
14th Dec 2015

V for Vendetta (2005)

Question: How old is V in the movie and in the comic? is that V's real face in the comic or just Evey's imagination?

Answer: V is probably in his early to mid thirties, it is never mentioned, nor is his face ever seen.


Question: When Bruce escaped the pit, did he throw the rope down so the rest of the prisoners could escape? I know they helped him, but isn't letting them go free a bad thing (they're prisoners for a reason, some of them could've been rapists like the ones that killed that little girl's mother)? And how did Bruce get to Gotham so fast? Do we know what country the pit is in?

Answer: Yes, he threw the rope to let the prisoners out. It may have been a dumb move on his part, although there is the potential that numerous prisoners there were also wrongfully imprisoned by Bane, and Bruce is intimately familiar with the criminal world and mindset - he may have simply judged that the remaining prisoners in the pit were worth freeing. Bruce has connections all over the planet, any company, or one could have dropped off billionaire Bruce Wayne back off at the states. It is never mentioned where the prison is located.


Answer: As far as the country the Pit is in, it's never stated in the film, only that it's in the ancient part of the world. In the comics, Bane was born and lived in the prison Peña Duro, although it doesn't share much with the Pit other than being where Bane was in prison. Peña Duro Is located in the fictional country of Santa Prisca, which is located in the northern part of the Caribbean.


Answer: It should be noted that the Pit was now Bane's. While it's a prison in the sense that the people can't escape, it wasn't specifically filled with criminals convicted of a crime in a legal setting. They were Bane's enemies who had been put there to be tortured. While it's likely some of Bane's enemies were criminals, they were probably free before Bane put them there. Remember, before Bane bought or took over the Pit, Ra's al Ghul had killed the prisoners as revenge for the murder of his wife. Although they also might not have been criminals convicted legally and would have been the Warlord's enemies.


Answer: While the actual pit was a set and Hollywood magic, the exterior of the prison [once Batman escaped] is Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, India. A set of circular stones mark the supposed "entrance" to the pit. However, the interior of the prison, which had all of the wall/stairs, have a real life inspiration. Chand Baori, was built in the ninth century, and has 3,500 steps across 13 stories. Apparently, the priests who lived there also liked to chant as they descended the steps to reach water, which sent vibrations through the stairs. (Per Cracked. Com, "5 Mind-Blowing True Stories Behind Famous Movie Locations).


Although this is interesting, this not an answer to the question. I'd recommend to post this again as trivia.


I originally wrote it to answer the second part of the question, as I also wondered where it was set in, but I went overboard with the details. I submitted it to trivia.


16th Nov 2015

V for Vendetta (2005)

Question: I've got a question about the very end of the movie - since I have yet to read the graphic novel. Big Ben starts chiming midnight, and *then* Evey releases the cars in the tube to blow up Parliament. So, when Parliament is blown up, the calendar has changed. Is it then the 6th, or is it the 5th? It seems to me that if November 5th is the key date, then Parliament is destroyed on the 5th, but only seconds into. Just as the blowing up of the Old Bailey happens just seconds into the 5th of the prior year.

Answer: At the stroke of midnight, the date changed over to November 5th.


Question: I just saw this movie for the first time and I have three questions for it. First, is Freddy supposed to be a ghost or something or did he not really die? Second, how was Nancy able to bring his hat back after her dream? Third, what was with the ending and Nancy's mom? Was it a dream or real?

Answer: 1. Freddy is the ghost of a child killer, he is very difficult to be rid of. He did not die at the end of this film. 2. It is possible to bring items and even people in and out of the dream world. Although it is never explained in detail how. 3. It was a dream, but as seen in the film, that's not a good thing.


8th Oct 2015

Bride of Chucky (1998)

Answer: She's a collector.


Question: So it's my understanding that when Jack made the deal with Beckett, Jack agreed to bring out the Pirates, which he did, and Beckett was to satisfy Jack's debt to Jones. But at the end I don't understand why Beckett let Jack and Will sink his ship. This is because first off why would he even stick to the deal at that point, why didn't he betray Jack? Also did the deal even still exist, because Jones died and Will became captain, thus Jack could no longer be in debt to Jones. So simply, why did Beckett let his ship (along with his life) be destroyed?

Answer: Beckett already was planning on betraying Jack. And yes, Jack's debt to Jones was null and void the moment of Jones' death. And finally, do you think Beckett had any choice in the matter of Will, and Jack destroying his ship?


Question: Just wondering about something. Thanos sent Loki to Earth to recover the Tesseract, which contained an infinity gem. To do this he gave Loki a sceptre, which also contained an infinity gem. When Loki failed in his mission the sceptre was lost, so Thanos not only didn't get the Tesseract Gem, but also lost the Mind Gem, which he already had? Or did he not know the sceptre contained an infinity gem when he gave it to Loki?

Jay Mallone

Chosen answer: He knew. Most likely he planned to kill Loki after he conquered Earth. This is just speculation. We won't know fully until "Infinity War".


30th Apr 2015

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: When Mystique was disguised as a girl named "Grace" was this supposed to be her normal human side (except with a different name), or was she just transforming into someone else?

Answer: Just a random transformation.


30th Apr 2015

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: During the conversation between Magneto and John on the X-Jet, why did Magneto refer to "The X-Men" as the real bad guys? Didn't he try to kill Rogue in the previous movie?

Answer: Because the X-Men are his enemies. Magneto does not see himself as the bad guy.


Since Magneto and Xavier were formerly best friends, and he knows that Xavier formed the X-Men, he doesn't really consider them to be "the real bad guys" they are just obstacles in his way. He will always consider humanity to be "the real bad guys" and in the context of the film, his helmet is the only thing that would protect him from Stryker's corrupted version of Cerebro.

30th Apr 2015

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Question: When Eddie was running back to the Symbiote, why didn't Peter just web pull him back? He was able to web pull Aunt May back when she was falling from the building during the bank robbery scene of "Spider-Man 2."

Answer: Not enough time.


19th Apr 2015

Big Hero 6 (2014)

Question: At one point, Aunt Cass mentions an 80-year-old woman wearing something inappropriate for her age. What exactly is Aunt Cass implying there? What kind of outfit is she suggesting the old woman is wearing?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Something that is probably showing a lot of skin. Something someone in their teens or early twenties would be seen wearing.


19th Apr 2015

X-Men 3 (2006)

Question: What made Pyro want to immediately kill his friend Iceman? I know that he is now a full member of the brotherhood and all, but doesn't he still care for his friends like Rogue and all?

Answer: Pyro didn't consider them friends. They are his enemies in a war.


Question: In the opening credits before Peter Quill enters the building that the orb is located in he is using a device with a blue beam that shows various people doing things, playing with dogs etc. What is this device showing him?

Brandon Smith

Chosen answer: Past events.


25th Mar 2015

Saw III (2006)

Question: The first scene with Lynn shows her with a man who asks for a divorce. He doesn't look like Jeff, or am I wrong?

Answer: You are not wrong. The man is her lover, he wants her to get a divorce.


5th Mar 2015

The Dark Knight (2008)

Chosen answer: There was not enough time. Only the Batmobile was fast enough to save one of them, hence the police being late to the other location. The Joker made sure one would die.


Assuming they sent all the other units to find Dent (Rachel instead), wouldn't it have been helpful and faster to send some cop patrolling near that location to save her? As fast as Batman was with his technology, another cop who might have been close to the location could have gotten there in time I would guess. Or am I missing something?

Paradox Rastafa

I think several things are in play (but me speculating). First, the cops were busy trying to safeguard Dent and then apprehend the Joker. Think Die Hard 3 were all the cops were so busy "you could steal City Hall." So while there might be some cops on patrol, not close enough. But given the level of precision in Joker's plan, it seemed like the explosion was going to go off when the cops got there, so even if they got there sooner, the place would still explode.


But I will admit that the Joker's "precision" really seems to be sheer dumb luck that we're suppose to accept as his criminal mastermind plan.


Yes, it could be indeed or maybe like Nolan said: Joker is a mysterious unstoppable force (resourceful one at that) that suddenly appeared. Gotham's extreme corruption at the time allowed for a psychotic (or anarchist if you will) one like Joker to play his cards with more freedom as well, which I think some people forget to consider. In that sense, Bane had to do things differently because the aforementioned aspect was highly reduced after TDK events.

Paradox Rastafa

True. With many things at play, possible situations and Joker's preparation, there can be multiple reasons why everything happened the way it did (the film makes a wise decision to not over explain this and leave it to imagination), specially because Joker most likely wanted one of them to die, or they would have both died anyway since explosion occurred either way. Based on everything Joker did, maybe it was always supposed to be Rachel. He wanted to make a point with Dent and Bats after all.

Paradox Rastafa

5th Mar 2015

The Green Mile (1999)

Question: Couldn't John have shared his 'vision' of what happened to the girls with the warden or the girls' parents, not just Paul, then he might have gone free?

Answer: It's doubtful that the parents would even allow him near them, and showing the warden would do nothing as John did not want to go free.


Answer: Also, John Coffey had to "give a piece of himself" to Tom Hanks to show him what really happened to the girls. That's why he lived for so long. If that was the case, he would have to lose a piece of himself every time he wanted to show someone. Sure, maybe he would only have to show the parents or even just the father, but if you keep losing pieces of yourself, you will run out fast, not to mention creating a bunch of long-living people. John Coffey knew Tom Hanks was a good man. But yes, JC was also very, very tired (as a dawg boss, tired as a dawg) of all the bad things people have and will do. He could feel people's hate and pain constantly. Probably enough to drive a man crazy.

Question: The movie was released in 2004 and Season 4 was released in 2005. In the movie, SpongeBob is the manager of The Krusty Krab 2 and Plankton got the formula but went to jail. So then how come from Season 4 onwards there's only one Krusty Krab, SpongeBob's still just a fry cook in the original Krusty Krab and Plankton's free and is still trying to get the formula?


Chosen answer: The movie is not in continuity with the series.


Question: Near the end of the movie, what did Will mean by his comment "the way I see it the blacksmith will receive two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it", or something like that. Can someone please explain what that comment means?

Answer: During executions, the executioner would recieve the belongings of the executed. In this case it was the blacksmith.


Question: Doc Brown strongly believes that nobody should ever find out about their own future. With such a strong conviction, why would Doc tell Marty that his children going to prison is the one event that would ruin the whole McFly family?

Answer: At the end of the first film, Doc says, "what the hell" in response to the letter Marty gave him. So this shows it is not that strong a conviction, especially in the face of definite knowledge about something bad happening. It is also a way for Doc to repay Marty.


Answer: Doc advises Marty to not tell him about his future because it may affect his life. It doesn't matter what happens to his kids at all.

29th Jan 2015

The Ring (2002)

Question: Why can't the video just be passed to inmates on death row?

Answer: Who says it can't?


Answer: There was a deleted subplot from the film involving Chris Cooper as a child murderer. Originally Rachel would show the copy of the tape that she had Aiden make to this character, in order to end the cycle started by her on someone deserving of death.


Answer: Maybe because we have something called a "humane death" which caused all the death sentences that involved pain to be banned, leaving only the lethal injection to be a humane death. I think being assaulted by a child ghost who will literally scare you to death isn't considerd a "humane death."


This presents a paradox. Whether or not it is "cruel and unusual" to force a condemned inmate would be a matter for the Supreme Court. but in order for them to rule, they themselves would all have to view the tape (and perhaps the lawyer for the condemned and the Solicitor General as well), so at least 11+ "death surrogates" would have to be found just for a decision to ever be rendered. But, if it's true that the person has to watch the entirety of the tape for it to be lethal, perhaps they could divvy it up, so that every part of the tape could be watched by at least one justice.

Sam Donaldson

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