
6th Feb 2012

Major League II (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Hayes leaps over Parkman, he turns around and shakes his fingers at him. As he does this, the next batter slaps him on the butt. The shot changes to a long view and the next batter is now too far away to touch Hayes.


6th Feb 2012

M*A*S*H (1972)

Where There's a Will, There's a War - S10-E16

Continuity mistake: As Hawkeye climbs under the table to hide there are three small stacks of white bandage boxes on the table. When the shelling starts, all the boxes in two of the stacks fall off the table, leaving one stack. When the shot changes, there are suddenly two stacks of boxes on the table.


30th Jan 2012

Scrubs (2001)

My New Suit - S5-E18

Continuity mistake: As JD is unwrapping the patients head while talking to the Janitor, he completely unwraps the gauze and there is 3-4 inches of hair showing. The shot changes and suddenly the head has gauze on it again and only about an inch of hair is visible above the bandage.


29th Dec 2011

Rizzoli and Isles (2010)

Can I Get a Witness? - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: When Rizzoli and Khosak are in the bar the first time, Rizzoli gets up to leave. The shot from her perspective shows Korsak's hands in front of him. The shot changes and instantly Korsak is holding a drink to his lips.


29th Dec 2011

Remington Steele (1982)

29th Dec 2011

Remington Steele (1982)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: During the last scene of the opening credits, they are robbing the museum and Steele and Laura slide across on a zip line. When Steele catches Laura, she flops over his left shoulder. The shot changes and Laura is instantly upright so she can slide down Steele's body while looking at him romantically.


29th Dec 2011

Remington Steele (1982)

Season 2 generally

Continuity mistake: Season 2 "Hounded Steele" - At the end, just after Steele kicks the gun away from Blalock, Laura runs up to them. The collar of her coat is turned up but the lapels are flat. The shot switches to a close-up and now the coat lapels are standing straight up.


Continuity mistake: When Annie finishes her song about "doin' what comes naturally," she grabs her rifle and uses the butt to shoo the children towards the house. The man she is talking to is close enough that she could touch him with the gun if she wanted too. The shot changes to a longer shot of the same view and the man is suddenly 5 or 6 feet further away, where the gun would no longer reach him.


26th Oct 2011

2 Broke Girls (2011)

And the Disappearing Bed - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: In the open, when Caroline is talking to Max about the cheap tip, she has the money in one hand and the receipt in the other. As Max starts to walk away, the shot changes and now the money and receipt are both instantly in Caroline's left hand.


24th Oct 2011

Mysterious Island (1961)

Continuity mistake: The first time the castaways meet Nemo, he is leaning on a spear with both hands wrapped around the shaft of the spear. At one point he puts his right hand down by his side. The shot changes and both his hands are instantly back on the spear.


20th Oct 2011

Mysterious Island (1961)

Continuity mistake: When Herbert and Elena are being walled up in the honeycomb, the shots showing both people and the entrance show them leaning against the side wall. The shots showing them from the front show them leaning against the back wall. This is repeated every time the shot switches back and forth.


6th Oct 2011

Scrubs (2001)

My Bad Too - S7-E7

Continuity mistake: After the kid collapses walking across the stage, J.D. and Eliot sit down in the cafeteria and start talking. J.D.'s hands are under the table. The shot switches and J.D.'s forearms are now resting on the table.


3rd Sep 2011

Scrubs (2001)

Our Driving Issues - S9-E12

Continuity mistake: When Kelso and Cole are sitting in the bed talking, watch the position of Kelso's arms and the juice box he is sipping from. The juice box, straw, and Kelso's arms all move around from shot to shot for the entire scene. Towards the end of the scene there is even one point where Kelso puts his arm down, the shot changes, and Kelso puts his arm down again.


7th May 2011

Batman (1966)

Ma Parker (2) - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: When Batman is strapped into the electric chair, his utility belt is the standard flat-front, blank, yellow boxes. Once Batman breaks the wire loose to send a message, there is a large, black and yellow button attached to the the right front of the belt.


6th May 2011

Batman (1966)

4th May 2011

13 Ghosts (1960)

Continuity mistake: When the boy slides down the banister, money falls to the ground and the boy doesn't see it. In the next shot, as the boy is walking away, behind him the money is lying differently than when it landed. Later, when the boy finds the money, it is again in a different position.


Father of the Bride - S11-E20

Continuity mistake: Season 11 - Episode 20 "Father of the Bride." As the doctor's wife is sitting talking with Nick about Vegas being the fugitive capitol of the world, watch her hands. At first they are spread far apart on the table. The shot changes and they are suddenly crossed in front of her.


14th Apr 2011

Batman (1966)

Penguin's Clean Sweep - S3-E20

Continuity mistake: After Batman has captured the last fruit fly, he goes to put the vial away in his utility belt. In the close up shot, his hands move toward the left side of the belt. The shot changes to a long view and his hands are now instantly coming up from the right side of his belt.


7th Apr 2011

Scrubs (2001)

27th Mar 2011

House, M.D. (2004)

Deception - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: When House and Anica are outside before he gives her the injection, watch the amount of snow on the lapels of her coat. It changes back and forth between barely any snow and a lot of snow several times without her ever brushing any off.


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