
Question: When Kirill shoots Bourne from the bridge, he only fires once. Why doesn't he empty his gun and finish him? He has enough time before he the police arrive.

Answer: Bourne is a significant distance away from the bridge, and nearly round the corner by the time Kirill takes aim and fires. He was lucky to hit Bourne at all from that distance and angle, and with rapid fire from a handgun it would be almost impossible to get a subsequent hit, and Bourne would have ducked out of sight almost instantly. Also the police show up only five seconds after his shot, so he didn't have a lot of time.


These guys are professional killers/assassins. It's hard for me to believe that he couldn't get a deadeye shot there. But unless I missed something, it's the only explanation that can be made I guess.

Bourne and his fellow Treadstone agents were expert killers and assassins, there is no indication that Kirill, seemingly a regular FSB officer, possessed similar skills to that level - we don't see him fight, drive particularly well, and the long-distance sniper shot he takes in Goa hits the wrong person (Maree).


Question: After Darth Vader betrays the Empire and kills the Emperor, who, for the very brief period of time that the Empire was still around, would have risen to the top of the chain of command?


Chosen answer: The Empire splintered a bit after the death of the Emperor. Some members of the Imperial Council attempted to grab territories in order to maintain some form of power. Others attempted to carry on as if nothing had happened and told the people that the Emperor had escaped the destruction of the Death Star. Officially, the new leader of the Empire was Grand Admiral Sloane, who commanded the Imperial Navy. She enacted the Emperor's contingency plan, called Operation Cinder, which was essentially destroying everything because of the Emperor's death.

Sloane was one of three potential leaders when the Emperor died: the other two were Gallius Rax and Mas Amedda. In the end, Rax sidelined the others and became the leader of the Empire, although Sloane was the public face of the leadership.


5th Nov 2017

The Wolverine (2013)

Question: Mariko said to Yukio that she could not tell her something now, on the night Yashida faked his death - what could she not tell her?


Answer: Yes, She didn't want anyone else to hear about it until the will was announced 3 days after Yoshida's death.

Answer: That Yashida was going to leave the company and his fortune to her in his will.


Why couldn't Mariko tell Yukio that? In case the Yakuza were eavesdropping?

I think because she wanted her father (Shingen, Yashida's assumed heir) to know first, and to tell anyone else before him would dishonor him.


Question: When Bourne interrogates Nikki (under duress) in the underground station, Nikki insists that Bourne had never worked in Berlin, much less completed his first mission there. But it is established that Bourne had killed the Neskis in Berlin on what is described by Conklin as his first mission. Assuming Nikki has no reason to lie and that she would have accurate information about Bourne's activities, what might explain that issue?


Chosen answer: Conklin ordered Bourne to kill the Neskis, telling him it was a training mission, when in fact it was an unofficial, off-the-books assignment to cover up his and Abbott's corrupt dealings with Gretkov, which Neski was about to expose. Nicky did not know about this Berlin mission as it was not an official Treadstone operation.


Conklin did not tell Bourne that it was a training mission. Conklin told Bourne "this is not a drill soldier...this is a live project, you're a go."

Partially correct. After Bourne eliminates the Neskis, Conklin says "Congratulations soldier, training is over." This implies that while the mission was real, Bourne was still an asset in training, and off the books.

By "not a drill" and "live project", Conklin is telling Bourne to actually kill the Neskis - like killing the hooded man for Hirsch, it's training him to do anything for Treadstone. It could be that the edit is out of chronological order, but the order of the scenes implies that after Bourne has done the job and returned to the car, Conklin says "Congratulations, soldier. Training is over."


Answer: Conklin was using Bourne for an off-book hit on the Neskis because Neski knew about the stolen money and the oil leases. Bourne was told it was a genuine "hit" for patriotic purposes, but it was not.

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