
2nd Apr 2015

Skyfall (2012)

Question: Is there really any need for Silva to be captured and then escape to kill M? He knows when she's in court, he could just travel to London without going through being captured and escape, and considering it makes him completely unexpected, gives him more of a chance of succeeding.

Answer: Silva's objective was not just to kill M - if it was, he could have blown up her office with her in it when he hacked into MI6 the first time. He wanted to humiliate and terrify her by showing he could get to her again and again, whatever measures were put in place to protect her.


29th Mar 2015

Family Guy (1999)

Dr. C and the Women - S13-E13

Question: Where's the joke in prescribing a "lesbian shoe" (Doc Martin) to sick people? Not angered by it or anything. It's just that I understand most every joke and am wondering if this one even has a point or if it's just one of the absurd jokes?


Chosen answer: The doctor's name is Doc Martens, and it's playing on a stereotype that lesbians wear Doc Martens boots.


18th Sep 2013

Quantum of Solace (2008)

Question: How does Bond know Dominic Greene's name? The first I recall hearing it was when Bond rescued Camille from the general's boat. She yells something that sounds like "Greene" (if anyone caught what she said, it would be appreciated) and then Bond automatically says "Dominic Greene?" Also, how can Bond track Greene and his crew with his cellphone? I don't recall him placing a tracker, unlike the one in Casino Royale. Finally, why does the CIA want to capture Bond so bad? It is because he is after Greene and the CIA is "protecting" him?

Answer: When Bond gets into Camille's car, she says "Dominic didn't give you any trouble, did he?" (as she thinks he is one of his henchmen). When he rescues her from the boat, she says "You're not one of Greene's!", and Bond pieces the name together from that. Bond followed them by tracking the cell phone of Greene's henchman, Elvis (remember he called the number on the Universal Exports business card in Haiti). Beams, the CIA section chief in South America had done a deal with Greene (to allow a coup in Bolivia in exchange for oil), and stopping Bond was part of the deal.


5th Mar 2015

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Question: What movie are they watching when he starts to have a seizure?


Chosen answer: The 1979 Steve Martin film "The Jerk".


9th Mar 2015

Collateral (2004)

Question: Daniel mentioned "You know the folks in Cartagena and..." somewhere else? I have located Cartagena in the northern region of Colombia, SA What was the second location Daniel referenced? It sounded like "cuta cahn".


Chosen answer: Culiacán, in northwestern Mexico.


3rd Mar 2015

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Question: What makes the Argentinean pass out and fall backwards into the hole so Christian can take his place in the final scenes? Did someone slip him a drug at some point?

DJ Vander Schaaf

Chosen answer: It is mentioned earlier in the film that the Argentinian suffers from narcolepsy, and tends to pass out/fall asleep at random moments, which is what he does when Christian returns to the theatre.


Chosen answer: When they left the L Street Tavern, Skylar said she wanted to meet Will's brothers and Chuckie gave him a curious look which she picked up on.


Question: Why does Biff travel through the outskirts of Hill Valley to get from his home to Hill Valley High school? Biff travels through what looks to be the countryside through the River Road tunnel to the school and he is travelling through the countryside when he heads home from the dance as well. It almost suggests that Hill Valley High is in another town. One could say the road Biff took in 1955 may be a populated area in 1985 but it doesn't really make sense to have the school so far away from the town center, the movie gives the illusion Hill Valley high school is in another town. The only logical answer I could think would be that Biff actually lived in another unnamed town in 1955 and drove into Hill Valley to attend high school, perhaps he was kicked out of the neighbouring town high school. Although that doesn't work that well, as we watch Marty follow Biff from his home to the town square.

Blair Howden

Chosen answer: Hill Valley is in a valley with hills to the west and east. The main street/Courthouse Square are against the western hill, the school is to the north of the square, Biff's and most of the other houses are on the eastern hill or to the south. To get to the school Biff drives through the tunnel (presumably under the railway line through the valley). Note the town square seems to be closer to Biff's house than the school as Doc leaves the house on his bike after Biff and Marty drive away, yet he reaches the courthouse while they are still in the tunnel. Biff only drives for a few minutes so it's not too far, and there are likely to be trees by the side of the road near the tunnel.


23rd Feb 2015

The World's End (2013)

Question: For those of us who live in countries where Cornettos aren't sold, what flavors are the three colors in the Cornetto Trilogy?

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: Strawberry Red for "Shaun of the Dead", Original Blue for "Hot Fuzz", Green Mint Choc Chip for "The World's End".


Answer: The Dwarrow Scholar website isn't sure, but suggests it sounds like "Ikhriyi zuzô'z!", meaning "Release the links [of the statue mould]."


13th Feb 2015

Tangled (2010)

Question: Why does Gothel say "I'm not getting any younger down here" when Rapunzel is coming to pull her up? Does this imply that Rapunzel knows why Gothel keeps her in the tower, or is she pretending to be sarcastic?

Lily Harrison

Chosen answer: "I'm not getting any younger" is usually a sarcastic way of telling someone to hurry up.


Answer: Gothel also means it literally because Rapunzel's hair keeps her young, but of course Rapunzel doesn't know this.

Chosen answer: The song is "Headstrong" by Earshot. It's track 11 on the soundtrack album.


4th Feb 2015

The Illusionist (2006)

Question: How does he do the sword trick?

Answer: The trick is done with electromagnets under the stage holding the sword upright and stuck to the floor (switched off when Leopold takes the sword). Audiences at the time would have been unfamiliar with such a technique.


4th Feb 2015

The Wire (2002)

Slapstick - S3-E9

Question: What does ISD stand for in Baltimore police? It is mentioned by major Colvin to Carv after police officers correctly guess that somebody (Carv) has moved the dead body (Internal affairs is called IID during the show). It is mentioned again in Season 4 episode 8, when Herc worries about how to get back an expensive camera that Carv helped borrow to that ISD department.

Answer: ISD was the Inspectional Services Division, a controversial intelligence arm of the Baltimore PD which operated from 1966 to 1976 and reported directly to the commissioner, Donald Pomerleau.


21st Jan 2015

Love Actually (2003)

Question: Emma Thompson, who plays Karen, has two apparent brothers. The prime minister (Hugh Grant) and Daniel (Liam Neeson), is it right to assume that Daniel and the prime minister are brothers? Why don't we see them ever talk? All the other character stories we see interconnect.

Answer: Karen is the sister of David (the prime minister), but she is not related to Daniel, they are just friends.


Question: So what happens to Dale and Laketown and the body of Smaug? It appears that Dale was renewed after the refugees of Laketown moved in?

Answer: In the book, many of the refugees from Lake-town move into Dale, with Bard as their king. While Esgaroth/Lake-town has been destroyed and the lake putrefied by Smaug's body, they rebuild a new town with their share of the dwarves' treasure to the north of the original town (under the Master, who is not crushed by Smaug in the book, but does later die in the Wastes after fleeing with the town's gold).


Question: When Gollum is wrestling with the orc, does he happen to be at just the right angle for the Ring to fall out of his pocket, or was it the Ring's choice to leave him, as in the book? Also, why does Bilbo just leave Gollum in the cave if he recognizes that Gollum is "miserable, lost, and alone?" Why not take him along and give him to Gandalf, then have Gandalf take him away so he could be with company, yet not hinder their mission?

Answer: Galadriel's narration at the beginning of "The Fellowship of the Ring" states that the Ring "abandoned Gollum", so yes, it chose to leave him in the film. Thorin's company had left Gandalf at Rivendell when they went to the Misty Mountains, so he was not there to hand Gollum over to. Also Gollum had just tried to kill Bilbo, so it would not be practical to bring along a hostile, murderous individual out of pity for his loneliness.


27th Dec 2014

Speed (1994)

Question: I know this would end the movie, but when Jack is running alongside the bus, trying to get on before it reaches 50, why doesn't he shoot one of the tires? This would've taken the bus to a stop.

Answer: Shooting out car tires is a bit of a movie myth, and bus tires are much more heavily reinforced, so it would be very difficult to hit and puncture a tire successfully. It would also be very dangerous to fire a gun at a small, rapidly-moving target on a busy highway, and a person shooting at the bus would almost certainly make the driver speed up to get away. Finally, one of the tires does blow out at the airport, which makes virtually no difference to the bus's speed or motion.


5th Dec 2014

Total Recall (2012)

Question: At the bank I see Obama on the 50 bank note. Who is on the 1,000? I saw other denominations, but no clear shot of those people, but does anyone know who else is on various denominations?


Chosen answer: According to the director, Len Wiseman, the "president" on the $1000 note is his own father, Loren.


19th Nov 2014

Deep Blue Sea (1999)

Question: Were the sharks in this movie animated? It shows the whole shark without showing a machine controlling it.

Answer: Yes, when the sharks were shown swimming in the water they were computer-generated. Where they interacted with the actors or other parts of the environment, animatronic sharks were used.


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