
Question: It's said on DCwikia that Flash was able to recover the real world, but with some small changes. What could they be?

Answer: In the comics, Flashpoint kick started The New 52. A full reboot of the DC universe which saw many changes including superheroes being active for only 5 years, Batman's sidekicks being trained at the same time, the Teen Titans being a rookie group, none of the character having significant others, Flash being the first and only speedster, and many other changes too great to list here.


Answer: Another change was that Barry discovered he was no longer in a relationship with Iris but that Patty Spivot was now his girlfriend.

22nd Feb 2017

Cars 2 (2011)

Chosen answer: It is hinted that he died off screen.


How though, because he seemed to be in perfect condition in the first movie.

17th Feb 2017

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: There are inconsistencies with Peggy's history throughout the show. However, it seems consistent that she met Hank and the others during high school. My guess is that Boomhauer met her at school before the others did, and/or maybe they lived in the same neighborhood.

Answer: It is never mentioned.


16th Feb 2017

The Walking Dead (2010)

Prey - S3-E14

Question: When Andrea escapes the Governor by releasing the stairwell of zombies on him, it does not look like she is actually hiding behind the door but that she is in the actual stairwell where the zombies are or in a different room. Some insight into this would be much appreciated.

Answer: When the governor walks towards Andrea she opens the door that's filled with the walkers, she goes behind the door while leaving the governor to fight off the walkers.

Answer: She is behind the door.


Question: I heard that Michael Jackson saw this movie on opening day, and died the next day. I have done research, and yes, this movie was released the day before Michael Jackson's death. But is it true that he saw it? (Even though it was a coincidence that he died the next day).

Answer: As there is no evidence, it is just a rumor.


12th Nov 2016

The Walking Dead (2010)

Us - S4-E15

Question: How did the claimers know it was Rick who killed their friend? They never saw him as he ran away while they were inside the house.


Answer: The Claimer in the headscarf saw Rick hiding under the bed just before being rendered unconscious. Also, Rick was wearing a jacket he took from the Claimer he killed.

Chosen answer: They saw Rick run off with Carl and Michonne.


Question: How come Professor X was so against Magneto killing but had no problem with Wolverine killing in other movies?

Answer: In this film Xavier was young and naive, and only met Wolverine once. After, as seen in Days of Futures Past, he's become cynical and hateful towards everything.


12th Nov 2016

Tangled (2010)

Question: Once Gothel has given Rapunzel the satchel, how does she keep it hidden from Flynn/Eugene right up until the point at which they watch the lanterns from the boat?

Stewart Gordon

Chosen answer: Either in her hair, or under her dress.


12th Nov 2016

The Karate Kid (2010)

Question: Why did Dre's mom make him go to school the day after he arrived into another country that he doesn't even speak the country's language yet? Besides both Dre and Dre's mom have jet lag so they'd probably sleep in even if they both had an alarm clock.


Chosen answer: Dre's mother had him learning the language before the moved, he would have known the language if he wasn't so lazy. Jet lag or not she wanted him in school.


12th Nov 2016

The Walking Dead (2010)

Crossed - S5-E7

Question: When Rick and the group are chasing the cops, they turn a corner and see a tower with "evac here" on it, then the camera pans to lots of walkers on the ground who look like they have been melted and stuck to the tarmac. What happened to them?


Chosen answer: They were burned. Remember the military bombed the city.


2nd Nov 2016

Suicide Squad (2016)

Answer: The same unknown acid/chemical combination that created the Joker in the first place.


Question: Why did Suge Knight hate Jerry so much? They didn't even talk to each other at all in the movie.

Answer: Suge Knight saw Jerry as a threat, and rightfully so. He had control over E and the others, and knew far more about the business than he did. Which meant he had power, something Suge wants complete control of.


7th Aug 2016

Ice Age (2002)

Question: The end of the movie shows Scrat and his acorn frozen in and eventually thawed from a block of ice 20,000 years later. How did he come back for the sequels?

Answer: The sequels take place before he was frozen.


That's not true. If the movies made later were prequels, how would the characters all already know each other?

Good Lord, people are overthinking this, hahaha. It's a silly animated movie series primarily aimed at children. It's OK if the Scrat character doesn't have super-concise continuity. It'd be like getting upset over the Looney Tunes not having strict continuity.


That one scene is set much later than the other films. The sequels aren't prequels.

10th Aug 2016

The Martian (2015)

Chosen answer: No reason is given in the film. But the books make mention that he has to have room for the oxygenator, water reclaimer and atmospheric regulator. All of which only work in pressurized areas.


12th Jul 2016

The Dark Knight (2008)

Chosen answer: Both.


12th Jul 2016

The Deer Hunter (1978)

Chosen answer: The whole phrase is "di di mao", which basically mean go now, or hurry up.


11th Jul 2016

Game of Thrones (2011)

Show generally

Question: Given that north of the Wall is snow and ice with mostly pine trees as vegetation, how do the thousands of Wildlings feed themselves? There are no crops and no game. The same for the Dothraki. How do they feed their thousands of horses in desert country?

Answer: There is game north of the wall. Mostly rabbits and dear. Where do you think they get all that fur? Also fish near the coast. As for the Dothraki, we see tall grass and other trees, that could provide food for both the Dothraki and their horses.


Answer: The Free Folk hunt and fish, which is why they own a lot of fur and pelts. The Dothraki do not live in a desert, they live in a grass sea of lush flat plains. Their city of Vaes Dothrak also allows foreign traders to sell them food and fodder. He Dothraki also engage in slavery, another economic avenue.

8th Mar 2016

Tangled (2010)

Question: I have three questions about the Stabbington Brothers. 1) When the Stabbington Brothers find Flynn on the lake in the boat with Rapunzel, and then Flynn comes ashore to relinquish the tiara, the thieves have their own boat, which they eventually tie Flynn to and use to cast him off across the lake. Why don't the thieves just use their boat to try and catch Flynn and Rapunzel on the lake instead of waiting for them to come ashore? 2) After Gothel knocks the thieves unconscious, how did the Palace Guards find the Stabbington Brothers? 3) Seeing how the Stabbington Brothers shed tears of joy at Rapunzel and Flynn's wedding in "Tangled Ever After," what matter persuaded them to perceive Rapunzel and Flynn more favorably and made them decide to turn over as new leaves?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: 1. They had to lure Flynn away into a trap as to retrieve Rapunzel easier. 2. Probably a routine patrol. 3. Considering they are not imprisoned, and alive and well, Rapunzel probably pardoned them on the catch that they be good.


1st Feb 2016

The Martian (2015)

Question: Watney leaves the Hab for the long trip to the Aries 4 site in the rover. Is there a restroom on board?


Chosen answer: No. The book answers this by stating that he uses a bucket for his waste.


15th Mar 2005

The Village (2004)

Question: Has anyone else wondered what might have happened if Ivy wasn't helped inside right before the creature came to her? We don't know which elder was dressed up, but what would have happened if the elder/creature got to her first?

Answer: Possibly nothing, the elder in the suit most likely saw Lucius coming to her rescue.


Answer: The Elder would not have harmed her. She would have unknowingly called their bluff. Considering the Elders abhorred violence and created this fantasy world to escape it, they would never physically harm a resident of their community.

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