Continuity mistake: As Dylan and Fuller approach the Horsemen's apartment, there is a close-up of the apartment door's doorknob that shows the door is only open a few inches. From a low angle of Dylan opening the door, the door is now open almost halfway. (01:16:25)

Continuity mistake: When Dylan and Alma go to interrogate Daniel, the first shot of Daniel shows him playing with some cards. On the desk is the card box the cards go in. In the next shot, the card box is suddenly in his hand and the cards are suddenly back in the box. Theatrical version only.

Continuity mistake: Once the teleport device is unveiled, Merritt walks the banker over to the device. During this shot, Henley is on the right side of the device, walks over to it, and begins to reach down for something, but by the next shot, she is right back where she started and not reaching down for anything. (00:20:00)

Continuity mistake: After the Horsemen have left the FBI, Fuller says to Dylan "Guess who was sitting there in the back..." During this shot, two men and a woman are visible in the background are about to walk down a flight of stairs. 2 shots later, there is no sign of them. Then they are visible walking on the sidewalk when the camera is on Dylan in the next shot. In this shot, they walk past Dylan. But 2 shots later, they are still yet to walk past Dylan. (00:32:30)

Continuity mistake: After arriving at 5 Pointz, someone tries to find the combination for the safe and it is revealed to have had a green handkerchief attached to the rear end. Dylan then pulls on the handkerchief and keeps pulling on it to reveal more coloured handkerchiefs until it stops and a timer is heard ticking. When the clicking sound is heard, Dylan is shown holding onto the knot between a purple handkerchief and a blue handkerchief. The shot then cuts to Agent Cowan saying "What is this?", but when the shot cuts back to Dylan, he is suddenly holding the knot between a blue handkerchief and a yellow handkerchief. Then in the next shot, his entire hand is held onto the blue handkerchief. (01:33:25)
Continuity mistake: At the start of the New Orleans show, Henley is wearing trousers. But by the time, the rabbit trick begins, she is suddenly wearing a dress. She goes back to wearing trousers once she jumps into the bubble. (00:53:30 - 00:54:45)
Continuity mistake: The shot before Daniel throws the cuffs onto Dylan's wrists, he lifts his arms beginning to throw the cuffs on his hand. In the next shot, his arms are back on the table ready to throw the cuffs a second time. This is only visible at the very start of shot so you have to be quick to see it. (00:31:25)

Continuity mistake: Dylan and Alma go on a plane to New Orleans. In the first shot of the cabin, the shot pans from the passengers over to Dylan and Alma. When the shot stops panning, there are papers on Dylan's table. The paper on top is facing a 12 o'clock direction. Alma asks Dylan to pick out a card and he does. When he puts the card back, the paper on top is now facing a 10 o'clock direction without him ever moving it. (00:40:45)
Continuity mistake: After hypnotizing the woman in the cafe, Merritt goes over to her husband and begins to mind read him. Merritt begins to say "I'm picturing, don't tell me" and the man replies "Of course." When the man finishes saying "Of course", his head is shifted to the right about 40 degrees, but from the following reverse angle, his head is only shifted about one degree. (00:02:30)

Continuity mistake: When Daniel is handcuffed to the table and Dylan grabs him, the handcuffs come undone, then in next shot they are shut again. (00:28:15)
Continuity mistake: After Dylan is transported under the stage to the Horsemen's fake vault, Alma, Thaddeus and Thaddeus' assistant open the vault door after walking down the stairs. Thaddeus walks in and Dylan asks "What was with the helmet?" Thaddeus then exits the shot after Dylan finishes the line, but within a split second, Thaddeus has suddenly moved half way across the room with no time to do so. (00:36:15)
Continuity mistake: In the very first shot of Dylan, he is shown walking out of a casino with a guy. As his phone rings, he says to the man "Hold up here" and he stands still. In the next shot, 360 degree panning shot around Dylan is shown and the guy has suddenly vanished. (00:23:30)
Continuity mistake: When Dylan is shown the interrogation tape of Daniel stealing his phone, the video frame shows no lower than Daniel's belt as he tells them to zoom in tighter. But in a close-up of the video when Dylan says "Tighter" a second time, the video frame now shows almost half of his trousers visible within the video frame. (01:13:50)
Continuity mistake: When Merritt mind reads Daniel to find out he is a "control freak", Henley is behind Daniel. Then she is standing next to him, then back to behind him where she takes a step forward to be right next to him. (00:10:50)
Continuity mistake: When Daniel starts doing a card trick on Thaddeus in their room, all four Horsemen are standing even with each other. A couple shots later, Henley and Jack are both suddenly standing behind Daniel and Merritt. Then a few shots after that, they are even with each other again. Extended version. (00:51:30)
Continuity mistake: When the Horsemen find the blueprints, as Henley says "I really want to meet them", she is standing about a foot away from Daniel. But in the next shot, she's suddenly standing several feet away from him. (00:14:15)
Continuity mistake: In the 5 Pointz, Queens scene where three of the four horsemen project themselves on the walls of the building, you see a cut to them standing in front of their three cameras. The cameras are pointed closely at their faces and yet you see a complete body shot of each one on the walls. (01:34:35)
Continuity mistake: When Alma and Dylan (after Dylan comes to their room after drinking) are talking, Alma's bra slides down over shoulder. In the next shot (over Alma's shoulder) it's back on her shoulder. (01:11:30)

Continuity mistake: As Jack shows Dylan the cards (before throwing them at him), Dylan then says "Really?" And we can see there is already a huge red scratch on his cheek, which isn't caused until the cards are thrown. It couldn't have been from when Jack threw the flash paper at Dylan because no scratch mark was visible when that happened. (01:18:50)
Continuity mistake: When Merritt mind reads the cafe guy, he "picks up a woman's name" and starts saying "A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - Janet." In the rapid shot of the man's mouth when Merritt says this shows his head in fixed position. But in the rapid shot of the man's eyes when Merritt says this now shows his head shifted a bit. (00:02:50)
Answer: He confessed under the pretense that he didn't want an expensive trial but really because he was in charge of the Eye all along.