
2nd Jan 2014

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Question: When Ambassador Standish fires his gun, causing himself to burst into flames, what happens to the bullet fired at Lord Blackwood from, what appears to be, roughly 20 feet away?

Answer: The gun was modified to where it would not fire a bullet. It remained in the barrel.


Question: When Bill asks Rufus why they didn't land in the San Dimas of tomorrow, Rufus said it's because they had to dial one number higher. Could someone please give an example of this?

Answer: Hard to give an example without knowing for sure how it works, but the best guess is say the number was 555-1234 then it may be 555-1235 or 666-2345. Just a guess.


29th Dec 2013

Sin City (2005)

Answer: Not much is given on Miho's story in the graphic novel. Some is given in the story "A Dame to Kill For" where Dwight explains he saved her life once. Frank Miller in the extended cut DVD commentary stated she was a demon, but that is never mentioned in the story.


Question: What kind of car is it that Logan and his wife are driving in?

Answer: A 1965 Chevrolet El Camino.


26th Dec 2013

Despicable Me (2010)

Question: How is Edith able to keep the drinking box straw in her mouth while in the coffin yet talk at the same time?


Chosen answer: It is not very difficult to hold a straw between one's teeth, or gums and speak at the same time. A coworker of mine does it all the time with a pen.


26th Dec 2013

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Answer: Yes. Tapper, or in later versions Root Beer Tapper, was an arcade cabinet released in 1983.


21st Apr 2013

Doctor Who (2005)

The Eleventh Hour - S5-E1

Question: Is the reason for Amelia's crack due to the fact that in series 7 'Angels take Manhattan' she gets zapped back in time, and the crack is there to put those two parts of her life together?


Chosen answer: No. The cracks in time were caused by the TARDIS exploding on Amy's wedding day. The reason why they were at the locations they were at was because the Doctor was there.


4th Dec 2013

Doctor Who (2005)

The Rings of Akhaten - S7-E9

Question: In Season 7 Episode 10 (and others) it's said that the TARDIS has a sort of "universal translator", even after the TARDIS leaves the submarine, they can understand and speak Russian. How come in this episode, they can't understand the aliens, for the most part, as they come out as a bunch of grunts, even though the TARDIS is in the area?

Leah Novak

Chosen answer: The only one that grunts is Dor'een, the alien trying to sell the moped. The reason for this could be the same reason why the TARDIS does not translate baby, horse or tree, to the others. A plot device just to show off the Doctor's intelligence.


Answer: The TARDIS is shown to dislike Clara, and could very likely be giving her issues with the translation for that reason. Also, because it's funny to see the Doctor barking like a dog.

Question: Why did Leonidas spit out his drink after the announcer said the tough go antiquing?

Answer: He was surprised by the announcer's statement.


Question: Why were different actors used for the voices of Judy and Elroy instead of the original actors?

Answer: Daws Butler, the original voice actor for Elroy, died in 1988. Janet Waldo did record a voice track for the feature but was replaced by Tiffany to attract a new audience off her popularity.


18th Nov 2013

The Simpsons (1989)

Chosen answer: It is called a Drinking Bird.


Answer: Yep it's called a Drinking Bird. You can buy them at


Question: Several items thrown into the portal at the abandoned warehouse comes back through another end. How exactly do the items manage to get from the other dimension back through the other end of the portal?

Casual Person

Chosen answer: As seen in the film, the portals are in flux. They are constantly activating and deactivating, potentially pulling items through from one dimension to another.


13th Oct 2013

The Simpsons (1989)

Marge vs. the Monorail - S4-E12

Question: Was the whole point of Lyle's flight to Tahiti making a brief layover in North Haverbrook so the citizens there could get their revenge on Lyle? (00:18:30)

Chosen answer: No. Lyle's flight having a layover in North Haverbrook was a happy accident for its citizens. It is unknown why the plane had a layover, except it suiting the plot.


11th Oct 2013

The Avengers (2012)

Question: After powering up Stark tower in New York, Tony and Pepper have a brief conversation about a "security snafu" in their elevator that she was responsible for in some way. What exactly would that security thing be?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It is mentioned during the conversation, that construction workers used Tony's personal elevator. Tony is using the term "Security Breach" as an exaggeration.


11th Oct 2013

The Avengers (2012)

Question: After Fury briefs Rodgers about the Tesseract in the gym, Rodgers leaves, taking a punching bag with him over his shoulder. Why does he take the bag with him?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: So he can use it to work out wherever Fury was taking him.


Answer: So he could replace it.

Question: At the end of Dead man's chest you see Norrington delivering the heart to Lord Beckett. And you see that Davy Jones opens the little chest just to find out that there's nothing inside. But when Lord Beckett entered the Flying Dutchman (ship of Davy Jones) he had the little chest with him. So how is it possible that they have the little chest with the heart in it?

Answer: By the time of the events of "At World's End" The East India Trading Company has already coerced Jones to aid them. In that time they could have easily got the box from Jones.


Question: Before the first attack on Bruce, General Ross tells the men that he is suspected in the death of two Canadian hunters. Is this by any chance a reference to the Hulk Vs. Wolverine story that came out as an animated film the same year as this film?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Possibly. More in line as a reference to the comic story rather the animated feature.


The White Knight - S1-E3

Question: In this episode, Link is in a town that is attacked by an Octoroc and several large minions that appear to be a red and white knight in armor sort of thing. Link attacks and calls them by their name. It sounds like he is saying Tin Suits. But I am unsure. And there is no option for captions or subtitles on the DVD. Is Tin Suits what he says or is he calling them something else?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He does in fact call them Tinsuits.


7th Sep 2013

Hellboy (2004)

Chosen answer: According to Hellboy, He said "Hey, you on the other side. Let her go. Because for her, I'll cross over. And then you'll be sorry." Either he actually said that, or cast a spell. It is unclear.


Question: Reverse Flash has time-travelled numerous times in the comic books, and in the movie Flash even mentions to Batman that he can travel through time. Yet apparently when Reverse Flash time-travels, there are virtually no other changes to history except for what he wanted to happen (e.g., murder Iris, etc.). Is it ever mentioned in the comics that Reverse Flash has a greater level of mastery over time-travel, whereby he can do it without causing a "time-boom" and completely altering history?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: In the comics it is explained there are points in time that can not be changed, "solidified time", while other points are fluid and can be changed without any consequences. Thawne does not have any more mastery over time then Barry does, but understands it far better.


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