dgemba dgemba

11th May 2006

Fantastic Four (2005)

Question: Why does Sue tell Reed that there "never was" a "her and Vince"? Weren't they together for two years?

Answer: She was working for him for 2 years but there was never an actual relationship. Victor wanted it to go further hence why he was going to propose. If you notice on the space station when he talks about their relationship Sue is talking is a strcitly business sense.

dgemba dgemba

11th May 2006

Eastenders (1985)

Show generally

Question: Has Joe (Pauline's husband) been a narrator for a children's program in the past? I recognize his voice and am sure its something to do with kids TV.

Answer: Yes he was the narrater for the kids TV show Mr Benn. This was the program where Mr Benn would go into a costume shop each episode and try on a different outfit. He would then "be" the character he dressed up as.

dgemba dgemba

20th Mar 2006

Intermission (2003)

Question: What were the characters pouring into their drinks, and what were they pouring it into. I'm American, so I've never heard the term "brown sauce" before. I couldn't tell if it was chocolate syrup or like a steak sauce, or if they were putting it in their tea or coffee.

Answer: There is a condiment used in the UK that is actually called "Brown Sauce" It is used by many instead of Ketchup. It is slightly spicy and very nice on a bacon sandwich. They put it in their coffee for some reason.

dgemba dgemba

13th Dec 2005

The A-Team (1983)

Show generally

Question: Do we ever find out what the H.M. in H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock really stands for? (ie. B.A. stands for Bosco Albert).

Mister Ed

Chosen answer: The "H" stands for Hector. The "M" is never explained in the series.

dgemba dgemba

22nd Dec 2005

South Park (1997)

Answer: Dio is the band name of Ronnie James Dio of Rainbow and Black Sabbath fame. Check out http://www.robertjamesdio.com for more info. Matt and Trey don't hate him he is just an easy target for jokes.

dgemba dgemba

23rd Nov 2005

The Golden Child (1986)

Question: Does anybody know why Sardo Numspa can't pronounce J's? Such as when he pronounces Chandler Jarell as Yarell. I've looked but can't seem to find any explanation.

Answer: A lot of non english speaking countries have trouble pronouncing the letter J as it does not appear in their alphabet. It is a fairly recent addition to the english language too. Previously words that now start with a J would have began with an "I" sound as in "Iarell".

dgemba dgemba

22nd Jul 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Question: In the scene at the ruined house, what is Ray doing in the closed room while his daughter is closing her eyes and singing?

Answer: Tim Robbins was shouting quite loud (and losing his mind) and Ray did not want the aliens to discover their hiding place. He therefor had no choice but to kill (or possibly beat unconscious) Robbins in order to keep his daughter safe. Rachel was told to sing so she would not hear what her father was doing.

dgemba dgemba

6th Jul 2005

General questions

I saw a film a while back but don't know the name. It had Famke Janssen, was set on a cruise ship that sunk, had "scavengers" searching the ship and a weired creature with tentacles killing the people on the ship.

Answer: I believe the film is called Deep Rising and was released in 1998. If you go to the IMDB website you can search for films by actors.

dgemba dgemba

6th Jul 2005

Friends (1994)

Answer: It was a remake of "The Getaway," in 1994.

dgemba dgemba

Question: Is it possible that the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the force is talking about Luke Skywalker? They all think it is Anakin but Luke is the one to defeat the remaining Sith. I've never seen anybody make the connection and was wondering if it is true.

Answer: Anakin/Darth Vader is in fact the one who brings balance to the force and destroys the remaining sith by throwing Darth Sidious over the edge and removing his life support.

dgemba dgemba

Question: In the Camelot scene, there is a man that says something like "I like to push the pramalot" what is he saying and what does it mean?

Answer: He says "I have to push the pram a lot!" implying that he's left to look after the children.

dgemba dgemba

Answer: There isn't much meaning. It's a funny idea that a knight has to push a stroller and the words "pram a lot" are there because they rhyme with Camelot.

A pram is a stroller, so the knight is saying that he is taking care of a baby.

6th Jul 2005

The Matrix (1999)

Question: On the rooftop in chapter 31, Neo asks Trinity if she can fly "that thing". Trinity says "not yet" and calls Tank for a B212 helicopter pilot training program. How does she know what kind of helicopter it is if she's never piloted one?

Answer: Its not out of the question. My 8 Year old nephew knows the make and model of most cars but he's never driven one.

dgemba dgemba

6th Jul 2005

Family Guy (1999)

Show generally

Question: I've noticed that every time Louis mentions Quagmire's name, she calls him Glen. I don't remember it mentioned anywhere in any of the episodes that his first name is Glen. Does anybody know for sure if this is his first name, and if not, why does Louis call him by that name?

Answer: I have come across this many times with family and friends. It is quite informal calling someone by a nickname or surname and is usually only done by close friends. Maybe Lios would find it impolite to call Glen "Quagmire" as she does not know him as well as Peter does.

dgemba dgemba

Answer: In the episode "Meet The Quagmires" it became apparent that Glen and Lois and Peter all knew each other in high school, even though this contradicted the original meeting of Peter and Quagmire on a navy boat in the flashback of the episode "Death Lives."

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