent. Anton enters the room to get the money (and kill Llewelyn if he's there), but finds the Mexicans there so he kills them, by which time Llewelyn has retrieved the money and escaped.
10th Jun 2020
Dante's Peak (1997)
Question: Who did Spiderlegs belong too? Paul told Terry to put the E.L.F back on before NASA finds out. But then Terry claims they paid $450,000 for it and Paul says "Harry's masterpiece is a piece of junk." Was it owned by NASA? Did NASA build it for them?
Answer: It is probably the same arrangement as the DANTE I and II robots that Spiderlegs was based on. The real robots were built and operated by Carnegie Mellon University for NASA, so NASA paid for them but they were used by CMU. Terry says that they (USGS) put $450,000 "into this beast" - he didn't say it was their money and he was probably referring to NASA's money which was why NASA had such a stake in the robot and would not be happy about a risky move like removing the ELF beacon.
5th Jun 2020
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Question: How was Princess Leia already on Admiral Radius' ship? Was she on Yavin with Bail while he was meeting with the council and he left her there when he left?
Answer: She was on Yavin IV, but after the Rebel council meeting Bail returned to Alderaan and assigned Leia to travel to Tatooine to fetch Obi-Wan Kenobi. Her ship the Tantive IV was damaged in a previous mission and was undergoing repairs on Admiral Raddus' ship, so he was escorting Leia to Tatooine when he instead decided to assist the Rogue One team on Scarif.
30th May 2020
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
Question: How did DJ know the resistance was escaping on the little transports?
15th May 2020
A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
15th May 2020
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Question: What does "follow the flame to the desert fruit" mean?
Answer: In the building with the Jumanji berry tree, there were flames on the wall. By following the flames on the wall, Ruby was able to get to the tree, rather than try to cross the waters somehow.
17th Mar 2020
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Question: Is there a Wilhelm scream in this movie?
Answer: Sound designer Matthew Wood said they retired the Wilhelm scream after The Force Awakens, and that a new scream sound would make an appearance from Rogue One onwards. He didn't give any detail but Metaflix theorised the new scream was from WALL-E, although ABC News said sources told them the new audio easter egg was a scream by George Lucas recorded for American Graffiti.
14th Mar 2020
The Matrix (1999)
Question: When Smith interrogates Morpheus, Smith says "I must be free", the other 2 agents come in and say "what are you doing", what's this about? Why were they concerned with what he was doing and why does Smith seem less "robotic" than the other 2 agents, it is like he has actual wants and needs?
Answer: Smith has spent too long in the Matrix, according to himself, and wants to leave. He has gone quite insane already unlike the other agents, call it a bug. He might be older than the other agents and malfunctioned, or something went wrong with his programming. In any case he went outside of his programming as an agent, developed a personality and emotions.
25th Feb 2020
The Simpsons (1989)
7th Feb 2020
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993)
Question: I read somewhere that Mike Myers and Neil Mullarkey contributed a lot of stuff to the script for this movie (which ended up in the final movie), but were denied onscreen writing credit. Why?
Answer: The Writers Guild of America (WGA) determines who is credited and how, so they would have arbitrated this. In 1992, the LA Times reported that several writers had been involved in the script including Myers and Mullarkey, but also Howard Zieff, Barbara Benedek, Sally Robinson, Conan O'Brien and Carrie Fisher. In 1993, the LA Times reported that the WGA had awarded Robbie Fox sole story and screenwriting credit on the film.
17th Jan 2020
Paper Planes (2014)
Question: Was it set in WA? This might explain why the cricket was on the TV before the kid left for school. If set in NSW/QLD (as they drive down to Sydney) it must have been an rare start time for the cricket. (00:05:02)
11th Dec 2019
Star Wars (1977)
Question: Out of the numerous (and mostly unnecessary) changes George Lucas has made to this film over the years, has he ever given any reason as to why he has never fixed the appearance of the lightsabers in the film, or updated the awful CGI Jabba the Hutt? Those have always stood out to me as the two most glaring weaknesses in the visual department.
Answer: He has not. He has only ever generally commented on the updates to the 90's Special Edition re-releases having scenes updated to fit what he always envisioned but was limited by budget and technology. The additional changes that have been made since the films were released on Blu-Ray and now Disney Plus have gone without comment. To your point about the lightsabers, they have been improved on the Disney Plus version of the film. The colors are more vibrant, and they now have a more noticeable sparking effect with clashes in the Obi-Wan/Vader duel.
20th Nov 2019
The Terminator (1984)
Question: When the Terminator shoots up the police station, there is a part where it cuts to him walking down a hallway after reloading his gun and there is a fire behind him. What caused that fire?
Answer: The Terminator rips the main electrical cable out of the junction box and then overloads the other cables, which cuts power to the station and starts the fire.
7th Oct 2019
Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
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Chosen answer: They could be just like wrinkles from age, like the elderly Togruta in the Zygerrian slaver arc in The Clone Wars series, as Ahsoka is considerably older than her animated appearances. I think there is probably a character design/stylisation aspect to it as well - the other Togruta we've seen in live action, Shaak Ti, has four segments or folds in her lekku that were not visible in her Clone Wars appearances, so it would seem the character design in Clone Wars and Rebels reduces such features.
Sierra1 ★