
9th Mar 2011

Scrubs (2001)

My Words of Wisdom - S6-E16

Continuity mistake: Near the end, when Elliot, Carla and Jordan are in the bar, the waitress brings them three drinks; two short, clear ones and a cosmopolitan with a lime. A few shots later, Carla is seen from the front drinking the cosmo. The next shot from behind her shows the drink instantly on the table. The drink switches instantly between her hand and the table several times in the following shots.


A Kiss Before Frying - S11-E12

Continuity mistake: Near the end when Greg meets Rita at the bus station, she puts her arms around his neck. The next shot from the front shows her arms and hands on Greg's chest. Rita's arm/hand position changes continually throughout the scene.


29th Jul 2010

Warehouse 13 (2009)

Age Before Beauty - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Pete shows Artie the vial of Myka's blood, he is holding it between his first finger and thumb. When the shot changes to the front, he is holding it between thumb and ring finger.


27th May 2010

Death Race (2008)

Continuity mistake: Right before stage 2 of the race, Pachenko attempts to beat Ames with a pipe wrench. The mouth of the wrench goes from open to closed to open between consecutive shots.


4th May 2010

Lost (2004)

Ab Aeterno - S6-E9

Continuity mistake: Season 6, episode 9 "Ab Aeterno": When Jacob pulls Richard upright after dunking him, his hair flies back over his head, leaving his face fully visible. The shot changes to a front view and Richard's hair is now covering most of his face.


24th Apr 2010

Charmed (1998)

Family Values - S8-E9

Continuity mistake: The Devildis family is in the kitchen together. When the daughter holds up a knife she has been using to chop vegetables she holds it to about chest level. The shot changes to a different front view of her and the knife has vanished.


Hush - S4-E10

Continuity mistake: Near the end, when Spike takes the cup of blood from the fridge, we can see that it is full to within a 1/4 inch of the rim. However, when the shot changes and he drinks it, he tips the cup almost 45 degrees before putting his lips to the cup and drinking. If the cup had been as full as previously shown, the blood would have begun pouring out long before Spike ever drank form it.


22nd Mar 2010

Charmed (1998)

Hell Hath No Fury - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: During the opening, Piper, Phoebe and Cole are in an SUV and going to find a demon. A shot from in front shows that there is no rearview mirror in the SUV, just a white mark on the windshield. When they turn into the parking lot however, the rearview mirror has returned.


Kinda Like Necrophilia - S5-E10

Continuity mistake: As Alan runs away screaming about betrayal, Berta begins to pour Charlie a cup of coffee. Charlie's first two or three fingers are hooked through the handle of the cup. The shot changes and Berta is still pouring but now Charlie's index finger is alongside the rim of the cup.


4th Jan 2010

Better Off Ted (2009)

Battle of the Bulbs - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: During the opening, Bhamba grabs Lem's coffee cup with his thumb and bottom three fingers but his index finger is in the air. The shot changes and now all five fingers are securely wrapped around the cup.


24th Dec 2009

The Simpsons (1989)

Recoil - S5-E16

Continuity mistake: When Abby is first discussing the victim's blood types, there is a shot from behind her that shows a black band wrapped around her upper left thigh about an inch below the hem of her skirt. The shot changes to a front view and the black band is gone.


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Suggested correction: That's because it's not a band round her thigh, but part of her outfit that only hangs at the back. Pay close attention and you can see the clip on her right leg.


Continuity mistake: When Bond is investigating the Ning-Po at the shipyard, he is surrounded by workers carrying tools as weapons. One of them is holding a tire-iron like tool with one hand. The shot changes to behind him and he is now gripping it with both hands.


18th Nov 2009

Charmed (1998)

Be Careful What You Witch For - S2-E22

Continuity mistake: When Piper and Leo confront the genie at the restaurant, the genie is eating food as fast as he can. At one point he gets a line of pasta sauce on his cheek. The shot changes, then goes right back to him only now the sauce is gone with no time for him to have wiped it off, especially since his hands are full of food.


30th Sep 2009

Nim's Island (2008)

Continuity mistake: About halfway through, Gerard Butler is on a boat watching a whale go by. He is holding a large sextant and as he watches the whale, he moves the sextant so that it is vertical and behind his knee. The shot changes and the sextant has instantly changed to being held horizontally on his knee.


15th Aug 2009

The Unborn (2009)

The Unborn mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Several times, Casey is seen running across a bridge. From the high angle, snow can be seen along the right side of the bridge. However, when the shot switches to a view from behind her, the bridge is clear of snow from edge to edge. (00:01:05)


8th Aug 2009

Scrubs (2001)

My Boss's Free Haircut - S4-E20

Continuity mistake: After Elliott falls into the grave, she tries to pull herself out by placing both hands on the edge of the grave and jumping. When she falls back in again, there are two clumps of dirt missing from the edge where her hands were. In later shots, the edge of the grave is unmarked.


25th Jun 2009

Scrubs (2001)

My Rite of Passage - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: Near the end after JD tells the interns he wants them all to wave, they all start waving their arms. The shot cuts to a different view and Rex's hands are instantly back on the table.


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