
I Wasn't Ready - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Near the beginning, Piper is sitting on the toilet and you can see her new engagement ring on her finger. When she wipes her eyes with the tissues the ring has vanished. A couple of shots later the ring is back.


21st Jul 2013

Evil Dead (2013)

Evil Dead mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Towards the end, right after Mia crawls through the tunnel and into the shed, she backs up against some shelves. There is a lot of blood on her face and her hair is hanging over her face. The shot changes to a close-up and her face now has much less blood on it and the hair that was hanging in her face is gone. (01:16:25)


Continuity mistake: When the Diva is shot and she begins to fall, her arms are outstretched with her palms facing up. The shot changes to behind her and she continues her fall, her palms now face down.


1st Jul 2013

Scary Movie (2000)

Continuity mistake: During the final confrontation scene between Cindy, Bobby and Ray, watch the knife that Ray holds. During close-ups it's a hunting knife with a fairly large blade. However, during a couple of the long shots, the knife blade is a different style and much shorter, obviously the prop knife used for the stabbings.


17th Jun 2013

2 Broke Girls (2011)

And the Tip Slip - S2-E23

Continuity mistake: In the open, Max and Earl are standing at the end of the counter and when Max holds up the cup, Earl covers his face with his hand. The shot changes and Max is still holding the cup in the air but both of Earl's hands are now on the counter.


21st Apr 2013

Hudson Hawk (1991)

Continuity mistake: When Darwin has Tommy at gunpoint in the limo Tommy puts his hand all the way to the wrist through a strap attached to the car. The shot changes and Tommy is instantly grasping the strap with his hand.


26th Feb 2013

Hugo (2011)

Continuity mistake: When the automaton starts writing it stops the first time with the pen tip over a small figure made of three blocks. The shot switches to a rear view of the automaton and its elbow moves all the way back to the starting position. The shot changes back to the pen tip and it is still over the small, three-block figure. This is impossible as moving the elbow all the way back would have moved the pen away from the drawing.


19th Feb 2013

Elementary (2012)

Details - S1-E16

Continuity mistake: When Joan meets with her therapist, the nook behind Joan is brightly lit. The nook goes back and forth from brightly lit to very dark, sometimes in the space of a three-second cut to the therapist.


28th Jan 2013

Batman Forever (1995)

Continuity mistake: As the giant safe is being pulled out of the building, a large section of the wall above the hole breaks and starts falling outside the building. The shot cuts to outside and the hole is now back to the same size as before and no chunks of wall are falling. There aren't even any cracks where a piece might break off.


25th Jan 2013

House, M.D. (2004)

House Divided - S5-E22

Continuity mistake: During the scene in which House is offering up liquor-flavored ice cream he sets the containers in a row down the table 1-2-3-4-5. He then puts spoons in the three containers closet to Foreman, 1-2-3. The shot changes and before anyone touches the spoons they are now in containers 1, 2, and 4.


Afterbirth - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: When Vivien and the maid are sitting in the kitchen, one shot shows the maid from the side with her hands in front of her on the table. The shot changes and instantly her hands are holding a coffee mug in front of her lips.


Afterbirth - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: When Stacy and Miguel (the new owners of the house), are making out in the kitchen, her shirt goes from off her shoulders to back on her shoulders across several shots.


Resident Evil: Retribution mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When housewife Alice is trying to escape with her daughter in the laundry room, she slams a mop through the ceiling. When she slams the mophead through the ceiling the last time and pulls it out, the hole left behind is maybe one foot across. When she lifts her daughter up into the hole it is now a good two or three feet across and reaches from ceiling support beam to support beam. (00:09:20)


3rd Oct 2012

2 Broke Girls (2011)

And the Hidden Stash - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: Near the beginning when Max is talking to the cook about having to take a pregnancy test, her left arm is close to her side. The shot changes and her arm is instantly stretched far across the counter.


24th Aug 2012

Warehouse 13 (2009)

There's Always a Downside - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: Right at the end when Artie and Pete are talking, Artie is looking down into the bag holding the artifact. The shot changes to his other side and he is instantly looking up and into the distance.


24th Aug 2012

Warehouse 13 (2009)

There's Always a Downside - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: When Myka and Jinks first see the trumpet player, the camera stays on him while he plays. At one point he plays a long tone and the camera shows him press the first two valves as if to change a note. The note he is playing continues uninterrupted however. While there are some notes that can be played with more than one fingering, changing valves in the middle of the note always produces a momentary interruption of the note, at the very least.


Continuity mistake: When Arthur and the dog are returning from the graveyard, the dog stops to sniff at something and Arthur walks ahead a couple of steps, leaving the dog behind him. The shot changes and the dog is now in front of Arthur.


Continuity mistake: When Rogers and Agent Carter are about to enter the antique shop for the first time, one shot shows Rogers raising both arms to place his cap on his head. The shot changes and Rogers' hands are now down, and he begins to raise them again.


6th Feb 2012

House, M.D. (2004)

Runaways - S8-E10

Continuity mistake: The runaway has an attack when her mother shows up and coughs blood on the table. There is an emesis basin at the far end of the table she throws up on. The shot changes twice and now there is FAR more blood on the table and the basin has moved to the middle of the table. Before the first shot change, Taub is reaching for the basin, however, after the change he is moving away without enough time to move the basin. The shot changes again and the patient is now in the bed with Adams holding the basin under her mouth. There is not enough time in that shot change for her to move from the foot of the bed to in the bed.


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