
Honor - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Stabler steps out to confront Tarzi, there is a long, brown brick wall to Tarzi's right. Tarzi then turns and runs across the street and is followed by Fin. Munch steps out and yells "halt!" There is another shot of Tarzi and he stops again. Right before he is tackled by Fin, behind him, to his right, is the same brick wall as before even though he crossed the street and ran down the block.


24th Jan 2009

House, M.D. (2004)

Dying Changes Everything - S5-E1

Continuity mistake: Right at the end, when House is apologizing to Wilson, watch the bright spot on the TV frame on the wall behind House. In the long shots, the spot is right at the top left corner of the TV. In the close-up shots, the spot is closer to the middle. This is visible every time the shot changes from long to close-up. Light spots do not move depending on the position if the viewer. The only way a light spot changes is if the light source changes position or the reflecting surface changes position (try reflecting a flashlight beam off a mirror and then, leaving the flashlight and the mirror alone, move around. The reflected spot of light will not change position).


11th Aug 2008

Get Smart (1965)

10th Aug 2008

Get Smart (1965)

School Days - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Max is walking around the school grounds he walks up to man breaking a piece of wood. The man breaks a piece of wood and then bends down to pick up a new piece, leaving one on the ground. The shot changes and Max is standing there talking and the man breaks the piece of wood and bends down to pick up another one (which should be the last piece). However there is another piece left on the ground.


10th Aug 2008

Get Smart (1965)

Mr. Big - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Max is attacking the boat there is a shot from inside the cabin. Watch the door. Before Max shoots, there are a series of holes in the shade covering the door (they look like bullet holes). Max begins firing and there is another shot from inside and bullet holes begin appearing in the walls. The holes in the shade however, are gone.


10th Aug 2008

Get Smart (1965)

Mr. Big - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When the owner of the shop is vaporized, at first his hands are both in front of him. The shot changes and now one arm is instantly thrown back behind him.


4th Aug 2008

Scrubs (2001)

His Story - S2-E15

Continuity mistake: Right after Kelso thanks Cox and walks away, one earpiece of Cox's stethoscope is hooked under his coat lapel. When the shot changes to show Cox turning around, both earpieces are free and hanging lower on Cox's chest.


4th Aug 2008

Scrubs (2001)

16th Jul 2008

Scrubs (2001)

My First Step - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: During the scene where the class is being warned about the dangers of being a "wait and see" type of doctor, JD imagines himself as being the only person in the auditorium. In the first shot of him alone, there is a bookbag (or something similar) sitting on a seat about three seats to JD's left. In the next shot of him, it is gone, and in the third and final shot of him alone, it is back again.


Continuity mistake: Right after the beginning credits, Jacques the chef walks through the door holding a plate of food with both hands. When the shot changes, he is walking through the door but is now holding the plate of food with one hand and has a fork in the other and has just taken a bite.


29th Jun 2008

Remington Steele (1982)

Steele Trap - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Steele and Randi begin to dance, she puts one hand on his shoulder and he is holding her other hand by his waist. When the shot changes, both of her arms are now around Steele's neck. There was no time for her to change positions.


7th Jun 2008

Scrubs (2001)

My Rite of Passage - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: When J.D. walks up to the table where his interns are sitting, Keith and Rex are fighting with their table knives and have them crossed. The shot switches to a view from the other end of the table and suddenly Rex's knife is on the table and he is facing J.D. but Keith's knife is up in the air as if he was still fighting with Rex. There is not enough time for Rex to put his knife down and turn to face J.D.


Stress Position - S4-E13

Continuity mistake: During the opening, the water bottle the woman picks up has significantly more blood on it when she holds it than it did in the previous shot when we see it rolling down the stairs.


16th Feb 2008

Scrubs (2001)

My New Game - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: Right near the beginning, Jordan adjusts Cox's stethoscope and collar. The end of the stethoscope then goes back and forth between inside and outside of his coat for the remainder of the scene.


9th Feb 2008

Hudson Hawk (1991)

Continuity mistake: When Tommy and Darwin Mayflower are in the back of the limo, Darwin dives out and the door slams immediately before Tommy has time to catch it. The shot changes to outside the limo and Darwin is just now jumping from the limo. It is not just the same shot from a different angle because this time the door stays open much longer, long enough for the limo to drive out of the shot. From this angle there would have been more than enough time for Tommy to grab the door.


8th Feb 2008

Law & Order (1990)

Quit Claim - S18-E7

Continuity mistake: Near the end, when McCoy and Cutter walk into Cutter's office, McCoy closes the door. On the back of the door is a white board and McCoy writes "Fri 12:00" on the board and then underlines it. When McCoy opens the door to leave, "Fri. 12:00" is still there but the line under it is gone.


19th Jan 2008

Scrubs (2001)

My Sex Buddy - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: When the family goes to throw Carla through the window, watch the window they throw her towards. The window is made up of at least three sections of glass, each no more than 2-3 feet wide with metal posts between sections. When the shot changes and Carla (well, the dummy of Carla) hits, the window is now only two sections, each about 5 feet wide. The easiest way to tell is watch the metal post farthest to the right. When the shot changes to outside, that post, which should now be farthest to the left, has vanished.


29th Dec 2007

Scrubs (2001)

My Perspective - S6-E9

Continuity mistake: When Turk marks the location for the surgery on Pvt. Dancer, he makes a horizontal mark on the left side of Dancer's abdomen. You can also see a small scar on Dancer's right side opposite the mark. A couple of shots later, Dancer is shown from the front and the mark has now switched to the right side above the scar.


28th Dec 2007

Scrubs (2001)

My Old Lady - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When JD is at the birthday party, watch the chocolate on his face. At one point there are two separate bits of chocolate on his left cheek, then the shot changes and they are gone. The shot changes again and they are back.


Goodbye and Good Luck - S8-E7

Continuity mistake: In the Season 8 episode "Goodbye & Good Luck," near the beginning, Sara and Warrick bump into each other and Warrick drops his medicine. During their conversation, Warrick squeezes Sara's shoulder and then drops his hand. The shot instantly cuts to a view from behind Sara and Warrick's hand is back on her shoulder with no time (or reason) for him to have put it back.


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