Revealing mistake: Game Over: When the characters are all running toward the door to Springfield, an anthropomorphic dog from Grand Theft Scratchy can be seen running over a piece of rubble on the ground. His posture or balance are not affected in any way, almost as if it was drawn so his foot wasn't supposed to interact with anything on the ground.

Revealing mistake: Bargain Bin: When Bart is looking up the Simpsons Game on the internet, in the wide shot of the living room, there is a plug socket shown on the wall to the left of shot. This plug socket has no holes to insert the plug into or a switch.

Revealing mistake: Bartman Begins: When Bart is telling Homer about his new powers, there are a couple of buildings to the left of shot that are drawn incorrectly. The doors to these buildings are drawn almost exactly the same as the windows, where there are no door frames or handles shown on them.

Revealing mistake: Bargain Bin: When the Simpsons are in the living room, Homer is shown with his left arm lying on the armrest. There appears to have been an animation error, as Homer's arm is drawn as if it is placed on top of the armrest, but his arm is placed against the armrest. His arm appears to be resting and his fingers are curled as if he is supposed to be clutching the sides, but since his arm is against the side of the couch, the effect comes off as unnatural.

Revealing mistake: Bargain Bin: Homer takes out a pencil so that he can put on a ruse when "the boss" turns up. This pencil seems to pop-up in his hand out of nowhere. It could have been inside a pocket on his shirt, but the pencil is too big to have been inside the pocket and there should've been an outline of the pencil is there was. The way it's all animated makes it seem as if the pencil materialised in his hand out of thin air.

Revealing mistake: Mob Rules: When Marge and Lisa witness Martin carjacking Ned, in the shot of Martin saying "Gimme your ride, jerk", Marge raises her hand to her mouth. When she raises her hand, part of the baby carrier she is carrying Maggie around in is not fully drawn in.

Revealing mistake: Bargain Bin: When the Simpsons are sitting at the computer, the Ethernet cable seen coming out of the back of the computer doesn't appear to lead anywhere. The Ethernet cable is shown attached to the computer, but it ends after a few inches and is not attached to anything else. The animation for the cable was incomplete.

Revealing mistake: Medal of Homer: After Homer says "It's the Civil War, duh", it cuts to an angle behind Homer and Bart. For the first frame of the shot, a couple of the lights in the village are not switched on and no smoke can be seen coming out of the chimneys. The lights and chimney smoke just pop-up on screen a couple frames into the shot.
Revealing mistake: Bartman Begins: When Bart is walking through the alleyway, complaining he only has the games he bought yesterday, he steps on top of a discarded wrapper, but wrapper is unaffected by getting stepped on by Bart's foot. It remains in the same position and is never shown bending.
Revealing mistake: Mob Rules: When Lisa is asking Marge if she finds it hypocritical that she is opposed violence in games, yet she used violence to get her way, the body movements used for the mob appear to be repeated and reused throughout the shot. Every time they are shown waving their arms, they appear to move in the exact same way.
Revealing mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: An alien takes the coupons that Cletus is holding. After looking at them, the alien throws each of the coupons to the ground, one by one. The same animation is reused for each of the coupons falling, as shown by the fact that all of them appear to fall to the ground in the exact same fashion.

Revealing mistake: Mob Rules: When Mayor Quimby and the games producer are in the hot tub, the two of them are holding glasses filled with wine, but the wine always remains in fixed position, even if the glasses are being tilted to the side.
Revealing mistake: The Land of Chocolate: When Homer wakes up from his dream, their is a wrapper on his shirt from one of the Hershel's Smoochies chocolates. The wrapper looks nowhere near convincing and is just a poorly animated squiggle - the wrapper on his shirt is supposed to be scrunched up, but it is drawn as a 2D shape and is animated onto his shirt.
Revealing mistake: Grand Theft Scratchy: In the second district, you have to create a bridge using Lisa's Hand of Buddha. During this, the player will be able to pick up a piece of highway to the left of the bridge. If the highway is picked up and then dropped, the piece of highway will fade through the highway support.
Revealing mistake: Grand Theft Scratchy: Whenever a house is getting rebuilt, the smoke created from the construction is constantly shown passing through the house.
Revealing mistake: Grand Theft Scratchy: As soon as the level starts, a cat pimp walks into shot. His legs are passing through his coat.

Revealing mistake: NeverQuest: Just after taking down The Dragon for the first time in the level in the village, a cut scene begins where Homer and Marge start to kiss. The animation on Homer's mouth is seriously messed up as he and Marge kiss. You can see some of his lip is in the corner of his stubble, which isn't normal.
Revealing mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: When Homer and Bart watch the mall be invaded, the citizens being sucked into the ship are just the same people repeated three times.

Revealing mistake: Bargain Bin: When the family run outside to see the mothership flying over their house, they stand on the front doorstep. Homer and Bart's left foot can be seen unnaturally overlapping with the vertical side of the step.

Revealing mistake: Mob Rules: After part of Town Hall collapses, the shot cuts to Marge and Lisa. Lisa can be seen holding a lit torch, but for the first frame of the shot, the fire doesn't appear to have been animated onto the torch. The fire just pops up on-screen a few frames after the shot starts.