Continuity mistake: Whenever Bart fires his slingshot, we can see the stone he used fall on the ground. The stone disappears off the ground about 5 seconds later.
Bug: Try and walk around the car in the Simpson garage from the right. After walking past the boot, it won't let you walk around the left side of the car.
Character mistake: In the Simpson house, the time on the grandfather clock in the hallway reads 12:15. But the clock in the kitchen reads 10:00.
Continuity mistake: The Land of Chocolate: Homer is taller than the White Chocolate Rabbit in the opening cutscene. But in the level, the White Chocolate Rabbit is taller than Homer.
Other mistake: The Land of Chocolate: Homer starts off in The Land of Chocolate with the Population sign behind him. Homer then runs about 40 yards and runs into the village of Fudgetown. When the level starts, if you go the wrong way from what you are supposed to, you can see the Land of Chocolate population sign only a couple of yards away from where you start.
Audio problem: On several occasions, characters will say random lines during the gameplay sections of levels. Sometimes characters will say the lines, but their mouths never move whilst saying it.

Continuity mistake: The Land of Chocolate: The bite mark from the lamp post Homer takes a bite from in the opening cutscene disappears when the level starts.

Continuity mistake: Game Over: When Lisa runs outside, Homer and Marge walk up to the door to tell her it's not safe. The hallway behind appears brightly lit in this shot. It then cuts to Lisa telling them her plan and when it cuts back to Homer and Marge, the hallway behind them is much more dimly lit.

Revealing mistake: Bargain Bin: When the family run outside to see the mothership flying over their house, they stand on the front doorstep. Homer and Bart's left foot can be seen unnaturally overlapping with the vertical side of the step.
Audio problem: Bartman Begins: Right before Bart goes to lean down to pick up the manual off the ground, he says "This is so weird." When he finishes the line, his mouth can be seen making a circular shape from when he said the R in "weird", however this wouldn't have been possible as the line would have ended with a D, meaning his lips should have been stretched and not making the circular shape that was shown.

Character mistake: Game Over: In the flashback of God playing the Simpsons Game, there is a newspaper article on the wall with the headline "MAN ON MOON." Naturally, there will be spaces in between each of the words, but there are also spaces in between some of the letters in the word MOON; there is a space in between the M and first O, and a space in between the first and second O that shouldn't be there.

Continuity mistake: Bartman Begins: When Chief Wiggum arrives to arrest Skinner, Lou and Eddie are behind him. Eddie on Wiggum's left and Lou is on Wiggum's right. But a couple of seconds later, when the three walk over to Skinner, Eddie and Lou have swapped places.

Continuity mistake: Game Over: When Lisa has finished building the stairway to heaven, there is a wide shot that shows the stairway complete in its entirety. When the shot cuts to Lisa, she has suddenly appeared at the bottom of the staircase.

Other mistake: Game Over: When Lisa has finished building the stairway to heaven, there is a shot shown from behind the large crowd of people that pulls back to reveal the stairway of Springfield buildings. In the shot, everyone in the large crowd appears to be looking at the stairway, but Private Burns appears to be looking off to the right and not at the large stairway.

Continuity mistake: Game Over: When everyone begins running through the door back to Springfield, a few extra pieces of rubble suddenly appear next to the door when the shot cuts.

Continuity mistake: Big Super Happy Fun Game: When Homer tells Milhouse to beat it, he raises his right fist and leaves his left arm at his side, but when the shot cuts, his left fist is also raised.

Continuity mistake: Five Characters In Search Of An Author: When Matt Groening is watching Homer and Bart through the security camera footage, his hands are clasped. When the shot cuts, his hands are apart.

Continuity mistake: Medal of Homer: When Bart asks what war they are in, Homer replies saying it's the Civil War, and he raises his right hand. When the shot cuts, his right hand is lowered.

Continuity mistake: Enter the Cheatrix: When the Rift Portal appears after Frink gives Bart and Lisa the strategy guide, in the shot of them getting inside the portal, a piece of paper with some test results can be seen sticking out of the side of the portal. In the next shot, the results shown on the paper have suddenly vanished, leaving the paper blank.

Continuity mistake: Enter the Cheatrix: When Professor Frink climbs down the ladder to talk with Bart and Lisa after he is saved by them, they stand next to a large machine that Frink uses to bring a Rift Portal to them. At the start of the cutscene, the arrow on the right-hand side of the machine is pointed to the left. When the Rift Portal appears, the arrow is pointed to the middle.